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Finding Nemo (2003) Poster


Albert Brooks: Marlin



  • Marlin : I promised I'd never let anything happen to him.

    Dory : Hmm. That's a funny thing to promise.

    Marlin : What?

    Dory : Well, you can't never let anything happen to him. Then nothing would ever happen to him. Not much fun for little Harpo.

  • Dory : How about we play a game?

    Marlin : All right.

    Dory : Okay, I'm thinking of something orange, and it's small...

    Marlin : It's me.

    Dory : Right!


    Dory : I'm thinking of something orange and small...

    Marlin : Me again.

    Dory : All right, Mr. Smartypants...


    Dory : ... It's orange and small, and has stripes...

    Marlin : Me, and the next one - just a guess - me.

    Dory : Okay, that's just scary.

  • Dory : No. No, you can't... STOP. Please don't go away. Please? No one's ever stuck with me for so long before. And if you leave... if you leave... I just, I remember things better with you. I do, look. P. Sherman, forty-two... forty-two... I remember it, I do. It's there, I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it. And-and I look at you, and I... and I'm home. Please... I don't want that to go away. I don't want to forget.

    Marlin : I'm sorry, Dory. But I... do.

  • Crush : Okay. Squirt here will now give you a rundown of proper exiting technique.

    Squirt : Good afternoon. We're gonna have a great jump today. Okay, first crank a hard cutback as you hit the wall. There's a screaming bottom curve, so watch out. Remember: rip it, roll it, and punch it.

    Marlin : It's like he's trying to speak to me, I know it.

    [to Squirt] 

    Marlin : Look, you're really cute, but I can't understand what you're saying. Say the first thing again.

  • Dory : Hey, Mr. Grumpy Gills. When life gets you down do you know what you've gotta do?

    Marlin : No, I don't know what to do.

    Dory : [singing]  Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.

    Marlin : Dory, no singing.

    Dory : [continuing]  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ho. I love to swim. When you want to swim you want to swim.

    Marlin : Now I'm stuck with that song... Now it's in my head.

    Dory : Sorry.

  • Marlin : Tell me, Dory, do you see anything?

    Dory : Yeah, I see a light.

    Marlin : A light?

    Dory : Yeah. I see a light.

    Marlin : Yeah, I see it too.

    Dory : Hey, Conscience, am I dead?

    Marlin : No, no. I see it, too.

    [they swim up to the light] 

    Marlin : What is it?

    Dory : It's so... *pretty*.

    Marlin : [mesmerized]  I... I'm feeling... happy, which is a big deal... for me.

    Dory : I want to touch it...

    [she does; the light bobs quickly away] 

    Dory : Oh!

    Marlin : Hey, come back. Come on back here. I'm gonna get ya.

    Dory : Come here.

    Marlin : [singing]  I'm gonna swim with you...

    Dory : I'm gonna get ya. I'm gonna get ya.

    Marlin : [singing]  I'm gonna be your best friend...

    [a big scary fish looms into view] 

    Marlin : ...Good feeling's gone.

    Marlin , Dory : AHH!

  • [after whale blows Marlin and Dory out] 


    Dory : Wow. I wish I could speak whale...

  • Crush : Dude? Dude? Focus dude... Dude?

    [Marlin wakes up] 

    Crush : Oh, he lives. Hey, dude!

    Marlin : Oh... What happened?

    Crush : Saw the whole thing, dude. First you were all like "whoa", and we were like "whoa", and you were like "whoa..."

    Marlin : What are you talking about?

    Crush : You, Mini-Man, takin' on the jellies. You've got serious thrill issues, dude. Awesome.

    Marlin : Oh, my stomach. Ohh.

    Crush : Oh, man. Hey, no hurling on the shell, dude, ok? Just waxed it.

    Marlin : So, Mr. Turtle?

    Crush : Whoa, Dude. Mister Turtle is my father. The name's Crush.

    Marlin : Crush, really? OK, Crush. I need to get to the East Australian Current. EAC?

    Crush : [laughing]  Oh, dude. You're ridin' it, dude! Check it out!

  • Marlin : What did it say? What did the mask say?

    Dory : P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.


    Dory : I remembered what it said! I usually forget things, but I remembered it that time! P. Sherman, 4...

