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Speakers: Nick Diego

  • Developer Hours: Exploring Synced Pattern Overrides in WordPress 6.6

    Speakers: Nick Diego, Ryan Welcher

    June 11, 2024 — WordPress 6.6 will be released on July 16, 2024, and one of the exciting new features will be overrides for synced patterns. Overrides allow you to ensure a synced layout and style across patterns while allowing each instance of the pattern to have customized content. This provides flexibility to content editors while enforcing design consistency.

    In this Developer Hours session, we explored how you’ll be able to implement overrides in 6.6 (or today using the Gutenberg plugin) and how they work under the hood. You will learn:

    – What Synced Pattern Overrides are and when you should use them
    – How to create overrides in the Editor
    – What blocks and attributes are currently supported
    – How overrides work at a fundamental level and their connection to the Block Bindings API
    – How to share your feedback and help contribute to the future enhancement of this feature

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  • Developer Hours: Creating WordPress Playground Blueprints for Testing and Demos

    Speakers: Birgit Pauli-Haack, Nick Diego

    May 28, 2024 — WordPress Playground offers a powerful way to experiment with WordPress environments instantaneously. In this session, we dove into the world of WordPress Playground blueprints, exploring how they can be used to create dynamic, disposable WordPress instances.

    We started with a brief overview of WordPress Playground, ensuring you have a solid understanding of its capabilities. Then, we looked at the details of blueprint creation and usage, providing hands-on examples and practical tips. When watching the recording, you will learn how to:

    – Set up your first Playground environment.
    – Create custom blueprints that include specific plugins, themes, and content.
    – Use blueprints for testing, which includes enabling experimental features in Gutenberg.
    – Use WP-CLI commands with Playground to add posts and attachments.
    – Leverage blueprints for teaching and demonstrations.
    – And much more!

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  • Developer Hours: Alternatives to Custom Meta Boxes in the Block Editor

    Speakers: Ryan Welcher, Nick Diego

    May 14, 2024 — Custom meta boxes have been a common tool used by plugin and theme developers to add additional functionality to posts and pages in WordPress. While meta boxes are supported in the Block Editor, they are considered a “legacy” tool and do not provide an ideal user experience. There are also a number of technical downsides to meta boxes, and developers are encouraged to migrate to alternatives.

    In this session, we explored the current options available for adding custom plugin and theme settings in the Block Editor and how you can manage metadata using React and native WordPress components. You will learn how to:

    – Use slots to add custom panels in the Settings Sidebar
    – Implement a modal for additional settings
    – Fetch and save post metadata using JavaScript
    – Connect post metadata to blocks

    Presentation Slides »

  • Developer Hours: Creating dynamic content with Block Bindings and Custom Fields

    Speakers: Justin Tadlock, Nick Diego

    April 30, 2024 — WordPress 6.5 introduced the Block Bindings API, which lets you connect custom fields (or any data) to Core blocks. In this session, we discussed how this fits into the bigger picture of the block system and how you can combine it with existing features, laying the groundwork for much more advanced and dynamic site builds.

    You’ll learn everything you need to know to start using the Block Bindings API.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Developer Hours: Building custom blocks with the Interactivity API

    Developer HoursSpeakers: Damon Cook, Nick Diego

    April 9, 2024 — The Interactivity API was recently released in WordPress 6.5. Now is the time to experiment with the API and incorporate interactions into your custom blocks, but where should you start?

    Often, the best way to learn is through real-world examples. In this Developer Hours session, Damon Cook from WP Engine demonstrates how he built a form submission block that leverages the API. This example will teach you how to kickstart a custom interactive block using the Create Block package, use directives to assign critical attributes to your HTML markup, create the store, and hook up the client-side JavaScript.


    Damon’s demo plugin: https://github.com/colorful-tones/feedback-block
    Interactivity API documentation: https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/reference-guides/packages/packages-interactivity/
    Tutorial on building a custom block: https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/getting-started/tutorial/

  • Developer Hours: Exploring Block Hooks in WordPress 6.5

    Speakers: Nick Diego, Bernie Reiter

    March 26, 2024 — This one-hour session explores the recent changes to the Block Hooks API in WordPress 6.5 with one of the lead developers, Bernie Reiter. In addition to covering the basics, we’ll look at practical examples that you can implement in your own projects.

    First introduced in WordPress 6.4, Block Hooks provides an extensibility mechanism for Block Themes. It allows you to inject a dynamic block in a location specified by an “anchor” block and a relative position. For example, you could automatically insert an eCommerce Shopping Cart block at the end of a site’s Navigation block from a plugin.

    The API emulates WordPress’ Hooks concept, which allows you to extend Classic Themes using filters and actions. It’s one of the most exciting new features for extenders and will see numerous enhancements in WordPress 6.5.

  • Developer Hours: Exploring the Interactivity API in WordPress 6.5

    Speakers: David Arenas, Justin Tadlock, Nick Diego

    March 12, 2024 — WordPress 6.5 is launching the Interactivity API, a standardized feature set for building interactive front-end experiences, such as lightboxes, sliders, and more.

    After a couple of years of exploring, designing, and implementing it, the Interactivity API will be officially opened to developers to build on top of. This is a significant milestone that will enable the creation of seamless, dynamic interactions that are readily accessible for all WordPress developers. And it’s all possible through an experience that is familiar and compatible with the block ecosystem.

    During the session, we examined the API’s surface and demonstrate its full potential with some detailed examples. We also answered audience questions throughout.

  • Developer Hours: JavaScript for modern WordPress development

    Speakers: Ryan Welcher, Nick Diego

    February 13, 2024 — This one-hour session explores how JavaScript is used in modern WordPress development. Whether you’re just beginning your WordPress journey, or if you’re already familiar with development and looking to stay updated with the latest techniques, this talk will equip you with the knowledge and practical tools to effectively build your own custom blocks and Editor extensions.

    Links shared in the talk are available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14hfp9Pe2bEzRTQLcoYTcmuD5WshIs6BS40O_UeDkqvA/edit

  • Developer Hours: Build your first WordPress block

    Speakers: Nick Diego, Ryan Welcher

    January 16, 2024 — Welcome to the first Developer Hours session of 2024 where we explored the “Build your first block” tutorial from the Block Editor Handbook.

    During the session, we worked through the tutorial together, answering any questions folks had along the way. Attendees learned the basics of building a custom block, including the key concepts of block development and an overview of the common tools and packages used.

  • Developer Hours: Modern WordPress development with the wp-scripts package

    Speakers: Justin Tadlock, Ryan Welcher, Nick Diego

    December 19, 2023 — In the final installment of Developer Hours for 2023, we explored how the wp-scripts package has become an essential tool for modern WordPress development, such as when building blocks and block themes. If you are looking to streamline your development process, harness the power of build tools, and simplify tasks such as checking for compliance with WordPress coding standards, this session recording is for you.