From the course: Essentials of Storyboarding

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Benefits of drawing digitally

Benefits of drawing digitally

- I have storyboarded extensively, both on paper and digitally. And I found so many benefits of drawing digitally that I won't go back to paper for my daily work. So here are some of the strongest benefits that I found for storyboarding digitally. I'll be using Storyboard Pro for doing this demo. First of all, because I'm drawing digitally, I don't have to scan before I deliver to my clients. Again, that's just a time saver. Copying and pasting. So any number of things here, just makes it so much faster. So for instance, if I want to copy this hand and the coloring on two different layers, I can just Copy Layers and then I can hit Paste Layers. And now I've got two hands on here that I can do whatever I want that quickly, I'm not redrawing. Now, I also have a library of images that I can use. So let's just open up a new, clean panel here. There we go. And in Storyboard Pro I can have a library of images open,…
