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You Bet Your Life (TV Series 1950–1961) Poster


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Before My Time, But Still Timeless
quitwastingmytime24 July 2021
I was born years after the series ended, only discovered this recently. Outside of Steve Harvey, I can't think of any game show host anywhere as close to being as funny and quick witted, and done entirely off the cuff, as Groucho. I've even taken to looking up his old appearances on Dick Cavett and elsewhere.

He is easily as funny on this show as in the classic Marx Brothers films of the 30s. The game show itself was almost irrelevant. It was just an excuse to hear one of the funniest men of the century.

Each week the show had some pretty interesting guests. Old time actors, unusual families. On one show a cowboy star challenged Marx to a staged boxing match, doing a stunt fall though the man was perhaps in his 60s.

Marx seemed to especially enjoy having immigrants as guests, asking them their backgrounds. One of the most remarkable was a Pakistani engineering student, wearing a turban and discussing his Muslim faith, praised by Groucho as "a great ambassador for his people." Keep in mind this was in the 1950s, over a half century before a certain president demonized Muslims and immigrants.

The world is a brighter and more joyful place for you having been in it, Mr. Marx.
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The Secret Word is "Classic", YOU BET YOUR LIFE had plenty of Fun, Sincereity, Groucho and The Duck Flying Down to Pay Off!
redryan648 August 2007
Like all of the local TV Channels, our home town Chicago CBS Affiliate, WBBM Channel 2 had gone out and gotten what was the then 'best available' package of older movies. In their case, it was the whole kit and kapoodle of the MGM back library, or at least the better part of it.

They were immediately put to good use, as Channel 2 immediately launched feature films in some very strategic spots. First off, they inaugurated the Saturday Night 10:30 to Midnight(time approximate)slot with the top films that they had under the Umbrella Heading of "THE BEST OF MGM!"* The weekday nightly film, which started at either 10:30 or 11:00 entitled, "THE LATE SHOW." Logically, if there was a Late Show, then there had to be a daily afternoon film and it was called, (Are you ready for this one?)"THE EARLY SHOW!", in the 4:30 to 6:00 slot.

Well, it was the reason for this extended intro and seemingly unrelated couple o' paragraphs,that we both labored under. Of these 3 Marx Brothers, the first 2 were an Italian immigramt/Italian Impersonator, Chico with all his double talk routines, imitation Italian accent and malapropism; and brother, Harpo, mute on the screen but capable of generating as much laughter as any 2 lesser funny men.

And with them, was a young, energetic monologist, who used heavy greasepaint to feign bushy eyebrows and heavily mustachioed face. It was sort of shocking to a 5th Grader, but this young bespectacled and cigar smoking' guy looked like a younger version of a favourite TV Comedian of ours, Groucho Marx! What a shock to find-out that t'is was the very same fellow! You see, to a 'Baby-boomer' a film like this one, A DAY AT THE RACES(1935), was looked upon as a prequel to NBC TV's YOU BET YOUR LIFE!

Most of any folks of about 60 years got their first view of a middle-aged, sharp witted, fast on the draw, quick on the come back, Groucho. We learned of their movies at MGM later. Still later, we discovered 4 Marx Brothers when their five Paramount Pictures were also sold to television.

But as for our Groucho, he was the MC of this non spectacular quiz format half hour. The format of the game varied as little from season to season, as various ways of gaining about the same end were given tryouts over the 11 seasons. (That's eleven (11) years, not counting the show's Genisis on NBC Radio.) As Groucho's straight man and foil, Announcer George Fenneman, was present for all of the TV segments. George was the perennial "Good Sport" American Citizen. Whatever the craze or stunt, Groucho had George do it. Where something odd called for a 'volunteer' to act as a tester, Mr. Marx always 'volunteered' George. Whenever a lovely, young and eligible Lady would appear, you could be sure Groucho would try to act as 'Matchmaker'. All the time, never a mention of George's being happily married with children, already! There was some rumor that Fenneman did not like his Boss, and that Groucho mistreated him. In later years, George dispelled such as strictly bunk! In some latter day interviews for television special(THE UNKNOWN MARX BROS., I think), Mr. Fenneman proved him to be a true fan of the Marxes when growing up. He made mention of seeing the on-stage material try-outs that the Brothers did for their first MGM Pictures He saw them over and over again, never guessing that he'd work with Groucho one day.

