Instapaper Weekly Sponsorship

We are excited to announce that we are once again opening up sponsorship slots on the Instapaper Weekly email.

About Instapaper Weekly

Instapaper Weekly is an algorithmically-generated newsletter that goes out every Sunday. The email contains the most popular highlight created by all Instapaper users for the week and a list of the most popular articles saved to Instapaper for each day of the past week.

The Weekly is currently delivered to approximately 3 million Instapaper users. The open rate on the mailer is 7.7 percent, with an average click-to-open rate of 0.8% on advertisements.

Why Sponsorships?

By design, the Instapaper Weekly is a reflection of what our readers consider to be the most important and noteworthy topics for a given week. Sponsoring the Weekly places your content amongst the best content Instapaper has to offer and provides access to a large, engaged audience of tech-oriented and well-read professionals.


As the Weekly compiles content our users found most compelling, we will be holding our sponsorship choices to the same standards of high quality. Your sponsored content should fit within our existing format for Instapaper Weekly and consist of a link, title, description, and thumbnail image. Ideally, the link would be something that our mobile-centric users can save to Instapaper for later reading.

We will run the sponsorship between the “Top Highlight” and “Most Popular” sections of the weekly email:


We are currently charging a flat rate of $2,500 for advertisements in the Instapaper Weekly, and offer one placement per week.

If you’re interested in sponsoring the Instapaper Weekly, please email us at

– Instapaper Team