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Calling designers, web developers, and the creatively curious! Next week marks the launch of Google Developers Live Presents, a new series of exclusive programming from GDL.  Presents kicks off this month with Design Ignites the Web, a family of episodes that takes you on a journey from back-end to front-end, showing you how to create compelling projects in the browser. The series will feature exclusive interviews with the developers behind select Chrome Experiments, Chrome WebLab, Movi.Kanti.Revo, and DevArt.

So, what’s coming up?  

Make Web Magic: The Minds Behind the Most Popular Chrome Experiments | Tuesday, October 9 - Part 1, 1:00 PM PDT | 20:00 UTC [Event page] | Part II, 2:00 PM PDT | 21:00 UTC [Event page] | Part III, 3:00 PM PDT | 22:00 UTC [Event page] Using the latest open web technologies, the developers creating some of the most inspired Chrome Experiments showcase their latest web experiments and discuss how they are making the web faster, more fun, and open in this 3-episode hangout. Host: Paul Irish, Developer Advocate, Chrome Guests: Hakim: Google+, Website | Michael Deal: Google+, Website | Mark Danks: Google+, Website  

All the Web’s a Stage: Building a 3D Space in the Browser | Thursday, October 11 - 10:30 AM PDT | 17:30 UTC  [Event page] Meet the designers and creative team behind a new sensory Chrome experiment, Movi.Kanti.Revo, in a live, design-focused Q&A. Learn how Cirque du Soleil and Subatomic Systems worked to translate the wonder of Cirque into an environment built entirely with markup and CSS. Host: Pete LePage, Developer Advocate Guests: Gillian Ferrabee, Creative Director, Images & Special Projects, Cirque du Soleil | Nicole McDonald, Director/Creative Director, Subatomic Systems  

Van Gogh Meets Alan Turing: The Browser Becomes a Canvas with DevArt | Friday, October 19 - 10:00 AM PDT | 17:00 UTC  [Event page] How can art and daily life be joined together? Host Ido Green chats with creators Uri Shaked and Tom Teman about tackling this question with their “Music Room” – a case study in the power of Android – and with Emmanuel Witzthum on his project “Dissolving Realities,” which aims to connect the virtual environment of the Internet using Google Street View. Host: Ido Green, Developer Advocate Guests: Uri Shaked, Tom Teman, and Emmanuel Witzthum

Push the Limits: Building Extraordinary Experiences with Chrome | Week of October 29  [Event page] The experiments in Chrome Web Lab are pushing the limits of what developers can build in a browser. Explore the design and technical mastery that went into making extraordinary experiences, directly from the experiments’ home, the London Science Museum. Hosts: Pete LePage, Developer Advocate | Paul Kinlan, Developer Advocate Guests: Tellart & B-Reel representatives for Universal Orchestra, Sketchbot, Teleporter, LabTag, DataTracer  

If you can’t make the live show, you’ll still be able to see recordings of these and past sessions on our YouTube channel.  For more information on our monthly schedule, add +Google Developers to your circles and follow @googledevs on Twitter.

Posted by Peter Lubbers, Program Manager

A few weeks ago one of my developer friends was gushing about the capabilities of his favorite native platform. After every point I felt obliged to point out that the web platform either already had or was actively developing precisely the same capabilities—and then some. He was incredulous. "Prove it," he said.

So I pulled together a few of my favorite examples from the cutting edge of the web platform and recorded three screencasts to help my friend—and others—meet the web platform again for the first time.

The first video, Building on Foundations, goes over how the web platform has been fixing various historical shortcomings and building upon its core strengths, like complicated graphical effects, composability, and advanced text layout.

The next video, Learning from Other Platforms, reviews how the web platform offers new capabilities inspired by successes on other platforms with things like push notifications, payment APIs, and web intents.

The last video, On the Cutting Edge, demonstrates some of the new tricks the web platform is learning, like webcam access, powerful audio APIs, and complicated 3D graphics.