The featured contestants were mainly just common folk, selected from the studio audience. They would have their time talk with and get interviewed by Groucho. Groucho would have benefit of summaries of each person's occupation, interests and peculiarities. The banter would back and forth, and everybody took their turn on the carpet.

As it was a filmed rather than live presentation(no video tape in use until 1958), naturally, it was edited. The crews reportedly filmed about an hour and left in the best to fill out this half-hour. This wasn't cheating, as Groucho was as fast with the barb as anyone and being TV, everything had to be sharply timed, split second precision and "humming" like a fine Swiss watch with jeweled movement.

In addition to the 'common folk', a large number of celebrities from the Worlds of Hollywood, the Sports Page and others of the Famous and Infamous, made regular appearances teamed with the regular folks. As just a sampling we remember*** seeing such luminaries as Boxing Legend- Mickey Walker, Action/Western Star-Ray "Crash" Corrigan, Singer-Bobby Van, The Champ(Himself)-Joe Louis,USC Football Twins Marlin McKeever and brother(?), the 'Dixie Derrick', World's Strongest Man-Paul Anderson (fresh from victory at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics), Mr. Universe-Reg Lewis, Pro Wrestlers "Wild" Red Berry and 600 lb.'Haystacks' Calhoun, Pacific Coast League(later American League)Umpire-Emmett Ashford. Character Comedian, Pedro Gonzalez-Gonzalez,with a little radio experience got 'discovered while a contestant on YOU BET YOUR LIFE!

Groucho never forgot the family either, as Harpo made an "unscheduled" appearance in order to hawk his 1961 autobiography, HARPO SPEAKS! Chico and Harpo were also seen in commercials for Prom Home Permanent.

As for commercial identification their with the program was a pair of now defunct cars from the Chrysler Corporation, who acted as the footer of bills for several seasons. We could count on the ending of each show to include Groucho's popping out of a port-hole, imparting his wisdom with, "....and be sure to stop in and see your local DeSoto/Plymouth Dealer! And when you do, tell him Groucho sent you!", ending it with a couple of rapid eyebrow raises!

And through all seasons, all shows, Groucho Marx proved himself to be a most intelligent, well (self)educated and decent of a man. He always seemed to be rooting for the contestants to win.
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An Early TV Game Show Classic
hfan7723 March 2010
I remember watching You Bet Your Life aka The Best of Groucho in the mid 70s and I thought it was an early TV game show classic. Before it's long TV run, it began in the late 40s on radio. The show was also very funny, thanks to the quips and one-liners from host Groucho Marx. The quiz portion was incidental to the interviews from Groucho. Not only could contestants win money on the quiz they can also win if someone says the secret word, enable a stuffed duck to come down from the ceiling. The duck was used because Groucho didn't want sirens blaring in his ear when someone said the word. The secret word was later used on the hit kids show Pee Wee's Playhouse.

Also sharing in the fun was George Fenneman, announcer, straight man and scorekeeper. In an episode where Groucho, Edgar Bergen, and their daughters Melinda and Candice teamed up to win money for the Girl Scouts, Fenneman became the quiz master for that segment.

The most memorable contestant on the show was Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez, a poor, illiterate Hispanic father who brought the house down since he was very funny. He later when on to roles in several movies. Phyllis Diller made her national TV debut on You Bet Your Life and in a later episode, Groucho's brother Harpo made a cameo appearance.

Fortunately, contestants never left the show broke. If they didn't do well in the quiz, Groucho would ask a question such as "Who's buried in Grant's Tomb?" or one I remember "In what city is the London Times published?"

Despite the several format changes to the quiz segment, You Bet Your life was a very funny show, thanks to the one, the only GROUCHO!
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Before the duck
krorie22 March 2006
This was the first show I saw on the new invention called television. I was eight or nine years old. My family followed the tomato harvest and found jobs at a Brooks Ketchup factory in Shirley, Indiana. That would have been the summer and fall of 1951 or 1952. While driving to find work we stopped at a country store to ask directions. It was getting dark. The owner who waited on us lived in back. His wife was watching "You Bet Your Life" on TV. I had heard of the new invention but had never seen one. I was already a fan of the show because my dad and I listened to it on radio on a regular basis. The owner saw me eying the TV through the open door. "Go back and watch it," he invited me. And so I did for just a few minutes. It encouraged us to save our pennies and get our own set in 1953.

