
KPIs Your Law Firm Needs to Be Tracking

In the fast-paced world of legal practice, staying ahead requires more than just exceptional legal skills—it requires a keen understanding...

How to Optimize Legal Workspace Management

Managing legal workspaces has become increasingly complex, particularly with the shift to cloud-based solutions. According to a 2023 survey...

Navigating On-Campus Interviewing for Law Firms: Strategies and Tools for Effective Recruitment

Experienced law firm recruiters understand the intensity and importance of the on-campus interviewing (OCI) season. While they are familiar...

Enhancing Lease Reviews with AI Technology

Efficiency and accuracy are paramount in lease reviews. The parties to any transaction involving the transfer of real property should fully...

7 Benefits of Integrated Operations: Streamlining Legal Teams with a Profit Mentality

Law firms are continually seeking avenues to enhance processes, profitability, and overall operational efficiency. One strategy gaining...

Maximizing Legal Productivity: M365 Copilot and Litera’s Collaborative Future

The partnership between Litera and Microsoft has long been a beacon of innovation, aiming to streamline legal workflows and empower...

Due Diligence Checklists for M&A

What is M&A Due Diligence? In mergers and acquisitions (M&A), due diligence serves as the cornerstone of informed decision-making and can...

The Importance of Accuracy in Legal AI Technology

In the ever-evolving legal landscape, the adoption of technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI)-powered technology, has become a...

Navigating Data Mobility in Law Firms: Simplifying Moves

In the legal world, fluid movement of data and documents is not just a convenience but a necessity. Law firms constantly juggle dynamic...

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Navigating the Legal Horizon

The legal landscape is in the midst of a profound transformation, spurred by technological integration and the evolving needs of a digital...

Top 9 Legal Trends to Look for in 2024

As technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, the legal industry is undergoing a transformative journey, embracing innovative...

Redefining Deal Point Databases for Efficiency and Intelligence

It’s a challenge that many firms and legal professionals face: An abundance of data that could be used to drive client success, but instead...

The Paradigm Shift: The Power of User Insights for Law Firms

The world of law firms is a dynamic space where every piece of information carries weight. In this realm, data security and operational...

Q&A With Three of 2024’s Most Influential Women in Mid-Market M&A

Despite the array of challenges from grim economic predictions to outright wars, dealmakers shrugged off challenges to remain resilient...

Turn the Power of Experience into Client Success

As anyone in M&A can attest, deals can range from straightforward to complex and sprawling with multiple stakeholders from disparate...

Litera Drafting Q1 2024 Release: Seamless Collaboration and Security

This quarter, Litera Drafting has rolled out a series of enhancements aimed at streamlining collaboration, boosting security, and...

Global Results of our 2023 Technology in M&A Report

Globally, the legal industry has intensified its focus on the application of technology to the business and practice of law, and the M&A...

Elevating Legal Operations: The Art of Smart Provisioning

In the dynamic landscape of legal practice, law firms grapple with the challenge of efficiently managing workspaces and data across various...