Instapaper iOS 8.2: Search in Article, Text Justification, and more

Instapaper iOS 8.2 is now available on the App Store. This release includes in-article search, text justification, and several design updates that make it faster and easier  to access some of your favorite Instapaper features.

Search in Article


With Search in Article, you can easily find a term or quote in your article.

To trigger search, open an article, go to the new More (… icon) section on the toolbar, and choose “Search in Article.” In-article search will highlight matches in the text as you type. If there are multiple matches, you can cycle through them by tapping on the up or down arrow beside the search bar.

The new More menu on the article toolbar makes it easier to trigger features like Speak and Speed Read, as well as article management options. The traditional share option can also be found in this new menu.

We’ve also made it easier to trigger article management options right from the in-article toolbar. Just long-press the Archive icon to trigger deletion or move the article to a folder.

Text Justification


Being able to justify text so the edges of each line align with both margins is something users have regularly requested. With Instapaper 8.2, you can enable text justification from the second page of the text settings (Aa icon).

We’ve also redesigned the text settings display for cleaner, easier access to frequently adjusted options like theme, font, and brightness. Settings that we’ve found users to more often set-and-forget are still easily accessible by swiping to the second page of the text settings menu.

Manually Adding Links

To accommodate Apple’s changes to clipboard behavior in iOS 16, we’ve changed how to manually add links to Instapaper. Now, you can manually add a link from the side menu by tapping on the + icon. This way, you never need to worry about clipboard detection prompts while using Instapaper until you are ready to add a link.

You can always add items to Instapaper from your mobile browser or other apps through the standard Apple system share sheet, as well.

Sort by Recently Read

To make it easier to read your in progress articles, we added a Recently Read option to sort your articles. You can sort your articles by pressing the More (… icon) on the top right of your article list, and choosing Sort.

Thanks again for writing in with your feature requests and bug reports, we really appreciate hearing from you. If you have any feature requests, questions, and/or issues, please let us via email at or via @InstapaperHelp on Twitter.

– Instapaper Team