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Legal Document Management

Centralize your contracts for your sales, procurements and Legal team and easily manage your company's legal processes

They trust us

Before deploying AODocs, I was lucky if I would get back half of the contracts we signed – and it was not for lack of trying. This historically was a problem – as we did not have full visibility into our commitments. As a result, there were a number of contracts that auto-renewed and we had to pay $500K for services we did not need [...].

AODocs allows us to maintain all documents and correspondence associated with one contract at the same place – which makes cross-refencing easy and would be very challenging to do manually based on past experiences. I have seen the alternative my previous job – where I used email and excel to track things, and it was a nightmare. This saves me at least a couple of hours a day – and I am sure it also makes our field operators more productive [...].

Group 36


Centralize contracts, AI review and Case Management.



Auto-renewals, Dashboards.

CLM Agreement


Accelerate sales cycles, NDA
and legal reviews.


Contract Repository with Advanced Permissions

One centralized and secured cloud-based repository that gives you visibility across all your contracts, removes silos, and creates a single source of truth, along with granular permissions at the client level and/or contract level.

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A centralized system of record for all your matters and documents

With AODocs Document Management solution, store and manage all your legal documents in one unified platform. For each matter, store and access from one single place all associated information, documents (and their versions) and invoices. Also save and manage emails thanks to AODocs’ integration with Outlook and Gmail.


Entity Management and Governance

With AODocs entity management solution, you will finally benefit from a comprehensive view of your subsidiaries and related corporate information and documents. Details on capital, shareholders, legal representation, power of attorneys and any corporate event will be accessible in a couple clicks.

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Intellectual Property Management

The stakes are high when you manage IP rights. With AODocs, you can manage your entire IP portfolio (brand, domain name, patent, etc.) in one single platform and be sure to never miss an IP renewal again.

  • Text Files

  • Google Workspace

  • Signature

  • Emails

  • Business Systems

PDF Word documents
Work with Microsoft Word documents and PDFs

AODocs offers unparalleled integration with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite). Access your documents from your Google Drive interface. Seamlessly open and edit Google docs, sheets, slides. And leverage all Google real-time collaborative features.

Google Workspace integration
Connect AODocs with your Google Workspace 

AODocs offers unparalleled integration with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite). Access your documents from your Google Drive interface. File emails and documents to AODocs directly from Gmail.  Seamlessly open and edit Google Docs, sheets, and slides. And leverage all Google real-time collaborative features.

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Connect AODocs with DocuSign or Adobe Sign

Send contracts for e-signature directly from AODocs, keep track of signature status, and automate the filing of signed contracts in your centralized repository.

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Easily File Emails

AODocs' Outlook addin and Gmail addon allows you to import and file any or all emails, and link them to a contract or a client/service provider.

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Connect Your Existing Business Systems

The AODocs API allows you to connect your existing ERP, CRM, PLM, or other business systems to AODocs. That means you gain more power from your investments in SAP, Salesforce, and the like.

Book a demo with our specialist or legal specialist


10 key benefits of a Contract Lifecycle Management Solution


Empower Your Legal Team with Google Collaboration


A Smart Contract Repository Is a Must-Have for All Businesses


Legal Tech 101: Why is Contract Lifecycle Management a must have?