Improved Organizing and Sorting Tools

We just launched updates to improve Instapaper’s organizing and sorting tools for iOS, macOS, and web. Features include drag & drop to reorder, sorting improvements, modern swipe actions, better integrations with Shortcuts on iOS, and more!

Drag & Drop to Reorder

This has been a common feature request, and we are excited to finally launch drag & drop reordering. It’s now easier than ever to manually organize your articles to their desired position.


Drag & drop is available on iOS, macOS, and web.

Sorting Improvements

On web, we launched a toggle to let you sort by oldest articles, instead of only by newest articles. To sort by oldest, navigate to your Instapaper email on the top right, and click “Oldest First” in the dropdown.


On iOS and macOS, we still offer all seven sorting options, but now they persist between sessions instead of needing to be set every time the app launches.

We also redesigned the article list menu to be more modern and inline with iOS and macOS system menus.


Modern Swipe Actions


Managing your articles on iOS is now more seamless with modern swipe actions. Simply swipe left or right to access a number of swipe actions including Archive, Move to Folder, Share, and more.

Swipe actions are fully customizable in Settings > Swipe Actions, and you can set different swipe actions for short or long swipes.

If you decide you prefer the classic swipe actions you can still enable those in Settings > Swipe Actions.

Lastly, long pressing an article will now show a full list of article options including like, move, archive, delete, redownload, edit, send to Kindle, and Share.

Save to Folder Email Addresses

We launched Save to Folder email addresses, which let you send articles to an Instapaper email address that will get directly saved into a folder. You can find a full list of your Save to Instapaper email addresses at 

Improved Siri, Search, and Shortcuts Integrations

We’ve launched a number of “intents” that improve Instapaper’s integration with Siri, Search, and Shortcuts.

For instance, you can open your most recent article by saying “Hey Siri, Open Last Article in Instapaper”. You can open a folder by saying “Her Siri, Open Folder in Instapaper”, and then saying the folder name when prompted.

For a full list of actions available, open the Shortcuts app, go to the App Shortcuts section, and tap Instapaper.

Other Features & Improvements

We’ve launched a number of other smaller features, improvements, and bug fixes in this release including:

  • Haptic feedback on iOS. We added these sparingly, but if you find them distracting you can disable them in Settings > Advanced > Haptic Feedback.
  • Shake to undo archiving an article.
  • Link previews when long pressing links in reader view.
  • Share All Notes will now always share in the order appearing in the article.
  • Fixed pagination display issues on iPad after rotating.
  • Fixed crashes when highlighting on iOS 17.
  • Fixed some crashes on macOS.

Next Up: Notes, Android, and More!

This year we’ve been focused on improving several key features for Instapaper. In our last release we improved text-to-speech, including Voice selection and a CarPlay app. This release is focused on improved organization and article management tools.

Our next release will be focused on improvements to Notes. If you’re using Notes, please let us know any feature requests you’d like to see us add in the next release.

We’ve been a bit behind on our Android app, but recently brought on someone to help update the app to the latest Android frameworks. Afterward we’ll be working toward feature parity with iOS.

As always, our roadmap is informed by your feature requests and bug reports. If you have any feature requests, questions, and/or issues, please let us via email at

– Instapaper Team