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Toy Story (1995) Poster


Tom Hanks: Woody



  • Woody : All right, that's enough! Look, we're all very impressed with Andy's new toy.

    Buzz : Toy?

    Woody : T-O-Y, Toy!

    Buzz : Excuse me, I think the word you're searching for is "Space Ranger".

    Woody : The word I'm searching for - I can't say, because there's preschool toys present.

  • [Woody finds Buzz dressed up as "Mrs. Nesbitt" and in the company of two headless dolls] 

    Woody : What happened to you?

    Buzz : One minute you're defending the whole galaxy, and, suddenly, you find yourself sucking down darjeeling with Marie Antoinette... and her little sister.

    [chuckles nervously] 

  • Woody : [through his voice box]  Reach for the sky!

    Sid Phillips : Huh?

    Woody : This town ain't big enough for the two of us!

    Sid Phillips : What?

    Woody : Somebody's poisoned the waterhole!

    Sid Phillips : It's busted.

    Woody : Who are you calling busted, Buster?

    Sid Phillips : Huh?

    Woody : That's right! I'm talking to you, Sid Philips! We don't like being blown up, Sid. Or smashed, or torn apart.

    Sid Phillips : [hyperventilating]  W-we?

    Woody : That's right, your toys!

    [Mutant Toys get up and surround the terrified Sid] 

    Woody : From now on, you must take good care of your toys, because if you don't, we'll find out, Sid!

    Woody : [while turning head around slowly]  We toys can see EVERYTHING!

    Woody : [speaking and moving]  So play nice!

    [Sid screams, drops Woody and runs inside] 

  • Woody : Hey, who's got my hat?

    Mr. Shark : [pops out right next to Woody, wearing his hat]  Look, I'm Woody! Howdy, howdy, howdy!

    Woody : Ha-ha, ha-ha...

    [snatches his hat away] 

    Woody : Gimme that!

  • Buzz : [Woody, scared, walks backwards and he gets startled by Buzz. Buzz keeps talking to his "mission log"]  And according to my navi-computer, the...

    Woody : [whispers]  SHUT UP! Just shut up, you idiot!

    Buzz : Sheriff, this is no time to panic.

    Woody : This is a perfect time to panic! I'm lost, Andy is gone, they're gonna move from their house in two days, and it's all your fault!

    Buzz : My-my fault? If you hadn't pushed me out of the window in the first place...

    Woody : Oh, yeah? Well, if *you* hadn't shown up with your stupid little cardboard spaceship and taken away everything that was important to me...!

    Buzz : Don't talk to me about importance! Because of *you*, the future of this entire universe is in jeopardy!

    Woody : WHAT? What are you talkin' about?

    Buzz : Right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, Emperor Zurg has been secretly building a weapon with the destructive capacity to annihilate an entire planet! I alone have information that reveals this weapon's only weakness. And *you*, my friend, are responsible for delaying my rendezvous with Star Command!

    Woody : [pause, then screams]  YOU - ARE - A... *TOY*! You aren't the real Buzz Lightyear, you're... you're, you're an action figure!

    [holds hand up to eyes indicating something small] 

    Woody : *You* are a child's *plaything*!

    Buzz : You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.

    Buzz : [waves in military fashion]  Farewell.

    [starts to walk away] 

    Woody : Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony!

    Woody : [walks off grumbling sarcastically]  "Rendezvous with Star Command".

  • Mr. Potato Head : Hey, a laser! How come *you* don't have a laser, Woody?

    Woody : It's not a laser! It's a...

    [sighs in frustration] 

    Woody : It's a little light bulb that blinks.

    Hamm : What's with him?

    Mr. Potato Head : Laser envy.

  • Woody : [whispering to Buzz from inside the Milk-crate, which he can't get out of since Sid placed a Toolbox on top of it]  Psst! Hey Buzz!

    [No response. Woody throws a washer against Buzz' visor. Buzz slowly looks over] 

    Woody : Hey! Get over here and see if you can get this toolbox off me!

    [Buzz looks away] 

    Woody : Oh, come on Buzz. I can't do this without you. I need your help.

    Buzz : I can't help. I can't help anyone.

    Woody : Why sure you can, Buzz. You can get me out of here and then I'll get that rocket off you, and we'll make a break for Andy's house.

    Buzz : Andy's house. Sid's house. What's the difference?