    Marlin : Wait! What does that mean?

    Dory : I don't know. But who cares! Ha ha! I remembered! P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. I remembered it again!

  • Nemo : Hey dad! Maybe when I'm at school, I'll see a shark.

    Marlin : I highly doubt it.

    Nemo : Have how ever met a shark?

    Marlin : No, and I don't plan to.

    Nemo : How old are sea turtles?

    Marlin : Sea turtles? I don't know.

    Nemo : Sandy Plankton from next door, he says they live to be a hundred years old.

    Marlin : Well, if I ever meet a sea turtle I'll ask him, right after I'm done talking to the shark.

  • Marlin : Dory there's no way out!

    [Bruce bangs on the door] 

    Dory : Hello?

    Marlin : Dory, help me find a way out!

    Dory : Sorry, can't help you, trying to escape!

    Marlin : Dory, what are we going to do?

    Dory : Hey look here, "es-ca-pe!" Its funny, it's spelled just like the word escape...

  • Dory : [about the humpback whale]  Maybe he only speaks whale.

    [slowly and deeply, imitating the whale] 

    Dory : Mooo... Weeee neeeed...

    Marlin : Dory?

    Dory : ...tooo fiiind hiiis sooon.

    Marlin : What are you doing? Are you sure you speak whale?

    Dory : Caaaan yoooou giive uuuus direeeeectioooons?

    Marlin : Dory! Heaven knows what you're saying! See, he's swimming away.

    Dory : Cooome baaaaack.

    Marlin : He's not coming back. You offended him.

    Dory : Maybe a different dialect. Mmmmoooooowaaaaah...

    Marlin : Dory! This is not whale. You're speaking like, upset stomach.

    Dory : Maybe I should try humpback.

    Marlin : No, don't try humpback.

    Dory : Woooooo! Woooooo!

    Marlin : Okay, now you really do sound sick.

    Dory : Maybe louder. Rah! Rah!

    Marlin : Don't do that!

    Dory : Too much orca. Did it sound a little orca-ish to you?

    Marlin : It doesn't sound orca. It sounds like nothing I've ever heard!

  • Marlin : We did it, we did it oh, yeah, yeah, yeah! No eating here tonight, Woo!

    Marlin , Dory : Eating here tonight!

    Dory : No, no, no eating here tonight, you're on a diet!

  • Marlin : [introduction to the main menu of the first disc of the DVD]  Where is it? Where is it?

    [the menu appears] 

    Dory : Oh there's the menu, I knew it was around here somewhere.

    Marlin : Well.

    [Marlin and Dory do not appear onscreen during this menu exchange] 

    Marlin : [beginning of menu loop; Marlin talks to the viewer at home]  Okay, you've got a lot of choices here. You can watch just the movie *without* the commentary...

    Dory : [interrupting]  Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I'm so excited! I've always wanted to see... "The Little Mermaid"!

    Marlin : Good. Well this is "Finding Nemo".

    Dory : Oh, well that sounds nice, too. Maybe we should watch *that* one.

    Marlin : We're watching that one! This is "Finding Nemo"!

    Dory : [sounding flattered]  Oh you shouldn't have switched just for me!

    Marlin : Unbelievable...


    Dory : I've always wanted to be in a film.

    Marlin : You were in a film. THIS one. "Finding Nemo"!

    Dory : No way! I'd remember that.

    [laughs strangely] 

    Dory : Seriously...

    Marlin : No you wouldn't...

    Dory : Yes I would.

    [excited inhalation sigh] 

    Dory : Being in a film would be so glamorous!

    Marlin : [nonplussed]  Really?

    Dory : Oh my. Fabulous! Where's my trailer? I need water!

    Marlin : Dory...

    Dory : Fill my trailer with water!

    Marlin : Something's wrong with you.


    Dory : Just keep watching, just keep watching, just keep watching watching watching. Watching, watching, watching...

    [continues singing in this manner while Marlin speaks] 

    Marlin : You got a lot of choices here. Or you don't even have to watch *this* movie. Take the disc out, and I'll stop talking.

    [Dory is still singing] 

    Marlin : There are no wrong choices. The only wrong choice is to sit there like you're doing.

