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Oladimeji (Prince) Adepoju

Student Union President at the University of Sunderland

Prince Oladimeji Adepoju commenced his career in 2003 at Federal Polytechnic Offa in Nigeria, where he pursued a degree in Computer Engineering. He served as the Director of Hardware for the Computing Club and established his Computing Center in 2004. Subsequently, he advanced his education at the National Open University, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Technology in 2010, followed by another Degree in System Engineering at the University of Sunderland in 2022. Additionally, he holds certifications in Cisco, CompTia, Exim, ISACA, Microsoft, and AWS.

With over 15 years of experience in various sectors, including Telecomms, IT, Recruitment, Retail, Hospitality, Finance, Consulting, Business, and Higher Education, he has undertaken diverse roles in IT positions. Some noteworthy projects he personally handled include the re-engineering of IT departments, automation of reporting systems, creation of Security Gateway/Firewall, Intranet Messaging Systems, and more.

Currently, serving as the second Tenure Student Union President at the University of Sunderland, Prince Oladimeji Adepoju has worked in various capacities and is deeply invested in student well-being and mental health. Driven by his enthusiasm and passion for IT, he recently underwent AWS training and obtained certification. Furthermore, he is pursuing a Ph.D., focusing his research on Advanced Cybersecurity, Intrusion Detection in 5G Network Forensics, Firewall Technologies, and AI/ML-driven Routing Strategies.

Join us as we discuss about:

  • Common challenges faced by migrants in the UK job market
  • Navigating the immigration process effectively and efficiently
  • Strategies for overcoming the language and cultural barriers
  • Strategies for effectively showcasing and utilizing the existing skills and experience
  • Seeking information on available resources and support services specifically targeted to migrants seeking employment in the UK
  • Strategies for building resilience and confidence in the face of job search challenges in the UK
  • Policy recommendations and advocacy efforts to address the systematic barriers faced by migrants in the UK

Date & Time:

14 December 2023
Ā 1 PM (UK Time)


Previous Webinars

Overcoming Hurdles in Job: Challenges Faced by Migrants in the UK

In this webinar, we gathered to discuss key challenges faced by migrants in the UK job market, such as navigating immigration processes, overcoming language and cultural barriers, and showcasing existing skills. We also explored available resources, strategies for building resilience during job searches, and policy recommendations to address systematic barriers.

Digital Transformation in UK Workplace Learning

Graham HillĀ 

In this webinar, you’ll dive deep into the pivotal role, impact, essential skills, challenges, and the exciting future of digital transformation in workplace learning. Lastly, our conversation extended to envisioning the future of digital transformation in workplace learning, providing a glimpse into the evolving landscape and its potential impact on shaping the future of education and professional development.

How to Get the Most Out of a Career Bootcamp in the UK

In this webinar, we discover the benefits of attending a career bootcamp and how to choose the right one for your goals and interests. You will also learn the key skills you need to develop during a career bootcamp, including technical skills, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication. Plus, gain insights into the role of mentors and coaches and how to approach the job search after completing a career BootCamp.

Machine-Human Collaboration Fostering Innovation in Recruitment

Parthajith Shenoy

In this webinar, we discussed the opportunities and benefits that will open up with machine learning technology and human recruiters working together. We will provide an unparalleled candidate experience while staying on top of emerging trends in recruitment.

The Challenges of Unemployment during Early Career

Dee Robertson

This webinar is for anyone looking for guidance and practical advice from experts on approaching the intricacies of early-career unemployment in the UK, including how to reconfigure your professional persona, self-help measures, and tips on preparing for future career progression.

Transferable skills and candidate training: United Kingdom

Jaspal Dhaliwal

This webinar offers the opportunity to learn how to attract and retain talent, build an employer brand, recruitment challenges for businesses in the UK, and the skill gaps and difficulties employers face while filling certain roles. Jaspal has extensive experience in the education, training, and skills sector, working with local authorities, colleges, and independent training providers.

Under Utilised Retention Strategies

Dr. Murali Padmanabhan

This webinar will give you ideas on Investing in the professional development of employees in the UK (United Kingdom), Tips for improving your employee journey, from onboarding to offboarding, Leveraging technology for better retention, and How to create an effective retention strategy, and tactics to improve it.

Diversity: Path to Sustainability and Growth

Smita Sengupta Das

Diversity empowers people to reach their full potential and ensures that businesses retain and attract talent. The event explores the effects of diversity on sustainable growth in the 21st century and how diverse teams have been proven to be more successful at innovation. Smita brings with her more than two decades of experience working in a variety of strategic Human Resource and Business leadership and roles across US, EMEA, and APAC.

Innovative Solutions to Bridging Talent Shortage

Srikanth NR

The recent pandemic has undoubtedly had an impact on employment. But, now that the situation has stabilized and the restrictions have been lifted, how do you intend to rebuild your recruitment strategy? This free webinar with Srikanth N R, Senior Leader in Human Resources, will guide job seekers and businesses on how to overcome rising skill shortages in the IT sector.