    Woody : Buzz, you've had a big fall. You must not be thinking clearly!

    Buzz : No, Woody. For the first time, I *am* thinking clearly. You were right all along. I'm not a Space Ranger. I'm just a toy. A stupid, little, insignificant toy.

    Woody : Wait a minute. Being a toy is a lot better than being a Space Ranger.

    Buzz : Yeah, right.

    Woody : Not, it is!

    [points through the window to Andy's room] 

    Woody : Look, over there in that house is a kid who thinks you are the greatest, and it's not because you're a Space Ranger, pal, it's because you're a toy. You are his toy!

    Buzz : [Buzz looks at his plastic parts and fake control panel]  But why would Andy want me?

    Woody : [sighs]  Why would Andy want you? Look at you! You're a Buzz Lightyear! Any other toy would give up his moving parts just to be you. You've got wings, you glow in the dark, you talk, your helmet does that... that whoosh thing. You're a cool toy. As a matter of fact, you're too cool. I mean - what chance does a toy like me have against a Buzz Lightyear action figure. All I can do is this.

    [pulls his Pull String] 

    Woody : [voice box]  There's a snake in my boot!

    Woody : Why would Andy ever wanna play me me, when he's got you? I'm the one that should be strapped to that rocket.

    [Woody leans against the milk-crate, and Buzz looks at the sole of his foot with Andy's name printed on. He glances back at Woody with a look of determination across his face from the words Woody gave to him] 

  • Woody : Hey, Buzz! You're flying!

    Buzz : This isn't flying, this is falling with style!

    Woody : [excitedly]  To infinity and beyond!

  • [last lines] 

    Woody : Buzz? Buzz Lightyear? You're not worried, are you?

    Buzz : Me? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Are you?

    [camera pans out] 

    Woody : Now Buzz, what could Andy possibly get that is worse than you?

    Andy : [from downstairs]  Oh, oh, what is it? What is it? Wow, a puppy!

    [camera zooms back in] 

    Woody , Buzz : Heh, heh!

  • Buzz : What's going on?

    Woody : Nothing that concerns you space man, just us toys.

    Buzz : I'd better have a look anyway.

    [he looks through Lenny the binoculars] 

    Buzz : Why is that soldier strapped to an explosive device?

    Woody : [moves Lenny]  That's why. Sid.

    Buzz : [seeing a dog]  Sure is a hairy fella...

    Woody : [re-moving the binoculars]  No, no, that's Scud, you idiot. *That* is Sid.

    Buzz : [Sid is laughing maniacally]  You mean that happy child?

    Mr. Potato Head : That ain't no happy child!

    Rex : He tortures toys - just for fun!

  • Mr. Potato Head : [noticing Woody calling from Sid's house]  Son of a building block! It's Woody!

    Hamm : He's in the psycho's bedroom!

    Bo Peep : Woody?

    Woody : Boy, am I glad to see you guys!

    Slinky Dog : I knew you'd come back!

    Bo Peep : What are you doing over there?

    Woody : It's a long story, I'll explain later. Here! Catch this!

    [Woody throws a string of Christmas lights across to Andy's window, which Slinky grabs successfully] 

    Slinky Dog : I got it!

    Woody : Good going Slink! Now tie it onto something!

    Mr. Potato Head : Wait, I have a better idea! How about we don't?

    [snatches the lights off Slinky] 

    Slinky Dog : Hey!

    Bo Peep : Potato Head!

    Mr. Potato Head : Did you all take those Stupid Pills this morning? Have you forgotten what he did to Buzz?

    [the other toys shake their head] 

    Mr. Potato Head : And now you wanna let him back over here?

    Woody : No, no. You got it all wrong Potato Head. Buzz is fine. Buzz is right here. He's with me.

    Mr. Potato Head : You are a liar!

    Woody : No i'm not!

    [calling to Buzz] 

    Woody : Buzz, come over here and tell the nice toy's that you're not dead!

    [Buzz sits on the floor of Sid's Room, peeling off the sticker of his wrist communicator] 

    Woody : Just a sec.

    Woody : [walks back into Sid's room and calls over to Buzz]  Buzz, will you get up here and gimme a hand?

    [Buzz throws his broken-off arm to Woody] 

    Woody : Ha-ha, ha-ha. That's real funny. THIS IS SERIOUS!

  • Woody : [thinks Buzz has gone crazy]  I think you've had enough tea for today. Let's get you out of here, Buzz...

