From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Mastering 20+ Charts and Graphs

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Box and whisker charts

Box and whisker charts

- [Instructor] All right, next on the list, box and whiskers. So this mysteriously named chart type is really good at visualizing statistical characteristics across data series. So it may not look like it, but it actually plays a similar role and a similar function as a histogram does. In other words, it tells you a lot of characteristics about the statistical attributes of your data set. So it will tell you things like your max, your min, your median, your mean, your quartiles, any outliers, all packed within one single compact visualization. So it's a really cool tool and a really cool statistical visual analysis. So one caveat here, this actually just got introduced in Excel 2016. So if you're using an older version of the program, you probably won't be able to follow along. I apologize, but on that note, I'd recommend that you check out Office 365. I promise I'm not a paid spokesperson, I just believe that it's a great value. Essentially it's a subscription-based service that…
