From the course: The Six Morning Habits of High Performers

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Craft your affirmations as commitments

Craft your affirmations as commitments

- [Hal] I'll give you an example of how to use affirmations in a way that is not based in lying to yourself or in this passive language that makes you feel into in the moment, but takes your responsibility away from creating the results that you want. There's four steps to create affirmations that produce results. Number one is affirm what you're committed to. So don't say I'm a millionaire, or not even I want to be a millionaire, say I'm committed to becoming a millionaire. It's very different when you affirm something you're committed to versus something that you think you are or want to be that you know you're not, right? The second thing is why is that deeply meaningful to you? So after you affirm what you're committed to, reinforce, remind yourself, why is that deeply meaningful to you? If you want to become a millionaire, why? Is it because you want to provide financial freedom for your family? Because you…