    Buzz : Don't ya get it?

    [points to a doll's hat on his head] 

    Buzz : You see the hat? I am Mrs. Nes-bitt!

    [laughs hysterically] 

    Woody : Snap out of it, Buzz!

    [opens Buzz's visor, slaps Buzz across the face with his detached arm, then closes the helmet] 

    Buzz : [calmly]  I-I-I'm, I'm sorry, I am just a little depressed, that's all. I can get through this.

    [breaks down again] 

    Buzz : Oh, I'm a sham!

  • Rex : Mr. Lightyear, now I'm curious... what does a space ranger actually do?

    Woody : He's not a space ran-*ger*! He doesn't fight evil or, or... shoot lasers or fly.

    Buzz : Excuse me.

    Buzz : [Buzz deploys his wings; all exclaim in excitement] 

    Hamm : Wow. Impressive wingspan. Very good.

    Woody : Oh, what? What? These are plastic; he can't fly.

    Buzz : They are a terillium-carbonic alloy, and I *can* fly.

    Woody : No, you can't.

    Buzz : [sighs]  Yes, I can.

    Woody : Can't.

    Buzz : Can.

    Woody : Can't, can't, ca-an't!

    Buzz : I tell you, I could fly around this room with my eyes closed!

    Woody : Okay, Mr. Light Beer, prove it.

    Buzz : All right then, I will. Stand back, everyone.

  • Buzz : I've set my laser from stun to kill.

    Woody : Oh, great. If anyone attacks we can blink em' to death.

  • Slinky Dog : [after Buzz gets knocked out the window and lands into the bushes nearby]  Hey guys, RC's trying to tell us something.

    Rex : What is it Boy?

    R.C. the Race Car : [RC whirrs his wheels] 

    Mr. Potato Head : He's saying that this is *no* accident!

    Bo Peep : What do you mean?

    Mr. Potato Head : I mean Humpty Dumpty was pushed, by Woody!

    [the toys all stare at Woody in shock] 

    Woody : Wait a minute, You don't think I even meant to knock Buzz out the window, do you? Potato Head?

    Mr. Potato Head : That's Mr. Potato Head to *you* you backstabbing murderer!

    Woody : Now, guys, it was an accident. C'mon, you-you've gotta believe me.

    Slinky Dog : We believe ya, Woody. Right, Rex?

    Rex : [nervously]  Well, I mean, uh, I don't like confrontations!

    Mr. Potato Head : Couldn't handle Buzz cutting on your playtime, could you Woody? Didn't wanna face the fact that Buzz might be Andy's *new* favourite toy. So you got rid of him. Well what if Andy starts playing with *me* more Woody, huh? You gonna knock me out the window too?

    Hamm : I don't think we should give him the chance.

  • [first lines] 

    Andy : [playing with and mimicking the voices of his toys; holding Mr. Potato Head]  All right, everyone! This... is a stick-up. Don't anybody move! Now empty that safe!

    [empties Hamm the piggy bank and coins fall out] 

    Andy : Ooh, hoo hoo! Money, money, money!

    [has Potato Head "kiss" the money; as Bo Peep] 

    Andy : Stop it! Stop it, you mean old potato!

    [as Potato Head] 

    Andy : Quiet, Bo Peep! Or your sheep get run over!

    [as the sheep, on a toy car track] 

    Andy : Help! Baaa! Help us!

    [as Bo Peep] 

    Andy : Oh no! Not my sheep! Somebody do something!

    [brings Woody into view on his bed. In front of the other toys, he pulls Woody's string] 

    Woody : [voice box]  Reach for the sky!

    Andy : [as Mr. Potato Head]  Oh no! Sheriff Woody!

    [as Woody] 

    Andy : I'm here to stop you, One-eyed Bart!

    [pops off Mr. Potato Head's right eye; as Mr. Potato Head] 

    Andy : D'oh! How'd you know it was me?

    [as Woody] 

    Andy : Are you gonna come quietly?

    [as Mr. Potato Head] 

    Andy : Ya can't touch me, Sheriff! I brought my Attack Dog,

    [Andy places down Slinky Dog] 

    Andy : with a built-in force field!

    [as Woody] 

    Andy : Well, I brought my dinosaur!

    [brings out Rex] 

    Andy : Who eats force field dogs!

