Permanent Archive and Premium Price Change


Today, we’re launching Permanent Archive, an Instapaper Premium feature that ensures you will always have access to the content you save. That means articles you read, highlight, and create notes on will always be accessible to you, even if they disappear from the Internet.

Permanent Archive is available today for all Instapaper Premium customers. Your articles have already been permanently archived as part of the feature launch.

Premium Price Change

We are increasing the price of Instapaper Premium from $3/month ($30/year) to $6/month ($60/year). This will be our first price change to Instapaper Premium in 9 years. We’re making this change for the following reasons:

  • Increased Investment: We’ve heard from many of you that you want faster feature development in Instapaper. Our new pricing will allow us to hire more engineers so we can deliver more features faster.
  • Advanced Premium Features: Many customers are asking for additional Premium features like Permanent Archive, enhanced text-to-speech voices, automatic organization, and summarization tools. We’re excited to build these features, and they will require additional infrastructure to operate. The new pricing ensures we can deliver them while maintaining a self-sustaining business.
  • Minimizing Price Changes: We’re proud that Instapaper Premium pricing has remained consistent since 2014. When considering this price change, we wanted to ensure we won’t need to increase the price for the foreseeable future.

The new pricing goes into effect for Instapaper Premium renewals starting January 1st, 2024.

Premium for Students

We’re also launching Instapaper Premium for Students, which will be available at the previous price of $3/month or $30/year. To qualify please write in to with your name, date of graduation, and a copy of your student ID.

As always, please feel free to reach out with any feature requests, questions, or concerns to

– Instapaper Team