Groucho was a comic genius who was a master of one liners and clever repartee. The most famous joke about the woman with the big family who told Groucho she loved her husband and Groucho replying, "I love my cigar too but I take it out of my mouth once in a while," never aired in Arkansas (KARK, NBC, Channel 4, in Little Rock) because of censorship. But Groucho's retort made the rounds and everyone knew about it.

I was too young to know the Marx Brothers, though later I was able to enjoy their classic movies. So when Groucho had a brother on his show I would see him for the first time. I vividly remember one program when Harpo was guest and he almost outdid Groucho. Chico too nearly stole the show from Groucho the night he was on. I remember Groucho would have his daughter on from time to time. She was about my age. I don't know what ever happened to her. As I recall she was not shy and had talent.

The "secret word" was a popular gimmick for the program. At first a young lady in abbreviated attire would come out when someone said the word, which the audience knew but the contestants did not. It took me a while to get used to the duck coming down which replaced the girl, even though as I remember she still appeared now and then.

George Fenneman was not only an elegant announcer but did well as straight man for Groucho. He was a quiet, unassuming person, very likable, who sometimes would have a clever comeback line when Groucho tried to embarrass him. He also announced for the popular "Dragnet" series and had a part in the horror classic "The Thing from Another World."

As Groucho stated, "No one goes away broke." There was a consolation price for the guests who lost if they answered a trick question, usually, "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?" although some did miss it. Groucho would keep asking silly questions until they got their money. Truly, no one ever went away broke.
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Only Game Show in TV History where the Host was The Show !
cshep3 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Julius "Groucho" Marx, whom the Lucky Duck was named after, was the Host and Star of the game show "You Bet Your Life. "

Running on TV, it first premiered on radio, for an unprecedented 11 seasons, the mystique of the show was the host himself. Filmed before a live studio audience, and shown on film for TV, afraid of the censors, the Network Exec's didn't want their show be cut into non- sequiturs.

George Fenneman, the Narrator and foil for Groucho's ad-libs and asides, was the perfect voice for the show. Often upstaged and caught off guard by Groucho's remarks, the unflappable Fenneman was the perfect gentleman.

The show was literally all about Groucho, and his wit. There was more gamesmanship than game, and often the questions were secondary to the rapport between Groucho and the contestants.

Hilarious and spontaneous, Grouch could get the contestants to reveal more about themselves, than they would in a private conversation. Taken from a much more conservative era, Groucho would often push the boundaries of what was appropriate for that time, and turn it into classic and harmless fun. Groucho's perfect timing and delivery were impeccable, and the use of "Julius", the Lucky Duck to present a hundred dollar bill to the player who would say the "Secret Word" of the day, was a stroke of genius.

The Love for this Show, is unparalleled. Now mostly forgotten in the annuls of TV History, people would flock to their TV sets, for a half hour of unpredictable consequences in Black & White, flickering across America through the rooms of TV households, in the darkness of the p.m., outbursts of chuckles and belly laughs could be heard from the darkest recesses of the land.

There was unity.

The staying power of this show was a testament to the talented writers and Groucho, whoever heard of a show with this much staying power, based alone on one person, but the time and place were a perfect vehicle, for someone whose life was based upon living on his wits, and that is the true testament of a man, named "Groucho."