    [making sound effects first as Rex then as Slinky whom he drags away] 

    Andy : Arr rawr rawr! Yipe, yipe-yipe-yipe!

    [as Woody] 

    Andy : You're going to jail, Bart. Say goodbye to the wife and tater tots.

    [Andy places Mr. Potato Head in Molly's crib; she laughs and picks up Mr. Potato Head, and drools on him. His ear and arm fall near Woody] 

    Andy : You saved the day again, Woody!

    [pulls Woody's string] 

    Woody : [voice box]  You're my favorite deputy!

  • Woody : [running towards Buzz in a mocking sort of manner]  Buzz! Oh, Buzz! Buzz Lightyear! Buzz Lightyear, thank goodness! We've got trouble!

    Buzz : Trouble? Where?

    Woody : Down there. Just down there. A helpless toy! It's - It's trapped, Buzz!

    Buzz : Then we've no time to lose.

    [Buzz jumps over to the side of the desk, while Woody sneaks over to RC's remote, waking him up, and aiming him directly at Buzz] 

    Buzz : I don't see anything!

    Woody : Uh, he's there. Just - Just keep looking.

    [Woody sends RC driving towards Buzz. Buzz jumps out of the way, and RC crashes into the pin-up board in the corner, knocking all the pins down around Buzz. The board crashes down into Andy's globe, knocking it loose, rolling towards Buzz] 

    Woody : [Buzz jumps out of the globe's way, onto the windowsill, but the globe strikes Andy's folding-arm desk lamp. It spins over Woody, who ducks out of the way, and hits Buzz, sending him flying out the window] 

    Hamm , Mr. Potato Head : [stop their card game, and run over to the window in panic]  BUZZ!

    Woody : Buzz!

    [Buzz flies into the bushes nearby and disappears] 

    Slinky Dog : [the rest of Andy's toys gather round]  I don't see him in the driveway. I think he bounced into Sid's Yard.

    [Woody gulps and backs away from the window after what happened] 

  • [preparing for the toy mutiny] 

    Woody : Wind the frog!

  • Woody : Tuesday night's plastic corrosion awareness meeting, was I think, a big success. We'd like to thank Mr. Spell for putting that on for us. Thank you Mr. Spell.

    Mr. Spell : [mechanically]  You're. Welcome.

  • Buzz : Terrain seems a bit unstable. No readout yet if the air is breathable. And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere...

    Woody : [sneaks up on Buzz]  Hello-o-o!

    Buzz : HO-YAH!

    [Woody screams. Buzz fires his "laser" at Woody] 

    Woody : Hey hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Did I frighten you? Didn't mean to. Sorry. Howdy. My name... is Woody... and this... is Andy's room. That's all I wanted to say. And also, there has been a bit of a mix-up. This is my spot, see... the bed here.

    Buzz : [sees Woody's "Sheriff" star badge]  Local law enforcement! It's about time you got here. I'm Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, Universe Protection Unit. My ship has crash-landed here by mistake.

    Woody : Yes, it is a mistake, because, you see, the bed here is my spot.

    Buzz : I need to repair my turbo boosters. Are you still using fossil fuels, or have you discovered crystallic fusion?

    Woody : Well, let's see, we got double-A's.

  • Woody : Hey, Etch... Draw!

    [Etch draws a picture of a gun] 

    Woody : D'oh! Got me again! Etch, you've been working on that draw. Fastest knobs in the west.

  • Woody : [after Buzz thinks that the air is toxic]  You actually think you're THE Buzz Lightyear? Oh, all this time I thought it was an act!

    [to the rest of the toys] 

    Woody : Hey, guys, look! It's the *real* Buzz Lightyear!

    Buzz : You're mocking me, aren't you?

    Woody : Oh no, no no no, no...

    [suddenly points behind Buzz] 

    Woody : BUZZ, LOOK, AN ALIEN!

    Buzz : [looks]  Where?

    [Woody doubles over with guffaws until we hear Sid's voice form an open window] 

  • Buzz : This is an intergalactic emergency. I need to commandeer your vessel to Sector 12. Who's in charge here?

    All Aliens : [pointing up]  The clawwwwwwwww!

    Alien #1 : The claw is our master.

    Alien #2 : The claw chooses who will go and who will stay.

    Woody : This is ludicrous.

  • Woody : Listen, Lightsnack. You stay away from Andy. He's mine, and no one is taking him away from me.

