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Ottawa Asbestos Removal Services


If you are in Ottawa or the surrounding areas and in need of asbestos removal services, look no further. Our professional team specializes in asbestos abatement and is dedicated to providing safe and effective solutions. Asbestos exposure can be extremely hazardous to your health, and it is crucial to have it removed properly by trained experts. We understand the importance of a thorough and efficient removal process, and we prioritize the safety of our clients. With our knowledge and experience, we ensure that every step is taken to eliminate the risk of asbestos contamination. Whether it is for residential or commercial properties, our asbestos removal services are tailored to meet your specific needs. Contact us today for a reliable and trustworthy service that will give you peace of mind. Dedicated to your safety and the safety of your home & family. Asbestos removal experts near Ottawa, Ontario

Asbestos fiber
Asbestos fiber
What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a mineral that occurs in rock and soil. It is made up of long, thin and fibrous crystals. Asbestos fibers are so small that a microscope is required to see them.

Inhaling or ingesting asbestos causes fibers to become trapped in the body. Over decades, trapped asbestos fibers can cause inflammation, scarring and cancer.

Asbestos exposure is the primary cause of mesothelioma. Asbestos also causes a progressive lung disease called asbestosis.

The mineral mainly comes from Russia, Kazakhstan and China. The toxic mineral was once mined throughout North America. Most commercial asbestos deposits contain 5% to 6% asbestos. Some deposits, such as the Coalinga deposit in California, contain 50% or more asbestos.

Types of Asbestos

There are six main types of asbestos, according to The Congressional Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986. Many more types of asbestos exist, and they are commonly called asbestiform minerals.

How Was Asbestos Used?

Companies used asbestos in building materials, insulation, fireproofing materials, brakes and more. They used asbestos because the mineral’s tough fibers could handle heat, electricity and corrosion.

Building materials contained asbestos because it was an effective insulator. Asbestos in cloth, paper, cement, plastic and other materials made them heat-resistant and stronger.

What are long term effects of Asbestos exposure?

  • Asbestosis

  • Lung Cancer

  • Pleural Disease

  • Mesothelioma

These conditions are able to develop over long periods of exposure. Prologed exposure is typically only a factor for people who openly worked with asbestos material before the government classified it as a dangerous material requiring PPE. However, there are cases where certain older homes have been majorly renovated without the proper precautions, recirculating this air without a proper decontamination could pose certain health risks.

Most of the above complications are a result of scarification of the lungs causing tissue build up, potential fluid build up, reduced breathing capacity as well as other functions of the lungs.

According to the the CDC / ATSDR, recent studies also suggest that asbestos exposure could be linked to Larynx and Ovarian Cancer, Stomach and Colorectum Cancer.


For more info on Mesothelioma symptoms

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Asbestos Worker
Asbestos Worker

Safe and reliable asbestos removal services in Ottawa, Ontario.

Professional Asbestos Removal
About Us

We are a trusted asbestos removal service in Ottawa, specializing in asbestos abatement, removal, vent cleaning, and drywall removal.

a man wearing a protective suit and a hard hat working on a street
a man wearing a protective suit and a hard hat working on a street
glass window with brown frames
glass window with brown frames
Our Services
Asbestos Removal Ottawa
Asbestos Removal Ottawa
a building with a metal roof and a metal door
a building with a metal roof and a metal door
a building with graffiti on the walls
a building with graffiti on the walls
Vent Cleaning

We provide professional asbestos abatement services to ensure the safety of your property.

Our experienced team is trained in safe asbestos removal techniques to protect your health and the environment.

We offer thorough asbestos vent cleaning services to improve indoor air quality.

Best asbestos removal Ottawa
Best asbestos removal Ottawa

Great service! They removed the asbestos from my basement quickly and efficiently.

Customer Reviews

Asbestos Board Ottawa
Asbestos Board Ottawa

Highly recommend! The team was professional and ensured the asbestos was completely removed.

Certified Asbestos Abatement Company
Certified Asbestos Abatement Company

Prompt and reliable service. They took care of the asbestos removal in our office building.

Asbestos Fiber
Asbestos Fiber

Excellent job! The vent cleaning service improved the air quality in our home.

a building with graffiti on the walls
a building with graffiti on the walls
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galaxy digital wallpaper