    [Dory is still singing] 

    Marlin : There are a lot of choices here, just pick one! Pick one so we can start! Please! All of us got nothing to do! Hit a choice, will ya?

    Dory : [still singing]  Hoo hoo, hoo hoo! Keep on watching...

  • Marlin : [Dory and Marlin are in pitch darkness looking for the mask]  Dory, do you see anything?

    Dory : Ahh! Something's got me!

    Marlin : That's just me. I'm sorry.

    Dory : Who's that?

    Marlin : [exasperated]  Who's that? Who else would it be? It's me!

    Dory : Are... are you my conscience?

    Marlin : [sighs]  Yes, I'm your conscience. We haven't spoken for a while. How are you?

    Dory : Eh, can't complain.

    Marlin : Good. Now, Dory, do you see anything?

    Dory : [angler fish's light approaches]  Yes, I see... a light. Hey, conscience, am I dead?

    Marlin : No, I see it too.

  • Marlin : The water's going down. It's-it's-it's going down!

    Dory : Hmm. Are you sure about that?

    Marlin : Look! Already it's half-empty.

    Dory : Hmm... I'd say it's half-full.

    Marlin : Stop that! It's half-empty!

  • Marlin : [Surrounded by jellyfish]  This is bad, Dory. Very bad.

    Dory : [Bouncing on top of a jellyfish]  Hey, watch this. Boing! Boing!...

    Marlin : Dory!

    Dory : You can't catch me!

    Marlin : Dory, don't bounce on the tops! They will... not sting you. The tops don't sting you! That's it!

    Dory : Two in a row. Beat that.

    Marlin : Dory, listen to me. We're going to play a game.

    Dory : A game?

    Marlin : Yeah, a game.

    Dory : I love games! Pick me!

    Marlin : We're gonna race. First one out of the jellyfish wins.

    Dory : Out, got it!

    Marlin : Rules, rules! You can't touch the tentacles, only the tops...

    Dory : Something about tentacles, got it.

    Marlin : No, it's not something about them, it's all about them.

    Dory : On your mark, get set, go!

    Marlin : Wait, Dory!

  • Marlin : Hey, Crush! Crush, I forgot! How old are you?

    Crush : Hundred and fifty, dude, and still young. Rock on.

  • Marlin : There was this mollusk, and he walks up to this sea cucumber. Normally, they don't talk, sea cucumbers, but in a joke everyone talks. So the sea mollusk says to the cucumber...

    [sees the mask] 

    Marlin : Nemo!

    Chum : [laughing]  Nemo! Ha ha! Nemo... I don't get it.

    Bruce : For a clown fish, he's not that funny.

  • Bob : Hey, you're doing pretty well for a first-timer.

    Marlin : Well, you can't hold on to them forever, can you?

    Bill : You know I had a tough time when my oldest went out to the drop off.


    Bob : Hey Marty, calm down.

    Marlin : Don't tell me to be calm, pony boy.

    Bob : Pony boy?

    Bill : You know for a clownfish, he really isn't that funny.

    Ted : Pity.

  • Marlin : Wait a minute! You can read?

    Dory : I can read? That's right, I can READ!

  • Dory : I saw a boat.

    Marlin : You did?

    Dory : Yeah, it went by not too long ago. Follow me.

    [few seconds later] 

    Dory : Would you quit it? What, the ocean isnt big enough for you or something like that? You got a problem? Huh? Do ya, do ya, do ya? You wanna piece of me? Yeah, yeah! Ooh, I'm scared now! What?

    Marlin : What? You said you saw a boat.

    Dory : A boat?

    Marlin : YES.

    Dory : Hey, I've seen a boat. It went by not too long ago. It went... this way. It went this way.

    Marlin : Wait a minute, you already told me which way the boat went.

    Dory : I did? Oh, no...

  • Nigel : [quietly]  Okay, don't make any sudden moves. Hop inside my mouth... if you want to live.

    Marlin : Hop in your mouth, huh? And how does that make me live?

    Seagull : Mine?

    Nigel : Because - I can take you to your son.

    Marlin : Yeah, right.

    Nigel : No, I know your son. He's orange and has a gimpy fin on one side.

    Marlin : [shouts and jumps]  That's Nemo!