    Buzz : What are you talking about? Where's that bonding strip?

    [slides under his ship with a skateboard] 

    Woody : [pulls him back out]  And another thing, *stop* with this *spaceman* thing! It's getting on my nerves.

    Buzz : Are you saying you want to lodge a complaint with Star Command?

    Woody : Oh-ho! O-okay, ooh, well, so you wanna do it the hard way, huh?

    Buzz : [gets out from under his ship]  Don't even think about it, cowboy.

    Woody : Oh yeah, tough guy?

    [pushes Buzz' round red button and opens his visor. Buzz chokes the "Toxic Air" around him. Woody looks around, unsure how to react] 

    Buzz : [sniffs]  The air isn't toxic?

    [gets up and points accusingly at Woody] 

    Buzz : How dare you open a spaceman's helmet on an uncharted planet! My eyeballs could've been sucked from their sockets!

    [closes his visor] 

  • Woody : Now, where is that... Oh. Hey! Who moved my doodle pad... way over here?

    Rex : [jumps in front of Woody]  ROAAAAAAAAA...

    Woody : Hey, how ya doin', Rex.

    Rex : [stops roaring]  Were you scared? Tell me honestly.

    Woody : I was close to being scared that time.

    Rex : I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it! I'm think I'm just coming off as annoying.

  • Buzz : [in Sid's backpack, approaching his home]  Sheriff, I can see your indwelling from here. You're almost home.

    Alien : Nirvana is coming, the mystic portal awaits.

    Woody : Will you be quiet? You guys don't get it, do you? Once we go into Sid's house, we won't be coming out!

  • Woody : [while everyone else is scared by the long, thin present one of Andy's guests is bringing]  All right, all right! If I send out the troops, will you all calm down?

    Rex : [yells]  Yes, yes! We promise!

    Woody : Okay! Save your batteries.

  • Woody : [from inside the milk-crate]  Listen Buzz, forget about me. You should get outta here while you can.

    [Woody looks over to see that Buzz has disappeared. Suddenly the milk-crate he's in begins to shake. He notices Buzz trying to push the toolbox off] 

    Woody : Buzz! What are you doing? I thought you were...

    Buzz : Come on, Sheriff. There's a kid in that house who needs us. Now let's get you out of this thing.

    [both Woody and Buzz push against the milk-crate, which budges very slowly. As the sun rises, Woody and Buzz notice the moving van pull into Andy's driveway] 

    Buzz : Woody! It's the moving van!

    Woody : We've gotta get out of here, now!

    [Buzz manages to push the milk-crate for enough to the edge of the desk for Woody to hop out of, and onto the floor, but Buzz doesn't notice] 

    Woody : Buzz! Hey, I'm out!

    Buzz : [continuing to push the crate]  Almost there!

    [the toolbox and the milk-crate fall off the desk, and land right ontop of Woody] 

    Buzz : [noticing Sid still asleep, then runs to the edge of the desk]  Woody! Are you alright?

    Woody : [lifting up the toolbox that fell on top of him]  I'm fine... I'm OK.

    [Sid's alarm clock rings, as Woody hides back under the milk-crate] 

    Sid Phillips : [waking up]  Oh yeah! Time for lift off!

    [Sid grabs Buzz and runs out the door. Woody tries to run after Sid, only to find his dog, Scud, right outside, who runs out at Woody, only to be shut out just in time] 

  • Woody : [coming to life for the first time in the film]  Pull my string! The birthday party's today? Okay everybody, the coast is clear!

  • Woody : [the Mutant Toys in Sid's Room start to surround Buzz]  Buzz! Go away, you disgusting freaks!

    [Woody screams as he shields Buzz's arm from Babyface which grabs Buzz's arm from Woody] 

    Woody : All back! Back, you cannibals!

    [Woody screams again as he loses his grip on Buzz's arm, which sends him flying to the wall, he wakes up and attacks the mutant toys] 

    Woody : He's still alive and you're not getting him, you monsters.

    [Woody sees that Buzz's arm is attached to its socket with the help of The Mutant Toys] 

    Woody : Hey, they fixed you? But... but they're cannibals, we saw them eat other toys.

    [the Pterodactyl and Janie Doll from earlier on are shown to be alright, back on their correct bodies] 

    Woody : Uh, sorry. We thought you're gonna... you know... eat my friend.