It was , and is a TEN, out of TEN.
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unique TV and radio show
skiddoo10 August 2010
I recently found out that this show was on radio and TV at the same time and there is a video of the radio show (not sponsored by DeSoto) online at http://www.solie.org/ClassicTV/YouBetYourLife_Name.html with the secret word of "name." It's interesting to compare the radio and TV versions with this unedited radio version where we could see what was going on around the action. The more of these I watch, or hear, the more I think Groucho was a very kind man poking gentle, if risqué fun, at the people around him. His support on his show of the couple who adopted multiracial kids (The Family Nobody Wanted) was boldly liberal for his time but then he knew about discrimination based on his being Jewish even when he was rich and famous. Sadly the racism of the time was so vicious that the couple's own family and friends, I read, prevented them from adopting an African American baby. But Groucho wanted them to win the money and leapt on the right answers if he heard them hesitantly spoken, admitting what he was doing. He openly rooted for people who could put the money to charitable use. He was a chiseler but an honest one. :) (I looked up the prize amounts on the inflation calculator to get an idea of what sort of money they could take home. One 1955 dollar equals about eight dollars now.)
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A timelessly beautiful game show
patrickfilbeck1 November 2021
Groucho Marx shows off all of his comedic oeuvre in this early game show classic. With a vehement charm that you can hardly find today, he interviewed his guests and asked them simple questions, the correct answer of which could result in a small blessing for the participants. The whole get-up of the show is so simple and yet so great. Contrary to all the gimmicks of this day and age, this show shows that really big television was on the characters. The moderation is clearly the key to the timeless quality of this series. Great.
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See Groucho ad-lib his way through "You Bet Your Life"
tavm17 August 2007
In honor of Groucho Marx who died nearly 30 years ago at the age of 86, I watched some of his old "You Bet Your Life" TV programs on VHS. The ones I saw had a tall stewardess from Holland who the host shamelessly flirted with, a South American man who's seeing a couple of women while his girlfriend waits to marry him, the mother of Tony Curtis, and a large woman who has big frizzy hair that's thick enough for a sheep! I also watched an early pilot film from 1949 that filmed the radio version in real time before being edited for later transcription on air. This one begins with Groucho-off screen-talking to announcer George Fenneman about his children and finding out he's from China. Among the contestants are a 300-pound tackle from the Green Bay Packers with his equally 6-foot wife and a young and pretty female carhop who gets Groucho's "headlights flashing"! Loved his hugs and kisses on her at the end! More amusing than hilarious, it's always fascinating to watch Groucho in action as he tries to get the best mileage out of his ad-libs (or whatever written lines he sees out of audience's view) to entertaining results. "You Bet Your Life" is fascinating viewing for any Groucho fans wanting to see him post-Marx Brothers.
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schappe19 February 2008
I watched an episode of this famous show on a DVD it shared with many other classic examples of 50's television, one of which was the game show "21", famous for the quiz show scandals. On "21" everything is dead serious, with the contestants sweating out esoteric questions in isolation booths for $50,000 prizes. Host Jack Barry has no time for humor- this is serious business! "You Bet Your Life" was the exact opposite.

It's hard to categorize this show. It's a game show but it's hardly "21". They spend perhaps five of the show's 30 minutes with Groucho asking silly questions, ("What was the profession of that great painter Rembrandt?") and handing out minuscule prizes, ($50 bills). The rest of it is the great comic's banter with his guests, which include show business people, (Sammy Kahn was in this one), and "regular" people, (a couple of beautiful young ladies who worked for NBC- the National Biscuit Company). Sammy even gets to sing a couple of his tunes. The show could easily be called "A Date With Groucho" because that's what it really is.
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Priceless Game Show
Sargebri15 October 2003
This is one of the funniest game shows ever. I remember when this was shown late nights on KTLA 5 on weeknights and whenever I had a chance I would watch it. Groucho Marx was not only one of the funniest hosts on television, he also was one of the brightest. I especially loved the banter he would engaged in with the contestants before he would start the game. This not only provided the show with its sense of humor, but it also put the contestants at ease before the game began. One of these days I hope Game Show Network would bring this back on television. This show is a timeless classic.
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ivan-229 June 2002
I've seen only the first episode, but it's clear that every single show is priceless. Groucho is absolutely brilliant, self-confident, mischievous and avuncular. There is no one like him. The contestants are also fascinating. This show is fresh, spontaneous, relaxed. It's a shame that it isn't being rerun. It has both entertainment and documentary value.
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One of a kind...
jacksonc1 November 2002
I watched this when I was a teenager in the 50s. I caught a few episodes on cable around ten years ago. It wears well. Groucho was a master at the double entendre. Mae West had nothing on him. One example: there was a married couple who had 19 children. Groucho asked the man why they had so many kids. The man said it was because he liked his wife. Groucho replied, "I like my cigar too, but I take it out once in a while." This was more than 40 years ago, it is still timely. Watch it, if you can. You won't regret it.
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Fun show, even for a kid
davebeedon14 July 2005
Groucho sat behind a high desk or lectern, talking to his announcer, the contestants, and the audience, raising his eyebrows or grinning slyly to make or emphasize a joke. He often fiddled with his ever-present cigar. I can't remember if he actually smoked the cigar on the show, but it would not surprise me if he did, as smoking was pervasive in those days.

