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Prostate Massagers

Prostate massager sex toys are shaped to target the prostate gland, a walnut-sized gland inside the pelvic cavity behind the penis and between the bladder and rectum. Often called the P-spot, this erogenous zone is known to feel deeply satisfying and lead to orgasm for some men. These sex toys are designed specifically to stimulate the prostate, which is surrounded by the urethra and a bundle of sensitive nerve endings. Stimulating the p-spot can help alleviate symptoms of prostate conditions like BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) and prostatitis, a chronic inflammation of the prostate. Shape and position are key for prostate stimulation. A rounded tip on any toy that is angled forward will provide more pressure to the p-spot than a straight tip.

Edge 2 By Lovense Adjustable Prostate Massager

Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $99.00.

Learn More About Prostate Massagers

What Are Prostate Massagers?

A prostate massager, also known as a prostate sex toy or anal plug, is a device that is inserted through the anus and used to stimulate the prostate gland by massaging it or vibrating it. A male can use one by himself or during foreplay with a partner. Prostate massagers come in various shapes, sizes and designs. They range from dildos to butt plugs and are often curved to allow for better penetration of the anus. Many newer prostate massagers have built-in vibrators to increase sexual pleasure.

Prostate massagers are most commonly used by males suffering from erectile dysfunction. Although there's no scientific evidence that they help with ED, many men claim that prostate stimulation helps them to ejaculate more easily during intercourse. Some also say that it can induce a so-called "g-spot" orgasm that feels more intense than the traditional kind.

Some people also use prostate massagers to manage their symptoms of prostatitis or enlarged prostate. However, the condition's symptoms are typically relieved by medication and lifestyle changes rather than prostate massage.

The anus is a sensitive part of the body, and if not properly lubricated prostate stimulation can lead to pain and tearing (which could expose a man to infection). It's important for anyone thinking about giving or receiving a prostate massage to make sure they're completely aroused first and that they use plenty of lube before inserting anything.

It's also a good idea to find a healthcare provider who is trained in giving a digital rectal exam and knows how to identify any changes or abnormalities in the prostate. A urologist specializing in male reproductive health is the best person to ask. Many local hospitals keep information on certified practitioners and can give you a list of names.

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Prostate Massager?

Prostate massage is a relatively new trend in sexual stimulation, both for pleasure and health. Men who try prostate play claim it gives them the best orgasms of their lives and medical experts say it may be a helpful tool in alleviating prostate issues.

In a prostate massage, a person puts on gloves and adds lubricant to their finger. They then insert the finger into the rectum behind the anus and gently press, or massage, the prostate area. The massage can be painful for a few moments, but it should not be too uncomfortable. Some people prefer to use an electronic prostate massager, which can provide a similar feeling with less hands-on involvement.

The prostate is a small muscular gland that helps in the production of seminal fluid and aids in the expulsion of sperm during ejaculation. It can be irritated by certain medications and conditions, including the most common one, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In BPH, the prostate becomes enlarged, causing urinary tract symptoms like pain during urination or bladder control problems. Studies have found that prostate massage can be useful in helping to relieve BPH symptoms, particularly when combined with alpha blockers or 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

Many urologists are trained in performing prostate massages during digital rectal exams, also called DREs. They often use them to look for signs of cancer or other health problems. The same type of examinations can be performed by a qualified home prostate masseur, and some health insurance plans will cover the cost. Another option is to call your local hospital’s outreach office, which keeps a list of certified medical practitioners in the area.

Do Prostate Massagers Actually Work?

Men love to hear that a prostate massage may be helpful in managing their prostatitis symptoms, but the research is pretty thin on this. Despite a long list of conditions that can cause painful inflammation of the prostate gland, medical folk have mostly lumped them together as prostatitis and are only starting to talk about prostate massages as a way to help manage the condition and reduce pain during ejaculation.

The prostate gland, about the size of a walnut, sits inside your pelvic cavity nestled in front of the bladder and wrapped around the urethra. It's a sensitive area that gets irritated if it's directly stimulated too hard or for too long, and this can lead to what's called prostatitis. Prostate massages can aggravate the condition or create new ones if used improperly, so it's important to get medical training and advice from a doctor before you start using a prostate stimulator.

While you may not need a doctor's help to do a prostate massage, the process is still a little intimate and many men are uncomfortable with the prospect of a gloved finger up their anus. The good news is that a prostate massager can provide some of the same sensations and benefits without causing discomfort, especially if you use it with lots of lube.

I run each of the prostate massagers we reviewed through a series of power levels and patterns while having my wife stand outside the bathroom to see if she can hear them moving and rotating in the pelvic region. Of the toys that have automatic motion, she was able to hear the Nexus Revo Stealth when it was spinning on its highest speed but not the Lelo Hugo or the Lovense Edge 2.

How To Use A Prostate Massager?