    [the Mutant Toys get scared away] 

    Woody : No, no, no, no, wait. What's wrong?

    Sid's Mom : Sid?

    Sid Phillips : Not right now, Mom. I'm busy!

    Woody : Sid! Buzz, get up! Use our legs! Fine, let Sid trash but don't blame me!

  • Woody : Hey uh, Slinky?

    Slinky Dog : [with a checker board]  Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.

    Woody : No, Slink...

    Slinky Dog : All right, you can be red if you want.

    Woody : Not now, Slink. I've got some bad news.

    Slinky Dog : [shouts]  Bad news?

    Woody : Shhh!

    [all the toys freeze] 

    Woody : Gather everyone for a staff meeting and be happy.

    Slinky Dog : Got it.

    [walks away slowly with his head down] 

    Woody : Be happy!

    Slinky Dog : [laughs hysterically] 

  • Buzz : [lands on the bed after his lucky acrobatic maneuver]  Can!

    Rex : [the toys applaud and whistle]  Whoooa! Oh wow, you flew magnificently!

    Bo Peep : I've found my moving buddy!

    Buzz : [proudly]  Thank... th-thank you all, thank you!

    Woody : That wasn't flying! That was... falling with style!

  • Rex : Hey, Woody? Where'd you go?

    Mr. Potato Head : He's lying, Buzz ain't there.

    [Woody returns with Buzz' detached arm, hiding it slightly from the other toys] 

    Woody : Oh, hi Buzz. Why don't you say hello to the guys over there?

    Woody : [Imitating Buzz' voice]  Hiya fellas. To infinity and beyond!

    Rex : [while Slinky and Bo Peep look excited]  Hey look, it's Buzz!

    Woody : [shakes the arm's hand]  Yeah, hey, Buzz. Let's show the guys our new secret best-friends hand shake. Gimme five, man!

    [Hi fives Buzz's severed arm] 

    Hamm : [to Mr. Potato Head]  Something's screwy here.

    Woody : So, you see. We're friends now, guys. Aren't we, Buzz?

    [imitates Buzz] 

    Woody : You bet, give me a hug.

    [makes the arm grab his neck and pull him forward into a hug; chuckles] 

    Woody : Oh. I love you, too.

    Slinky Dog : See? It is Buzz!

    [to Mr. Potato Head] 

    Slinky Dog : Now give back the lights, Potato Head.

  • Woody : [trying to get Buzz into Molly's stroller]  It's a special spaceship, I just saw it.

    Buzz : You mean it has hyperdrive?

    Woody : Hyperactive hyperdrive, and astro... uh... turf.

  • [as Woody and Buzz rocket up and toss RC back into the moving van] 

    Woody : AAAAAH! This is the part where we blow up!

    Buzz : Not today.

    [Buzz opens his wings, cutting the duct tape from the rocket just before it explodes] 

  • Slinky Dog : Gaddily bob-howdy!

    Woody : Oh, shut up.

  • Sergeant : [he can't see what Andy is holding up]  It's a...


    [Rex shakes the table, inadvertently knocking off the TalkBoy and causing the batteries to fall out] 

    Rex : Oh, no!

    Mr. Potato Head : Oh, you big lizard! Now we'll never know what it is!

    Rex : Way to go, Rex!

    [moves forward] 

    Woody : [as the toys struggle to put the batteries back in the TalkBoy]  No, no, turn 'em around! Turn 'em around!

    Hamm : He's putting them in backward!

    [to Mr. Potato Head] 

    Hamm : Hey, you're putting 'em in backwards!


    [jumps down] 

    Sergeant : [downstairs, into the Baby Monitor]  Red alert! Red alert! Andy is coming upstairs!

    [Woody puts the batteries back in properly and picks the Talkboy up] 

    Sergeant : ... juvenile intrusion, repeat! Assume your positions now!

    Woody : ANDY'S COMING! Everybody back to your places! Hurry!

    [mayhem breaks out] 

    Mr. Potato Head : [in a panic]  Where's my ear? Who's seen my ear? Did you see my ear?

    Rex : Out of my way! Here I come, here I come!

    [Rex bonks his head with bucket] 

  • Woody : [asking a Magic 8 ball]  Will Andy pick me?

    [Shakes the ball and flips to see the answer:] 

    Woody : 'Don't count on it'? Awwww! Arrrgh!