If you're interested in learning more about the technology behind any of the demos, check out the Meet the Web Platform companion guide.

I hope these videos capture your imagination and begin to show what is possible on the web platform. The web platform is evolving at an enormous pace, and I just can't wait to see where it goes next!

Cross posted at the Google Code blog

This post almost wasn’t written.

I’ve been a bit too busy playing and testing new browser-based games such as Monster Dash, Angry Birds, and the newly released SONAR. Bigger and better games are coming to the browser rapidly (and just wait until Native Client with 3D lands in Chrome), and it’s hard to keep up with the technology and scene. So what better way to bring everyone together to share stories and keep up to date than to hold a conference dedicated to HTML5 game development?

New Game, the first North American conference for HTML5 game developers, is now open for registration. You are invited to join hundreds of HTML5 game developers for two days of technical sessions and case studies from developers and publishers who brought their games to the open web platform. The event will take place November 1-2, 2011 at the beautiful Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, CA.

This year, New Game looks at what is possible in the browser today. Sessions will focus on the technologies that have elevated the browser-based gaming experience, such as WebGL, Canvas, and JavaScript performance techniques. In addition, the conference will feature sessions exploring and analyzing lessons-learned from recent HTML5 game launches.

New Game is honored to have Rich Hilleman, EA’s Chief Creative Officer, keynote the event. The schedule also includes sessions from Mozilla, Spil, Opera, Google, Bocoup, GameSalad, Moblyng, and others. After the first day, we’ll network with our colleagues and share high scores at the New Game party, open to all registered attendees.

For more information on New Game, including session and speaker details, please visit www.newgameconf.com and follow @newgameconf for the latest news. Google, the premier sponsor, and conference director Bocoup invite you to take advantage of early bird registration pricing, available for a limited time.

The future of gaming is in your browser, so I’ll see you at New Game! Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to get back to my SONAR tab.

Games are some of the most popular apps on the web platform. Representatives from the Chrome team will be at the Game Developers Conference, to connect with game developers and deliver tech talks on some of the latest web technologies.

On February 28th, as part of Google Developer Day at GDC, Vincent Scheib will present an overview of how the latest HTML5 technologies can be used to create games. On the same day, Gregg Tavares will explain how to get GPU-accelerated graphics with WebGL, and Bill Budge will show how you can program Web games in C++ using Native Client. For a full list of other Google talks check out google.com/gdc2011.

We will also be present at Google’s booth on the GDC expo floor. Representatives from our 3D Graphics, Native Client, HTML5 and Chrome Web Store teams will be there to answer your questions on how you can use web technologies to create compelling games for Chrome’s 120+ million active users.

We can’t wait to see you there!

We think HTML5 will make your work more engaging and create a faster, more responsive experience for your users, so we're happy to add today a slew of new content to html5rocks.com.

If you want to not only get up to speed, but understand the browser differences and techniques for a robust implementation, please take a look through the new guides for implementing HTML5 video, understanding "offline," auditing your webapp with the Chrome developer tools, and using web workers and @font-face. You can now comment about your experiences with these features and stay up to date on new content via our new RSS feed.

We're also sharing the new HTML5 Studio, a collection of samples of these features in use, with code you can learn from and hack on.

If you'd like to contribute code, guides, or samples, please get in touch on the bug tracker or on @ChromiumDev. We'd love to incorporate your work.

Because HTML5 and its related technologies cover so much ground, it can be a real challenge to get up to speed on them. That’s why today we're sharing HTML5 Rocks, a great new resource for developers and teams looking to put HTML5 to use today, including more information on specific features and when to use them in your apps.

We're launching the site with nine tutorials on specific HTML5 features. For example, you can learn how to successfully take your application offline, access the user's location with Geolocation, and even read local files from within JavaScript. In the site, we’ve also included a number of APIs that are defined outside the W3C HTML5 Spec, but kept them within this site as next-generation web applications span many specs. Watch the site as we’ll soon be adding more guides.