  • Dory : [At the entrance to the trench]  Come on, let's go.

    Marlin : No, no, no! Bad trench, bad trench! Come on, we're swimming over this thing.

    Dory : Whoa, partner. Little red flag going up. Something tells me we should go through it, not over it.

    Marlin : Are you even looking at this thing? It's got death written all over it!

    Dory : I'm sorry, but I really, really, really think we should go through it.

    Marlin : And I'm really, really done talking about this. Over we go.

    Dory : Come on, trust me on this one.

    Marlin : Trust you?

    Dory : Yes, trust. It's what friends do.

    Marlin : Look, something shiny!

    Dory : Where?

    Marlin : Oh, it just swam over the trench! Come on, we'll follow it. Let's go.

    Dory : Okay.

  • Marlin : ...and the sea cucumber turns to the mollusk and says, "With fronds like these, who needs anemones?"

    [Everyone laughs] 

  • Marlin : [inside the whale as it starts to swallow]  What's going on?

    Dory : I'll check. Whaaaa...

    Marlin : No, no more whale! You can't speak whale!

    Dory : Yes I can!

    Marlin : No, you can't! You think you can do these things, but you can't, Nemo!

  • [Nemo has gone to the boat] 

    Marlin : Nemo! What do you think you're doing? You're gonna get stuck out there and I'll have to go get you before another fish does. Get back here. I said get back here now! Stop! You make one more move, mister...

    [Nemo lifts his fin] 

    Marlin : Don't you dare. If you put one fin on that boat - are you listening to me? Don't touch the...

    [Nemo touches the boat] 

    Marlin : Nemo!

    Tad : [Whispering]  He touched the butt.

  • Dory : Hey, what's the matter?

    Marlin : What's the matter? While they're busy doing their little impressions, I'm miles from home with a fish who can't even remember her name.

    Dory : Boy, I bet that's frustrating.

    Marlin : Meanwhile, my son is missing.

    Dory : Your son Chico?

    Marlin : Nemo.

    Dory : Right. Got it.

    Marlin : But it doesn't matter, because no one in this entire ocean is going to help me.

    Dory : Well, I'm helping you. Wait right there.

  • Crush : Alright, we're here, dudes! Get ready! Your exit's comin' up, man!

    Marlin : Where? I don't see it.

    Dory : There! I see it! I see it!

    Marlin : You mean the swirling vortex of terror?

    Crush : That's it, dude!

  • Bruce : All right, anyone else? Hello, how 'bout you, mate? What's your problem?

    Marlin : Me? I don't... I don't have a problem.

    Bruce : Oh. Okay...

    Bruce , Anchor , Chum : [to each other]  Denial.

  • [Marlin and Dory are each pulling on the mask; it snaps and hits Dory in the face] 

    Dory : Ow!

    Marlin : Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you okay?

    Dory : Ow, ow, ow!

    Marlin : I'm so sorry.

    Dory : You really clocked me there. Am I bleeding?

    [a wisp of blood floats from Dory's nose] 

    Marlin : Ohh!

    Dory : Ow. Ow. Ow.

    Bruce : Dory, are you okay...

    [Sniffs the blood; his eyes turn black] 

    Bruce : Oh, ooooooh, that's good...

    Chum , Anchor : Intervention!

  • Marlin : It's just as well. He might be hungry.

    Dory : Oh don't worry. Whales don't eat clownfish. They eat krill.

    Krill : Swim away.

    Dory : Oh look, krill.

  • Mr. Ray : [introduction to the Bonus Features menu of the first disc of the DVD; Mr. Ray is singing]  Let's make a selection, a selection, a selection. Let's make a selection on the D-V-D! Ohhhhh! Pick something.

    Nemo : [looks down at the reef]  Cool!

    Mr. Ray : [all characters are off-screen past this point]  Welcome explorers! So much to see, so much to learn. Let's go!

    [long pause] 

    Mr. Ray : Okay, optical orbits up front, and let's pick a button.

    Dory : Uh! I'd like to see it with the commentary!

    Marlin : It's not up to you.

    Dory : Well, they might listen to me; I speak mammal. Choose the commentary!

    Marlin : Unbelievable...

    Mr. Ray : Sooo... Moving along!


