From the course: Inclusive Leadership (2022)

Key traits of inclusive leadership: The six Cs

From the course: Inclusive Leadership (2022)

Key traits of inclusive leadership: The six Cs

- In order to meet the needs of the changing global workforce, leaders must be able to embrace the differences that workers represent and demonstrate behaviors that are inclusive and that will foster an inclusive work environment. Unfortunately, I find in my work that too many organizations suffer from underdeveloped and ineffective leaders who still don't understand diversity, nor do they demonstrate the key traits of inclusive leadership. So what do you think are some of the most important traits of inclusive leadership? The most practical and useful model that I use was developed by Deloitte that outlined six signature traits of an inclusive leader. I refer to them as the six Cs of inclusive leadership. As I review them here, reflect on your own level of effectiveness of each trait and give yourself a rating on a scale of one to five, five being very effective, one being not effective at all. Also consider one thing that you can do to increase your effectiveness in the next 60 days. The first trait is commitment. Inclusive leaders know that by committing their time, energy and support to investing in people, that they engender inclusive workplaces. By demonstrating this level of commitment, they empower and inspire others to achieve their potential. The second trait is courage. Inclusive leaders challenge the status quo and aren't afraid to call out deeply held and ingrained beliefs, attitudes and behaviors that foster homogeneity. They demonstrate humility by recognizing their own shortcomings and are willing to admit to their mistakes. The third trait is cognizance of bias. Inclusive leaders understand that personal and organizational biases narrow their field of vision and preclude them from making objective decisions. They exert considerable effort to identify their own biases and learn ways to prevent them from influencing talent decisions. They also seek to implement policies, processes and structure to prevent organizational biases from stifling diversity and inclusion. The fourth trait, curiosity. Inclusive leaders have an open mindset and a hunger for other perspectives and new experiences to minimize their blind spots and improve their decision-making. Additionally, their ability to engage in respectful questioning, active listening to others and synthesizing a range of ideas makes the people around them feel valued and respected, and a sense of belonging. Inclusive leaders also refrain from making quick judgments, knowing snap decisions can stifle the flow of ideas on their teams and frequently marked with bias. The fifth trait is cultural intelligence. Inclusive leaders have an ability to function effectively in different cultural settings. They also recognize how their own culture impacts their personal worldview, as well as how cultural stereotypes can influence their expectations of others. They know when and how to adapt, while maintaining their own cultural authenticity. The sixth trait, collaborative. Inclusive leaders understand that collaboration is the key to team performance and success. As a result, they create a safe space in which all individuals feel empowered to express their opinions freely within the group without judgment or retribution. They also realize that diversity of thought is critical to effective collaboration. Thus, they pay close attention to team composition and team processes. Now that you've rated yourself and considered some actions that you can take over the next 60 days, jot them down in the action plan provided in the exercise files. Inclusive leadership represents a new way of thinking and leading teams inside of organizations. It requires new processes and paradigms that are less about the leader as the hero and more about the leader who inspires, empowers and develops others to perform at their best. These six traits represent a powerful capability highly aligned with diversity. Embodiment of these key traits enables leaders to operate more effectively within diverse markets, better connect with diverse customers, access a more diverse spectrum of ideas and enable diverse individuals in their workforce to reach their full potential.