The Interactive Presentation, written in HTML5, demonstrates a number of features with examples you can toy with. You can use this presentation to learn more about HTML5, but also to conduct presentations with your team. Feel free to share it; all the content here is licensed Creative Commons Attribution.

The code playground lets you take working examples and edit them live, so you can get a feel for how the browser reacts to these APIs. And after you’ve hacked with, for example, the Notifications API, you can explore handpicked resources that include reference guides, development tools, and other community sites.

Send us a tweet at @ChromiumDev or post to the Chromium HTML5 group to let us know how we can improve the site for you. We look forward to seeing you experiment and build apps with these features!

Google I/O recap

If you missed the Day 1 keynote this year, it was all about the open web. There were some amazing demos from Mugtug, TweetDeck, Adobe, and Sports Illustrated demonstrating the full potential of HTML5. There was a preview of WebM/VP8, a high-quality, open, and web-optimized video format. We saw the announcement of the Chrome Web Store, which later this year will provide a new and exciting channel for developers to distribute their web apps and reach new users. We also launched the Google Font API, which allows you to add high-quality web fonts to any web page. Lastly, there were all of the great Chrome sessions. Videos have been posted on the Google I/O website:
What's new for developers in Google Chrome?

The Google Chrome Dev channel is now up to 6.0.422.0. It includes a bunch of new features to think about when developing your apps:
In addition to the above, there are new experimental extension APIs:
You can try out these features by launching a Dev-channel version of Google Chrome with the --enable-experimental-extension-apis flag and adding the ‘experimental’ permission in your manifest.json file. Please keep in mind that these features are still under development and are not 100% stable yet.

Upcoming developer events

For those of you based in New York, there’s an upcoming Chrome Extensions hackathon in our local office on June 10, 2010. We also have a five day DevFest starting June 28, 2010 in Sydney, Australia. Google Chrome will be featured on Wednesday, June 30. Stay tuned for more details!

For the latest news and upcoming developer events, subscribe to this blog and follow us on Twitter @ChromiumDev.

At the end of 2009, we traveled around the world — to the Czech Republic, Russia, and Argentina — meeting with developers and talking to them about Google Chrome Extensions and HTML5.

In the first leg of our trip, we headed to Europe for Google Developer Day Prague and Google Developer Day Moscow on November 6th and 10th. Google Developer Days are one-day events featuring seminars and office hours about Google developer products like Android, Google App Engine, and of course Google Chrome! More than 800 developers were on hand in Prague and more than 1,500 in Moscow to learn, among lots of other things, how to develop extensions for Google Chrome. Below is video of the talk Brian gave about extensions in Moscow. You can also watch video of this talk translated into Russian or video of a similar talk from Prague and view slides from Prague or slides from Moscow.

Our next and last stop was Buenos Aires for Google DevFest Argentina. Google DevFests are more focused versions of Google Developer Days. On November 17th, another 800 or so developers attended this event. There, we covered the Google Chrome platform in a couple sessions — on HTML5 and extensions. Below are slides from the talk Mihai gave on HTML5. You can also view slides from the extension talk.

For us, the best part of being at these events was seeing and hearing about all the interest in Google Chrome from developers everywhere and all the cool things those developers are building with the browser. If you'd like to get involved too, there are a bunch of community-organized Google Chrome events going on now. Check out the Google Technology User Group site to find a group or Meetup to find an event near you. And if there isn't a nearby group or event already, why not create your own! We have a collection of hackathon-in-a-box resources to help you do so.

Google is one of the Khronos member companies helping to develop the WebGL specification, bringing hardware accelerated 3D rendering to the web via the Canvas element. Today is the release of the initial public draft of the WebGL spec. We're happy to announce that Chromium contains provisional WebGL support on Linux (32- and 64-bit), Mac and Windows. This implementation was developed in close collaboration with Apple Computer and utilizes much shared code from WebKit.

See Getting a WebGL Implementation for instructions on getting a Chromium build and enabling WebGL support. This is an early version with many caveats, but with it you can get a taste of the new functionality coming to the web.