    Mr. Ray : All scientific exploration is an act of discovery, so pick a button and discover what happens.

    Bruce : [Bruce's Easter egg narration on the same menu]  Hullo. My name is Bruce. I promise to watch all the making-of features, listen to the complete audio-visual commentary, and search diligently for Easter Eggs. On my honor, so help me.

  • Marlin : [Inside the Whale]  I have to get out! I have to find MY SON! I have to tell him... how!... old!... sea turtles are!


  • Marlin : Now it's my turn. I'm thinking of something dark and mysterious. It's a fish we don't know. If we ask it directions, it could ingest us and spit out our bones.

    Dory : What is it with men and asking for directions?

    Marlin : I don't want to play the gender card right now. You want to play a card, let's play the "let's not die" card.

  • [Marlin and Dory are racing through the jellyfish forest. Marlin starts talking to himself] 

    Marlin : So, we're cheating death now, that's what we're doing, and we're having fun at the same time, I can do this, just be careful...

    Dory : Yeah, careful I don't make you cry when I win!

    Marlin : Oh I don't think so!

    Dory : Give it up old man, you can't fight evolution, I was built for speed!

    Marlin : The question is Dory, are you hungry?

    Dory : Hungry? Why?

    Marlin : 'Cause you're about to eat my bubbles!

  • Marlin : I can't afford any more delays and you're one of those fish that causes delays. Sometimes it's a good thing. There's a whole group of fish . They're delay fish.

    Dory : You mean...


    Dory : . You mean you don't like me?

    Marlin : No, of course I like you. It's because I like you I don't want to be with you. It's a complicated emotion.

  • Marlin : How do you know if they're ready?

    Crush : Well, you never really know, but when they know, you know, y'know?

  • Marlin : I was right. You know what? We'll start school in a year or two.

    Nemo : No, Dad! Just because you're scared of the ocean...

    Marlin : Clearly, you're not ready, and you're not coming back until you are. You think you can do these things, but you just can't, Nemo!

    Nemo : [pause, mutters]  I hate you.

  • Marlin : If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny, and I know funny. I'm a clownfish!

  • Dory : Well, let's just ask someone for directions.

    Marlin : Who do you want to ask, the *speck*? There's no one here!

  • Marlin : What if they don't like me?

    Coral : Marlin!

    Marlin : No, really.

    Coral : There's over 400 eggs, odds are, one of them is bound to like you.

  • Marlin : How do you know that nothing bad won't happen?

    Dory : I don't.

  • Dory : DUCK.

    Marlin : [looks up]  That's not a duck, it's a... PELICAN.

  • Dory : Excuse me? Whoo-hoo! Little fella? Hello! Don't be rude. Say hi.

    Marlin : Ha. Hello.

    Dory : His son Bingo...

    Marlin : Nemo.

    Dory : ...Nemo was taken to, um...

    Marlin : Sydney

    Dory : ...Sydney, yeah. And it's really, really important that we get there as fast as we can, so can you help us out? Come on, little fella. Come on.

    Marlin : Dory? I'm a little fella. I don't think that's a little fella.

  • Marlin : I didn't come this far to be breakfast.

  • Marlin : He's my son, he was taken by these divers...

    Dory : Oh my, you poor fish.

    Chum : Humans - think they own *everything*.

    Anchor : Probably *American*.

  • Marlin : [exasperated]  Would somebody please just give me directions?

    [School of fish take shape of clown fish with sour expression] 

    School of Fish : [mockingly]  Would somebody please just give me directions?

    Marlin : I'm serious!

    School of Fish : Blah-blah-blah, me-me-blah! Blah-blah, blah-blah, me-me-me!

  • [first lines] 

    Marlin : Wow.

    Coral : Mmm.

    Marlin : Wow.

    Coral : Mm-hmm.

    Marlin : Wow.

    Coral : Yes, Marlin. I... No, I see it. It's beautiful.

    Marlin : So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view, you didn't think you were going to get the whole ocean, did you? Huh?

    [deep breath] 

    Marlin : Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here. Did your man deliver, or did he deliver?

    Coral : My man delivered.

    Marlin : And it wasn't so easy.

    Coral : Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place.

  • [Gerald the pelican seems to be choking] 

    Nigel : [casually]  Alright Gerald, what is it? Fish got your tongue?