If you're curious about prostate stimulation and want to give it a go, it's best to start off slow with plenty of lube. It's also important to note that the anal mucosa and anus are very sensitive, so you need to take an appropriate amount of foreplay into account to avoid pain and tearing.

First, apply some lube—preferably water-based and scented-free to prevent irritation and abrasion—to your finger or sex toy. You may also want to wear gloves for hygiene reasons and to make inserting your digits easier. Then, position yourself so that you can comfortably reach your anus. Some people find it helpful to kneel on one side, but sitting is fine too.

Once you're in a ready-and-receptive stance, slowly slide your finger inside of your rectum until you find the prostate. You'll know when you hit it because the sensation will be different from touching other parts of your penis. You might even notice a little bit of bubbling in the area.

Then, gently touch your prostate with your lubed index finger or sex toy (it helps to keep the pad of your thumb against the anal mucosa for added protection). You can also try using "come hither" and doorbell techniques with your index finger. If you want to switch things up, vary your pressure and how long you hold your pressure for. You can also use a textured prostate toy for added sensations.

Are Prostate Massagers Safe to Use?

Prostate massagers—the sex toys designed to stimulate the walnut-sized gland that sits between the root of the penis and the bladder—are surging in popularity. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be used manually by someone using their fingers or with a sex toy that's inserted into the anus like a dildo or butt plug. Some prostate massagers also vibrate to enhance sexual pleasure.

While there's not much scientific evidence that prostate massagers help treat medical conditions, some experts say they can ease symptoms for some men. Some people use them to reduce ejaculation pain caused by prostatitis, a condition that causes inflammation or infection of the prostate. Prostatitis treatment usually includes antibiotics. And if you suffer from BPH, a condition in which the prostate enlarges and creates a frequent need to urinate, a prostate massage might relieve those symptoms too.

Similarly, prostate massage might help relieve a mild form of erectile dysfunction (ED) that affects many males with aging. But a more severe case of ED, known as Erectile Dysfunction Syndrome, isn't likely to improve with prostate massage, and may require stronger medications or treatments, such as testosterone replacement therapy.

To get the most benefit from a prostate massage, Brown-James recommends starting with fingering first, and then working your way up to using a sex toy. After washing your hands and trimming your nails, apply a generous amount of water- or silicone-based lubricant to your finger. Insert your finger into the anus, and then gently move it up into the perineum—the area around the sphincter that's about three inches long inside the rectum at the base of the penis.

Do I Need To Use Lube With My Prostate Massager?

If you're thinking about giving prostate massages a go, or want to learn how to use a prostate massager for yourself, it's important to understand how to prep properly. As SELF points out, this includes taking steps to protect your sexual health and make sure you have the right lubrication in place.

The prostate is a gland the size of a walnut, often referred to as the male G-spot, and it's home to a hubbub of nerves that, when stimulated, can lead to intense orgasms in men. That's why sex toys that target the prostate are growing in popularity. One of the most effective is a prostate massager, like Intrigue's Discovery. The silky silicone piece features pleasure nubs on the base, a curved shaft that easily reaches the P-spot, and 10 powerful pulsating massage speeds to stimulate the area and help you build up to an orgasm.

Before prostate anal stimulation, apply plenty of lubricant to your rectum and finger. Anal lubricants are thicker and more sticky than those used for vaginal sex, and without them, you're at risk of painful rubbing or tearing.

To find your p-spot, insert your index finger into your anus up to the first knuckle of your thumb. Then, wiggle the toy around until you feel it contact the p-spot (it may help to do a light masturbation to get aroused first, as described in this article). If you experience any pain during insertion or stimulation, remove the device and reapply your anal lubricant.

Do Prostate Massagers Help With Erectile Dysfunction?

A prostate massager is a sex toy that’s designed to stimulate the gland, usually by massaging or vibrating it. They’re often used in oral sex and foreplay between couples.

The small, walnut-sized gland is jam-packed with nerve endings that, when properly stimulated—like during anal sex—can lead to earth-shattering, full-body orgasms. It’s no wonder why millennials and Gen Z-ers, who tend to be less hung up on traditional sexual pleasure, have embraced prostate stimulation with enthusiasm.

While prostate stimulation is super pleasurable, it’s important to be careful with how you use a prostate massager. Too much direct stimulation can cause a painful condition known as prostatitis. That’s why lubrication is a must. It’s also a good idea to try out different techniques for penetrating the anus and interacting with a prostate massager before you buy one.

For example, some men like to rest the pad of their finger against the outside of their prostate and press down and away in a “come hither” motion that’s sort of like ringing a doorbell. Others like to rest the toy on their rectum and gently press against the prostate with a circular motion that’s sort of like a clockwise rotation. It’s important to experiment with pressure, duration, and motion to figure out what feels best.

