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Friends (TV Series 1994–2004) Poster


Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • Sexuality jokes throughout the series.
  • There are many, many sexual references in this show. In some episodes characters say "sex and vagina and penis" In other episodes characters briefly talk about affairs and sex. There at least 5 sexual references in every single episode.
  • Sex is a constant theme of most episodes, with discussion, references, and comments about sexual activities continuously in each episode. Also lots of comments about strippers and porn. While no nudity is shown, couples sleep together and are shown in bed together a lot.
  • There is a part in one episode where the characters are playing strip Happy Days game. We see someone in a bra and it is implied that a character has nothing but his boxers on but we only see the top of him as he is sitting down.
  • Many sexual references throughout the entire series, several each episode. A lot of implementation of sex and sexual acts such as "BJ." Dirty jokes are constant from one specific character.
  • There are some references to sex, penis, vagina, blowjobs and condoms
  • There is a lot of episodes that the women don't have bras on and you can tell.
  • One of the main themes of the show is romance and relationship, but nothing too explicit is ever shown.
  • Many passionate kisses between characters.
  • In some episodes, characters are shown in bed together before or after sex, but as always nothing is ever shown.
  • Joey is a womanizer and often sleeps with the people he dates. Joey sleeps with countless women throughout the series. It is once joked that he has slept with every woman in the city and is making a second round.
  • There is a running joke throughout the series that the six friends spy on Monica's naked neighbor, initially calling him as 'cute naked guy' but later 'ugly naked guy' after he put on weight.
  • One of Ross's ex-wives divorced him after having an affair with a woman and discovering she was lesbian. She then goes on to be the centre of many lesbian jokes throughout the series.
  • In one episode, Chandler enters Monica and Rachel's apartment whilst Rachel is having a shower. Rachel enters the room nude from the waist up, not noticing Chandler. When she sees him, she screams and covers herself up. This scene becomes a running joke and the main plot point of the episode.

Violence & Gore

  • In one episode, Ross attempts to punch Joey but the latter ducks and Ross punches a pillar instead breaking his hand.In the same episode, Joey accidentally punches Ross in the face again.
  • In one Episode Monica and Rachel get into a fight and Phoebe breaks it up by pulling the up by the ear
  • Phoebe mentions that a guy died while she was massaging him
  • There are humorous pratfall or slug here and there. Mild but comical.
  • Ross gets injured regularly. Played for Laughs.
  • There is rare and infrequent comic violence throughout.
  • Phoebe punches Joey in the face and his nose starts to bleed. A little bit of blood can be seen.


  • There is infrequent uses of British profanities such as bloody, arse and bugger.
  • There is no strong language. Only some mild languages such as "crap", "son of a bitch", "damn", "hell", "ass" etc. Word "shit" has been replaced with "shoot". There is no "fuck" word in Friends. (exept of one use of "F-Word")
  • Some uses of bastard
  • Jokes referring to homosexuality are used in the show.
  • Characters using stronger words like "fuck, shit, dick" are always comedically censored (loud music playing over them, being abruptly cut off).
  • Occasional expletives and name calling throughout.
  • The only time you ever hear "shit" being used is in a deleted scene from The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress.
  • In one episode, after Phoebe plays a game and loses, she yells "YOU SON OF A-" and then yells the b-word in slow motion. Then Ross and his son come in and realize what was going on. Ross tries to cover the kid's ears because he didn't want him to hear Phoebe yell the b-word. This scene can be very frightening for children.
  • "Suck," "god," "crap," "piss," "hell," "damn," "ass," "bitch," "bastard," "whore," "wanker," "slut," and "dick," respectively. British swearing is also used like "bloody," "arse," "bugger," and "wanker."
  • Frequent uses of damn, hell, crap, ass. Some uses of bitch, piss, dick (not meaning penis), wank, screw, whore, slut. Also, there is infrequent uses of British profanities such as bloody, arse and bugger.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • In one episode Ross and Rachel drink lots of whiskey, tequila, beer and wine and get very drunk
  • The boys drink beer often
  • One episode is about Rachel smoking
  • There are infrequent references to crack and weed
  • A couple of episodes show people too drunk to think straight and do something stupid.
  • There is a running gag about a main character being an ex-smoker and another about one of the character's parents being a secret smoker.
  • Joke about planting PCP to attract police attention. It never happens and is just a comedic line.
  • Alcohol consumption and characters get drunk sometimes.
  • Some references in dialogue to marijuana, but no use is shown.
  • Characters smoke cigarettes in several episodes; there is a recurring story arc that Chandler is an ex-smoker who frequently lapses under stress.
  • One subplot of one episode is that Ross once lied to his parents about taking drugs and blamed it on Chandler

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Phoebe's mother commited suicide, which quite often is mentioned throughout the series. Phoebe mostly talks about it as if it hadn't affected her. For example, when Monica speaks about a weird thing her mother did, Phoebe answers: "my mum used to put her head in the oven... It was pretty weird" (laughter from the audience). Despite the dark humor, this is played for laughs.
  • This series deal with divorce, single parenthood, infertility, and more. The topics are treated sensitively but with the irreverence expected from a sitcom.
  • No frightening content however there is some infrequent emotional scenes in at least every season once or twice, which can be found intense.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • At the start of Season 5 Chandler and Monica has sex and the whole season is about hiding it from Ross, Joey, Rachel, Pheobe. Joey ends up finding out and in the Episode called 'The one where everyone finds out'. Everyone figures it out
  • There is an episode where it is heavily implied although never said that Joey is circumcised.
  • In another episode, Ross is in bed. Rachel walks in wearing lingerie designed after Princess Leia's golden bikini from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. They are about to have sex until Ross accidentally imagines his mom in the costume due to something Chandler said earlier. This disturbs Ross.

Violence & Gore

  • In one episode, Chandler and Ross are repeatedly terrorised in the coffee house by two bullies. The pair finally stand up to them and prepare to fight them outside but the fight never takes place after two thieves steal the four guys belongings which leads to them chasing down the thieves and fighting with them instead (this fight takes place offscreen). Ross,Chandler and the two bullies end the episode as friends.
  • There's a flashback of Phoebe in her "past life", where she is tending the injured in war. Her arm then gets blown off by a canon, with fake looking blood spurting out the stump. This is a comedic scene and the only properly gory one in the whole series.
  • There is an episode where Monica accidentally drops a knife on Chandlers toe in a flashback he is then taken to the hospital. Played for laughs.


  • In the 2nd last episode Joey says lucky Bastard to Ross

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • In Season 6 Episode 19 We're told that That Ross smoked pot in college and his parents in walked and smelled Marjuina and Ross says Chandler smoked pot and got stoned and jumped out the window
  • In season 5, Ross and Rachel become drunk and get married in Vegas

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Season 9 involves Chandler and Monica to discover that they are both infertile. This can be difficult to watch for some viewers.
  • In season 8, Joey tells Rachel that he is falling in love with her. This scene is emotionally intense.
  • Phoebe gives birth to triplets, knowing she would have to give them away to her brother and his wife. She talks to them after giving birth. This is very emotional for her. A very lovely scene.

See also

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