    [Gerald opens his mouth to show this is indeed the case] 

    Dory , Marlin : Aaaaahh!

    Nigel : Love a duck!

  • Marlin : [Holding Nemo's cracked egg in his fin]  I promise to never let anything happen to you, Nemo.

  • Marlin : You think you can do these things, but you just can't, Nemo.

  • Marlin : I'm dead. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I died, I'm dead.

  • [as Bruce bangs against the door of the sunken ship] 

    Dory : Who is it?

    Marlin : Dory, help me find a way out!

    Dory : [to Bruce]  Sorry. Could you come back later? We're trying to escape.

  • Dory : I saw a boat.

    Marlin : Where? Which way?

    Dory : It went... this way. It went this way. Follow me.

    [few seconds later, she starts zig-zagging in front of him and glancing back] 

    Dory : Would you quit it? What, the ocean isn't big enough for you or something like that? You got a problem? Huh? Do ya, do ya, do ya? You wanna piece of me? Yeah, yeah! Ooh, I'm scared now! What?

    Marlin : Wait a minute...

    Dory : Stop following me, okay?

    Marlin : What are you talking about? You're showing which way the boat went.

    Dory : A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat. It passed by not too long ago. It went... this way. It went this way. Follow me.

    Marlin : Wait a minute, wait a minute. What is going on? You already told me which way the boat was going.

    Dory : I did? Oh, no...

  • Marlin : I can't read human.

    Dory : Then we need to find a fish that can read this. Hey, look! Sharks!

  • School of Fish : Hey, hey! You like impressions?

    Dory : Mmm-hmm.

    School of Fish : Okay, just like in rehearsal, gentlemen.

    [School takes form of swordfish] 

    School of Fish : So, what are we? Take a guess.

    Dory : Oh, oh, I've seen one of those.

    School of Fish : I'm a fish with a nose like a *sword*.

    Dory : Wait, wait, umm...

    Marlin : It's a swordfish!

    School of Fish : Hey, clown boy! Let the lady guess.

    [Takes form of lobster] 

    School of Fish : Where's the butter?

    Dory : Ooh! It's on the tip of my tongue...

    Marlin : [Coughing]  Lobster!

    School of Fish : Saw that.

    Marlin : What?

    School of Fish : [Takes form of octopus]  Lots of legs, swims in the ocean.

    Dory : Clam!

    School of Fish : Close enough.

    [Takes form of pirate ship] 

    School of Fish : Oh, it's a whale of a tale, I'll tell you, lad...

    Dory : Oh, they're good.

  • Marlin : Hey. Guess what?

    Nemo : What?

    Marlin : Sea turtles? I met one, and he was a hundred and fifty years old.

    Nemo : Hundred and fifty?

    Marlin : Yup.

    Nemo : Oh. 'Cause Sandy Plankton said that they only live to be a hundred.

    Marlin : Sandy Plankton? You think I would travel the whole ocean and not know as much as Sandy Plankton? He was a hundred and fifty, not a hundred!

  • [Squirts falls off the back of another turtle and off the current] 

    Marlin : [freaks out]  Oh, my goodness!

    Crush : Whoa. Kill the motor, dude.

  • Marlin : How many stripes do I have?

    Nemo : Dad, I'm fine...

    Marlin : Answer the stripe question.

    Nemo : [exasperated]  *Three*.

    Marlin : SEE? Something's wrong with you.

    [he counts] 

    Marlin : I have one... two... three? That's all I have?

  • Marlin : Something's wrong with you, really.

  • Marlin : Of course he wants us to move over there. That's EATING US.

    [wagging his tail on the whale's taste bud] 

    Marlin : How do I taste, Moby, huh? DO I TASTE GOOD?

  • [the parents are looking at their 400 unhatched children] 

    Coral : We still have to name them...

    Marlin : You wanna name all of 'em, right now? All right.

    Marlin : [points to the eggs on the left side of the nest]  We'll name this half Marlin Jr.,

    Marlin : [points to the eggs on the right side]  And then this half Coral Jr. Okay, we're done.

    [Marlin leaves] 

    Coral : I like Nemo.

    Marlin : [Comes back]  Nemo? Well, we'll name one Nemo, but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Jr.