    [throws the ball down, then it falls down a crack between the table and the wall] 

  • [Sid at Pizza Planet ends up spotting Buzz in the Alien Claw Game, much to Woody's shock] 

    Sid Phillips : A Buzz Lightyear? No way.

    [the claw reaches down and collects Buzz successfully] 

    Sid Phillips : Yes!

    [Woody grabs Buzz' legs, trying to pull him out and stop him from being obtained] 

    Sid Phillips : [banging against the glass]  HEY!

    All Aliens : [as Woody struggles to pull Buzz out of the Claw Machine]  He has been chosen.

    [the Alien Toys all push Woody back through] 

    Woody : Stop it! What are you doing? Stop it! Stop it, you zealots!

    Sid Phillips : [after having obtained both Buzz and Woody]  All right, Double Prizes!

    [Picks up them both] 

    Sid Phillips : Let's go home and play.

    [Sid chuckles as the camera zooms in on his shirt] 

  • Woody : [feeling miserable for what he'd done, lying on the seat of Andy's car]  How am I gonna convince those guys it was an accident?

    [Woody spots Buzz up at the sunroof, staring down at him] 

    Woody : Buzz!

    [Buzz leaps down onto the seat right next to Woody, furious, covered in leaves and twigs] 

    Woody : Buzz! You're alive! This is great! I'm saved! Andy will find you here, he'll take us back to the room, and then you can tell everyone that this was all this all just a Big Mistake. Huh?

    [Buzz glares at him, speechless] 

    Woody : Right? Buddy?

    Buzz : I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me, revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet.

    Woody : Oh. Well, that's good.

    Buzz : But we're not on my planet, are we?

    Woody : No. Daaaah-oof!

    [Buzz attacks Woody, knocking them both out of the open car door] 

    Woody : Okay, come on. You want a piece of me?

    [Buzz punches Woody in the face, having it spin around for a brief momemt, then he gets knocked down by Woody, Woody hits his face a few times with a squeaking sound until he closes his visor on Woody's hand] 

    Woody : Ow!

    Buzz : [Through his button speakers whilst as Woody attacks him]  Buzz, Buzz, Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue.

    Andy's Mom : [Andy and his Mum just re-enter the car]  Next stop...

    Andy : Pizza Planet! Yeah!

    [Woody and Buzz stop fighting and pause] 

    Woody : Andy!

    [Andy and his Mum drive off as Woody and Buzz watch in horror, leaving them behind at the gas station] 

    Woody : [walks away from Buzz, and pauses]  He doesn't realize I'm not there?

    [sulking out loud] 

    Woody : I'm lost! I'm a lost toy!

  • Bo Peep : What would you say if I get someone else to watch the sheep for me tonight?

    Woody : [blushing and giggling]  Oh-ho yeah. Thought so.

  • Buzz : [Referring to Andy's other toys]  Do you know these life forms?

    Woody : Yes, they're Andy's toys.

  • Woody : Has everybody picked a moving buddy?

    Hamm : Moving buddy? You can't be serious!

    Rex : I didn't know we were supposed to have one already!

    Mr. Potato Head : [holding his left arm in his right hand]  Do we have to hold hands?

    [All laugh] 

  • Woody : [mocking Buzz as they split-up]  "Rendezvous with Star Command."

    [sees a delivery truck with a "Pizza Planet" logo on it] 

    Woody : Pizza Planet?


    Woody : Andy! Oh, no! I can't show my face in that room without Buzz.

    [yelling to Buzz] 

    Woody : Buzz! Buzz, come back!

    Buzz : [walking out from under the truck, annoyed]  Go away!

    Woody : No! Buzz, you gotta come back! I...

    [Woody looks at the Pizza Planet delivery truck, and notices a miniture spaceship on the top] 

    Woody : [calling]  I found a spaceship!

    [Buzz stops and looks at the delivery truck] 

    Woody : [calling]  It's a spaceship, Buzz!

    Buzz : [as the driver asks for directions]  Now, you're sure this space freighter will return to its point of origin once it jettisons its food supply?

    Woody : [nodding his head]  Uh-huh. And when we get there, we'll find a way to transport you home.

    Buzz : Well, then, let's climb aboard.

    [Buzz runs towards the truck] 

    Woody : No, no, no, wait, Buzz! Buzz! Let's get in the back. No one will see us there.

    Buzz : Negative. There are no restraining harnesses in the cargo area. We'll be much safer in the cockpit.