Here are a few demos to whet your appetite:
The WebGL wiki is the central location for information about the evolving specification, including the draft spec, introductory articles, tutorials, mailing lists and forums. See the WebGL demo repository for more demos and instructions on how to check out their source code.

We're looking forward to finalizing the WebGL specification and making this functionality available to web developers, and look forward to your feedback. For Chromium-specific questions, use the Chromium-dev mailing list, for more general WebGL questions, use the WebGL forums or WebGL public mailing list.

Starting in the Google Chrome developer channel release, Web Sockets are available and enabled by default. Web Sockets are "TCP for the Web," a next-generation bidirectional communication technology for web applications being standardized in part of Web Applications 1.0. We've implemented this feature as described in our design docs for WebKit and Chromium.

The Web Sockets API enables web applications to handle bidirectional communications with server-side process in a straightforward way. Developers have been using XMLHttpRequest ("XHR") for such purposes, but XHR makes developing web applications that communicate back and forth to the server unnecessarily complex. XHR is basically asynchronous HTTP, and because you need to use a tricky technique like long-hanging GET for sending data from the server to the browser, simple tasks rapidly become complex. As opposed to XMLHttpRequest, Web Sockets provide a real bidirectional communication channel in your browser. Once you get a Web Socket connection, you can send data from browser to server by calling a send() method, and receive data from server to browser by an onmessage event handler. A simple example is included below.

if ("WebSocket" in window) {
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://example.com/service");
ws. {
// Web Socket is connected. You can send data by send() method.
ws.send("message to send"); ....
ws. (evt) { var received_msg = evt.data; ... };
ws. { // websocket is closed. };
} else {
// the browser doesn't support WebSocket.

In addition to the new Web Sockets API, there is also a new protocol (the "web socket protocol") that the browser uses to communicate with servers. The protocol is not raw TCP because it needs to provide the browser's "same-origin" security model. It's also not HTTP because web socket traffic differers from HTTP's request-response model. Web socket communications using the new web socket protocol should use less bandwidth because, unlike a series of XHRs and hanging GETs, no headers are exchanged once the single connection has been established. To use this new API and protocol and take advantage of the simpler programming model and more efficient network traffic, you do need a new server implementation to communicate with — but don't worry. We also developed pywebsocket, which can be used as an Apache extension module, or can even be run as standalone server.

You can use Google Chrome and pywebsocket to start implementing Web Socket-enabled web applications now. We're more than happy to hear your feedback not only on our implementation, but also on API and/or protocol design. The protocol has not been completely locked down and is still in discussion in IETF, so we are especially grateful for any early adopter feedback.

We've introduced a new way for web developers to take advantage of Google Chrome's multi-process architecture, as of version Google Chrome already uses separate OS processes to isolate independent tabs from each other in the browser, so that crashes or slowdowns in one tab won't affect the others. Google Chrome even switches a given tab's process if you type a different site's URL into the Omnibox.

In many cases, though, Google Chrome needs to keep pages from related tabs in the same process, since they may access each other's contents using JavaScript code. For example, clicking links that open in a new window will generally cause the new and old pages to share a process.

In practice, web developers may find situations where they would like links to other pages to open in a separate process. As one example, links from messages in your webmail client would be nice to isolate from the webmail client itself. This is easy to achieve now, thanks to new support in WebKit for HTML5's "noreferrer" link relation.

To cause a link to open in a separate process from your web page, just add rel="noreferrer" and target="_blank" as attributes to the <a> tag, and then point it at a URL on a different domain name. For example:

<a href="http://www.google.com" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Google</a>

In this case, Google Chrome knows that the page will be opened in a new window, that no referrer information will be passed to the new page, and that the window.opener value will be null in the new page. As a result, the two pages cannot script each other, so Chrome can load them in separate processes. Google Chrome will still keep same-site pages in the same process, to allow them to share caches and minimize overhead.

We hope you find this useful on your own sites!