  • Nemo : Dad, you're not gonna freak out like you did at the petting zoo, are you?

    Marlin : Hey, that snail was about to charge.

  • [Marlin and Dory are arguing about whether or not they should go over the trench] 

    Dory : Come on, trust me on this one.

    Marlin : Trust you?

    Dory : Yes, trust, it's what friends do.

  • [Nemo and Marlin are heading off to Nemo's first day of school, they stop at a busy traffic street] 

    Marlin : Wait, wait...

    [Red fish darts out and uses its color as a stop light, Nemo and Marlin cross] 

    Marlin : Hold my fin, hold my fin!

  • [Marlin tells Nigel to go into the dentist's office] 

    Nigel : I can't go in there!

    Marlin : Oh yes you can!

    [Marlin grabs Nigel's tongue a forces him to charge into the room] 

  • Marlin : I promised him I'd never let anything happen to him.

    Dory : Hm. That's a funny thing to promise.

    Marlin : What?

    Dory : Well, you can't let anything happen to him, then nothing would ever happen to him.

  • Marlin : [Inside the whale]  I have to get out of here! I have to find my son! I have to tell him how old sea turtles are!

  • Marlin : Now, what's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean?

    Nemo : It's not safe.

    Marlin : That's my boy.

  • Marlin : It's because I like you, I don't want to be with you. It's a complicated emotion.

  • Bruce : So, what's a couple of bites like you doing out so late?

    Marlin : Nothing, we're not doing anything, we're not even out.

    Bruce : Great! Then how would you little morsels like to come to a little - a little get-together I'm having?

    Dory : You mean like a party?

    Bruce : Yeah, that's it, a party! What do you say?

    Dory : Oh, I love parties! That sounds like fun.

    Marlin : Parties are fun, and it's tempting, but we really have to...

    Bruce : [Takes Dory and Marlin by the fin]  Aw, come on. I insist.

    Marlin : [Nervous]  Okay, that's all that matters.

  • Marlin : The dropoff? They're going to the dropoff? What - what are you insane? Why not just fry them up now and serve them with chips?

  • Marlin : I can't make out these markings.

    Dory : Then we need to find a fish that can read this. Hey, look! Sharks!

  • Marlin : The water is half empty!

    Dory : Hmmm. I'd say it's half full.

  • Marlin : Where's Nemo? Where is he?

    Bloat : [pointing frantically]  Dentist! Dentist!

    Marlin : What's a dentist? What is that?

  • Marlin : [notices the fish have gone]  Where did everybody go?

    [Marlin and Coral looks up to notice a barracuda has appeared] 

    Marlin : Coral. Get inside the house, Coral.

    [Coral looks down at the egg nest] 

    Marlin : No, Coral, don't you'll be fine. Just get inside, you right now.

    [Coral swims down, the barracuda went onto attack] 

    Marlin : No!

    [Marlin tries to fight the barracuda, but knocks him out] 

  • Kathy : [notices Nemo swimming off to the boat]  Oh, my gosh! Nemo's swimming out to sea!

    Marlin : [sees Nemo swimming off to the boat and gasps]  Nemo! What do you think you're doing? You're gonna get stuck out there, and I'll have to get you before another fish does! Get back here! I said get back here now! Stop!

    [Nemo stops swimming and turns around] 

    Marlin : You take one more move, mister.

    [Nemo raises his fin] 

    Marlin : No, don't you dare! If you put one fin on that boat... Are you listening to me? Don't touch the b...

    [Nemo angrily slaps the boat] 

    Marlin : Nemo!

    Tad : [whispers]  He touched the butt.

    Marlin : [as Nemo swims back]  You just paddle your little tail back here, Nemo! That's right! You are in big trouble, young man! Do you hear me? Big!

    [diver appears behind Nemo, shocked] 

    Marlin : Big.

    Nemo : [turns around to the diver and screams]  Daddy, help me!

    Marlin : I'm coming, Nemo!

    [gets his way blocked by another diver] 

  • Marlin : Ah ah ah! Forgot to brush.

    Nemo : Ughhhhhh.

    Marlin : Do you want this anemone to sting you?

    Nemo : ...yes!

    Marlin : Brush.

See also

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