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2024 Winter Membership Newsletter
Learn about our biggest wins of 2023 for endangered species, public lands, the climate, and more and get the scoop on our 2024 priorities. You can also read a letter straight from the executive director about the Center and allies finally scoring protection for wolverines after a 30-year fight.

Check it out.

Gender and the Climate Crisis: Equitable Solutions for Climate PlanThe Influence of Environmental Toxicity, Inequity and Capitalism on Reproductive Health
This report describes the reproductive harm caused by fossil fuel extraction, plastic products, industrial agriculture, and climate change. It provides solutions to advance reproductive and environmental health.

Gender and the Climate Crisis: Equitable Solutions for Climate PlanGender and the Climate Crisis: Equitable Solutions for Climate Plan
The effects of rising greenhouse gas emissions are more harmful to women, gender diverse people, and Black, Indigenous and people of color, although these communities contribute less to climate change. This underscores the need to include gender frameworks and gender diverse voices from communities of color into climate action planning.

A Wall in the Wild, report cover A Wall in the Wild: The Disastrous Impacts of Trump's Border Wall on Wildlife
Trump's border wall will be a deathblow to already endangered animals on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. This study examines the impacts of construction of that wall on threatened and endangered species that live along the border, from jaguars to ocelots to tiny, rare owls found nowhere else.

A Wild Success
This in-depth report — the first of its kind — examines the population trends of all 120 bird species that have ever been protected under the Endangered Species Act, finding that this crucial law has been extraordinarily successful in recovering imperiled birds. Read the report now.

Throwing Shade
A renewable energy future depends largely on distributed solar energy, whose U.S. expansion relies largely on state policies — yet many states' pol;icies donmt make the grade. For this report, we highlight and "grade" 10 states that are blocking distributed solar potential through overtly lacking and destructive distributed solar policy. You can also check out our webpage on the report.

Costs and Consequences: The Real Price of Livestock Grazing on America's Public Lands
This analysis finds that U.S. taxpayers have lost more than $1 billion over the past decade on a program that allows cows and sheep to graze on public land. Last year alone taxpayers lost $125 million in grazing subsidies on federal land. Read the report to find out more.

Making Room for Wolf Recovery: The Case for Maintaining Endangered Species Act Protections for America's Wolves
This first-of-its-kind analysis by the Center for Biological Diversity identifies 359,000 square miles of additional habitat for gray wolves in 19 of the lower 48 states that could significantly boost the nation's 40-year wolf recovery efforts.

Troubled Waters: Offshore Fracking's Threat to California's Ocean, Air and Seismic Stability
This report released by Center scientists outlines the serious dangers posed by toxic chemicals, air pollution and increased earthquake risk linked to offshore fracking near Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.

Collision Course: The Government's Failing System for Protecting Manatees From Deadly Boat Strikes
Collisions with watercraft are a persistent and often deadly threat to endangered Florida manatees — yet our report shows that neither the Army Corps of Engineers nor the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have truly protected them while authorizing thousands of risky projects.


Photo © John Villinski, Abstract Southwest