Some people report that prostate massagers can help with erectile dysfunction (ED). However, most studies that have looked at the topic are limited in size and scope. For these reasons, it’s important to talk to your doctor if you are experiencing symptoms that could be related to your prostate. Your doctor may be able to determine if you have an underlying condition that can be treated with medicine or other lifestyle changes.

Where Is The Prostate Gland?

The prostate is one of the parts of a man's reproductive or urinary system. It is about the size of a walnut and sits deep inside the pelvis, below the bladder and in front of the rectum (anus). The prostate surrounds part of the urethra, which carries urine from the bladder out through the penis and out of the body.

The prostate gland secretes a slightly alkaline fluid that makes up part of the fluid (semen) that transports sperm during male sexual activity. It also stores sperm that was produced in the testicles. The muscle tissue of the prostate helps to force this mixture through the urethra during sex, a process called ejaculation.

As a man grows older, the prostate may enlarge in a process called benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. This typically does not affect function or lead to cancer, but it can make it harder to empty the bladder completely, or may cause a strong urge to urinate or incontinence.

The prostate gland is partly muscular and partly glandular, with tubes (ducts) opening into the prostatic portion of the urethra. It is made up of three lobes: a center lobe and a left and right lobe. Scientists divide the prostate into zones that resemble layers of an onion: the anterior zone, the peripheral zone and the transition zone. The anterior zone is made of muscle and fibrous tissues. The periphery of the prostate is a thicker area of glandular tissue and contains the ducts that form sperm.

What Is The Prostate Gland?

The prostate is a gland the size of a walnut that sits below the bladder in front of the rectum (the back passage). It surrounds the first part of a tube called the urethra, which carries pee out of the body and semen, a fluid containing sperm. The urethra runs through the middle of the prostate, and the muscle tissue there helps force this mixture out of the body during ejaculation.

A little bit of the sex hormone testosterone made in the testicles also moves through the prostate and into the urethra. This sex hormone helps you get an erection during sex, and it controls how the prostate grows and behaves. But too much of the sex hormone can cause problems with the urethra, including making you pee more often than you should.

Your prostate secretes a slightly alkaline liquid that is part of the fluid in your penis (semen). This fluid mixes with sperm in the testicles to form the sperm you use during sex. During male climax, the muscles in your prostate help push this fluid and sperm into the urethra. This is known as ejaculation.

Your prostate has 3 anatomical zones: the central zone, the transition zone and the peripheral zone. Each of these zones contains different types of cell that help make the fluid in your prostate. Your prostate also has a capsule of elastic connective tissue that makes it feel rubbery when you touch it.

What Are The Side Effects And Risks Of Prostate Massage?

The prostate is a small gland that produces the fluid that aids in the production of semen, which is used to propel sperm during ejaculation. The prostate is located inside the rectum and at the base of the penis. In some cultures, prostate massage was a popular treatment for chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and prostatic enlargement. While it may offer some benefits, it’s important to know the side effects and risks of prostate massage before trying it.

Men who want to try prostate massage should empty their bowels before attempting it. It’s also important to use ample lubrication and avoid using too much pressure. The area can be sensitive, and too much pressure could result in rectal damage. Additionally, if you have anal herpes or a herpes B infection, prostate massage should be avoided as it can cause irritation and pain.

Prostate massage is generally safe for most people but it’s not recommended as a treatment for any medical condition. If you have acute bacterial prostatitis, prostate cancer, or enlarged prostate nodules, prostate massage should be avoided completely.

However, if you have enlarged prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia), prostate massage can help relieve symptoms of this common condition. The prostate is filled with nerves, and stimulating it can reduce or alleviate a variety of symptoms such as urinary tract blockage, painful urination, and the sensation that you are constantly urinating. It can also improve the flow of urine. In addition to prostate massage, some doctors recommend taking medications such as alpha blockers or 5-alpha reductase inhibitors to help treat enlarged prostate.

How Do I Prepare For Prostate Massage?

The best way to get ready for prostate massage is to try masturbating and/or handjobs before trying it out, but the most important thing is to relax. It's also a good idea to trim your fingernails and make sure that they are clean before getting started. It's also a good idea not to overdo it with the pressure, and to stop when you start to feel uncomfortable.

Initially, prostate stimulation may cause you to feel like you have to pee, but this sensation will pass as the pleasure builds up. You can try a variety of movements, including circling around the gland, milking it, and stroking its surface. You can also speed up your movements and simulated vibration, which can feel really nice.

It can be easier to do prostate massage with a partner, but it's also possible to do it alone. If you're solo, it can be helpful to have a prostate-shaped anal toy to play with, and it's a good idea to use plenty of lube before getting started.

If you're having trouble finding your anus or getting a grip on the prostate, you can ask your partner to sit next to you and help out. Having them kneel behind you can give them better access to your anus, and they can massage your prostate internally or externally. Just be careful not to put too much pressure on your anus or you could experience pain, bleeding, and a possible bacterial infection.
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