From the course: Job Interviewing for Leaders and Managers

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Targeting your pre-interview research

Targeting your pre-interview research

- I had a client a few months ago reach out to me. He was really content and his job, but kept getting calls from an executive headhunter about a leadership role. Despite being in an ideal work situation, he was flattered by the recruiter's persistence. He finally agreed to meet with the CEO, and then before he could blink, he was offered a very lucrative package. Two weeks into the role, after he'd relocated his family, he realized that he made a huge mistake. The warning signs were there. He just didn't do his due diligence. The whole reason the interview process exists is so that a company can evaluate you and you can assess the company and the opportunity. Doing thorough company research is also a great way to demonstrate interest in the company. Companies want to hire passionate individuals who care about their mission and believe in the work that they're doing. Doing thorough research will allow you to have an…