    [Buzz climbs through the open window and jumps into the seat] 

    Woody : [whispering]  Yeah, bu... Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

    [the Pizza Planet truck's engine starts, Woody climbs into the back, and sees Buzz attaching a seat belt] 

    Woody : It's safer in the cockpit than the cargo bay. What an idiot.

    [the Pizza Planet truck moves forwards sharply, Woody is tossed and thrown by the extreme motion of the truck as it speeds down the road and up a hill. Items start in the back of the truck start to tumble towards Woody, one of them being a heavy tool box] 

  • [Woody and Buzz pass over the moving van] 

    Woody : Uh, Buzz, we missed the truck!

    Buzz : We're not aiming for the truck!

    [Buzz closes his wings, and the two land through the open roof of Andy's car, landing in a box packed right next to Andy] 

  • Woody : [after RC's batteries die after as Woody and Buzz chase after the moving van]  Great!

    Buzz : [Buzz drops RC's Remote, and looks at Woody's side pocket]  Woody! The rocket!

    Woody : The match! Yes! Thank you, Sid!

    [Woody lights the match against the road, only for a car to drive over them, blowing it out] 

    Woody : [sulking to the ground]  No! No, no, no, no, noooooo!

    [the sunlight streams through Buzz' visor, acting just like Sid's magnifying glass from earlier, leaving a tiny white-hot dot shining at the back of Woody's hand. This gives him an idea] 

    Buzz : [as Woody grabs onto Buzz' visor]  What are you doing?

    Woody : Hold still Buzz!

    [Woody places his hot hand against the fuse of the rocket, lighting it up successfully, and hops back onto RC with Buzz] 

    Buzz : You did it! Next stop, Andy!

    Woody : Wait a minute. I just lit a rocket. Rockets explode!

    [the rocket lights up, sending Woody, Buzz and RC racing up fast towards the moving van] 

  • Woody : Sergeant, establish a recon post downstairs. Code Red. You know what to do.

    Sergeant : Yes, sir!

    [jumps down] 

    Sergeant : All right, men, you heard him! Code Red, repeat: we're at Code Red! Recon plan Charlie: Execute! Let's move, move, move, move, move!

  • Mr. Potato Head : [as Woody tries to persuade everyone that Buzz is alright so that they may help him over]  Wait just a minute. What are you trying to pull?

    Woody : [throwing both hands into the air, accidentally revealing Buzz' severed arm completely]  Nothing!

    [the toys from Andy's Room scream in horror, and Rex throws up at the sight of it. Realizing his mistake, Woody tries to hide the arm behind his back] 

    Hamm : Oh, that is disgusting!

    Mr. Potato Head : Murderer!

    Woody : No! No, no, no, no! It's not what you think. I swear!

    Mr. Potato Head : Save it for the jury! I hope Sid pulls your voice box out, ya creep!

    [throws the string of Christmas lights out the window, which go flying back to Sid's house, and land into Sid's Yard] 

    Woody : [pleading for mercy]  No! No! No, no! Don't leave! Don't leave! You've gotta help us, please! You don't know what's it's like over here!

    Mr. Potato Head : [he and the other toys start to leave, except Slinky]  Come on let's get outta here.

    Hamm : Go back to your lives, citizens. Show's over.

    Woody : [to Slinky, who's also beginning to leave]  Slink! Slink, please! Please, listen to me!

    Woody : [Slinky sadly closes the blinds]  No! No, come back!

    Woody : [sadly]  SLI-I-I-I-NKYYY!

  • [Bo pulls Woody up to her with her cane] 

    Woody : Oh, Bo, there's gotta be a less painful way to get my attention.

    Bo Peep : Merry Christmas, Sheriff.

    Woody : Say, isn't that a mistletoe?

    Bo Peep : Mm-hmm.

  • Woody : [Celebrating Sid's Defeat]  Ha-ha! We did it, we did it! Yes!

  • [from the Michael Eisner segment during the TV premiere of "Eloise at the Plaza"] 

    Sergeant : [to Woody via Playskool walkie-talkie]  Red alert. Michael's coming upstairs.

    Woody : [He and his Andy's toys starts freaking out as they start putting back]  Michael's coming, everybody. Back to your places. Hurry.

  • Bo Peep : I wanted to thank you, Woody, for saving my flock.

    Woody : Oh, hey, it was, uh, nothin'.

See also

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