
Infographic: The Mind-Blowing Size of Big Tech’s Data Centers

We all know that Google, Amazon, and Apple are BIG.…

4 Ways to Make Your Stand-ups Better and More Productive

Stand-ups are about forward motion: communicating what needs to get done to keep things moving.

Hacking for Good: Building Apps to Help Others in 24 Hours

New York City’s most talented tech interns recently joined the Hudson Hack, a 24-hour competition to create apps that would benefit key non-profit organizations around the city.

10 Tech Conferences Around the World to Attend in 2015

There are a lot of inspiring international tech events to take into consideration in 2015. We’ve gathered 10 of our top picks for the next 12 months here.

4 Awesome Apps from Photo Hack Day NYC

This past weekend, Shutterstock took part in Photo Hack Day NYC, a 24-hour marathon of coding image-related applications.

Where Do Artists Set the Limit With New Technology?

With new innovations appearing constantly, it’s important to accept that your tech will soon be out of date — but also that it doesn’t necessarily matter.

How Many Megapixels Does Your Camera Really Need?

With the number of megapixels on everyday devices climbing ever higher, at what point do they stop being useful and just become for show?

We Got Our Own Pixelstick Lightpainter: Here’s What We Made

A few months ago, we got an advance look at the Pixelstick light-painting device. Now we have one of our own, and the whole Shutterstock library to play with.

Building and Growing Within the NYC Tech Ecosystem: A Chat With David Fraga

Watch Shutterstock’s VP of Corporate Development discuss insights from navigating the frontlines of the NYC tech world during Internet Week.

The Coolest Things We’ve Seen at SXSW 2014… So Far

Between the hundreds of panels, parties, screenings, performances, and surprises, trying to maintain even the loosest of agendas in Austin can be difficult. In a way, though, that’s the beauty of it.