"You Bet Your Life" was probably shot on a theater stage, as I remember curtains behind the performers. The announcer/straight man George Fenneman, stood nearby (left side of TV screen), his dark hair lying tight against his scalp, perhaps slicked down with Brylcreem or something similar. (To see Fenneman in a dramatic role, watch the original version of the movie "The Thing.") When this show aired on TV in the 1950s, I was in grade school so the verbal humor, aimed at adults, usually went over my head. From a kid's perspective the best part of the show was the institution of the "secret word," announced to the audience (but not the contestants) before contestants appeared on the stage. If a contestant uttered the secret word during the show, he or she would win extra money. Groucho mentioned this concept when introducing the guests at the start of their appearance ("Say the secret word and win $100.") If a contestant said the secret word, it was acknowledged with the appearance of a puppet-type duck that was lowered from above on a string or wire. The duck's mouth held an envelope containing the money and its face was modeled after Groucho's: mustache, thick eyebrows, and (I think) a cigar in its mouth. Great fun!
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You Bet Your Life A Classic Television Show
usaauto13 January 2006
I was born in the middle 50's, and had the chance to be exposed to the You Bet Your Life Television show, what a wonderful show! Many of the stars just starting out or not discovered yet, were the subject of the impeccable host Groucho Marx one line ad-libs, not to mention other people from all walks in life.

George Fenneman,the announcer and straight man for Groucho's antics really was a great off load character for Groucho.

I wish they would bring this program back in re-runs. Originally it was on channel 11, KPLR TV in St.Louis at 10:00 p.m. MOn-Fri..

Really I am a 60's on up fan of television, and some of the crap they have on now, couldn't hold a candle to the early days of television.

Walter R.Deyherle St.Louis, Missouri
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The Best
Weasel1008 April 2005
You know, when Groucho was in the movies with his brothers, he was funny. He had some great one-liners which will be remembered from that period. But his consistent ability to come up with brilliant repartee on the set of "You Bet Your Life" before a live studio audience has to be seen (and heard) to be believed.

I only recently became aware that episodes on "You Bet Your Life" are available on the internet through places like eBay, so I have taken full advantage of that and have purchased quite a number of discs and boxed sets of the programs which my wife and I have since been watching with very great enjoyment. So, for those of you who would like to see episodes of this classic, they are no further away than where are are right now (on the internet).

Even the De Soto/Plymouth commercials from the time are enjoyable; promoting cars that may by modern standards be difficult to drive in a straight line - sorry to any De Soto fans out there. Nonetheless, they are a great accompaniment to this great series of programs.

By the way, about the programs, the game show was never intended to be the major part of the entertainment. It was Groucho who was the star not the contestants or the cars that the show so heavily promoted.

My summary, these programs are absolute classics and I feel very fortunate to have been able to buy some of them because some group of people had the foresight to see that it would be better to get them out on DVD than to lose them all together in a film vault somewhere.

10 out of 10 from me.

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A Lifetime of Laughs
dougdoepke21 April 2017
I was a regular watcher of the show from the time my town got TV in 1952 to roughly the show's end. In the early years, my family would crowd anxiously around the set waiting for the laughs to start. In fact, Groucho's eyebrows often told a story that couldn't be said in those days of TV censorship. Thus there was often an element of comedic surprise not found on other shows.

Today, I enjoy DVD's of the series as much as I did then. Of course, the byplay between Groucho and the contestants was the main magnet, then and now. Also, seeing regular people being interviewed was and remains a good contrast to celebrity TV. Often just plain folks would show a winning personality once Groucho's playful banter put them at ease. Now it's nostalgic seeing the fashions and styles of that day (1950's). He did have celebrity guests on from time to time, but they weren't the staple.

What I didn't know then that I know now-- thanks to IMDb-- is that more preparation went into the show than it appeared. So, you may want to gander at IMDb's Trivia section for details. Nonetheless, the laughs endure. At the same time, the show stands time's test thanks to Groucho's peerless skills and maybe the guy down the street.
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My parents were guests
kattikissa26 September 2007
I want to locate copies of the three consecutive shows that my mother, Tuulikki Woods, was on. Groucho found her when she was modeling appliances on the Queen for a Day Show and invited her to be on You Bet Your Life. She was fresh from Finland and he loved her! On the last week, my father joined her and they won over $1000 dollars, a real fortune to them at the time. I have only seen the show where both my parents are and she displays her ignorance of western geography by answering a question about Mexico with "New Mexico". My dad jokes that the suit is paid for when they win $200, but the truth was that he rented it. My mother told me that Groucho was rather lecherous and she had to slap his hand numerous times. She liked George much better. Does anyone know how I can get copies of these shows? I believe they were made in 1960...
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