This document describes the ML.UNDERSTAND_TEXT function, which lets you analyze text that's stored in BigQuery tables by using the Cloud Natural Language API.


  MODEL `project_id.dataset.model_name`,
  { TABLE `project_id.dataset.bq_table` | (query_statement) },
  STRUCT('option_name' AS nlu_option)


ML.UNDERSTAND_TEXT takes the following arguments:

  • project_id: Your project ID.

  • dataset: The BigQuery dataset that contains the model.

  • model: The name of a remote model with a REMOTE_SERVICE_TYPE of CLOUD_AI_NATURAL_LANGUAGE_V1.

  • bq_table: The name of the BigQuery table that contains text data. The text analysis is applied on the column with name text_content in this table. If your table does not have text_content column, use a SELECT statement for this argument to provide an alias for an existing table column, as shown in the following example:

      (SELECT comment AS text_content from mydataset.mytable),
      STRUCT('ANALYZE_SYNTAX' AS nlu_option)

    An error occurs if no text_content column is available.

  • query_statement: A query whose result contains the text data. The text analysis is applied on the column in the query named text_content. You can alias an existing table column as text_content if necessary. For information about the supported SQL syntax of the query_statement clause, see GoogleSQL query syntax.

  • option_name: a STRING value that specifies the feature name of a supported Natural Language API feature. The supported features are as follows:


ML.UNDERSTAND_TEXT returns the input table plus the following columns:

  • ml_understand_text_result: a JSON value that contains the text analysis result from Natural Language API.
  • ml_understand_text_status: a STRING value that contains the API response status for the corresponding row. This value is empty if the operation was successful.


See Cloud AI service functions quotas and limits.

Known issues

Sometimes after a query job that uses this function finishes successfully, some returned rows contain the following error message:

A retryable error occurred: RESOURCE EXHAUSTED error from <remote endpoint>

This issue occurs because BigQuery query jobs finish successfully even if the function fails for some of the rows. The function fails when the volume of API calls to the remote endpoint exceeds the quota limits for that service. This issue occurs most often when you are running multiple parallel batch queries. BigQuery retries these calls, but if the retries fail, the resource exhausted error message is returned.

To iterate through inference calls until all rows are successfully processed, you can use the BigQuery remote inference SQL scripts or the BigQuery remote inference pipeline Dataform package.


ML.UNDERSTAND_TEXT must run in the same region as the remote model that the function references. For more information about supported locations for models based on the Natural Language API, see Locations for remote models.


Example 1

The following example applies classify_text on the bq table mybqtable in mydataset.

# Create Model
REMOTE WITH CONNECTION `myproject.myregion.myconnection`
OPTIONS (remote_service_type ='cloud_ai_natural_language_v1');
# Understand Text
  MODEL `mydataset.mynlpmodel`,
  TABLE `mydataset.mybqtable`,
  STRUCT('classify_text' AS nlu_option)

The output is similar to the following:

ml_understand_text_result ml_understand_text_status text_content
{"categories":[{"confidence":0.51999998,"name":"/Arts & Entertainment/TV & Video/TV Shows & Programs"}]} That actor on TV makes movies in Hollywood and also stars in a variety of popular new TV shows.

Example 2

The following example classify the text in the column text_content in the table mybqtable, selects the rows where confidence is higher than 0.5, and then returns the results in separate columns.

  `mydataset.classfied_result` AS (
    text_content AS `Original Input`,
    STRING(ml_understand_text_result.categories[0].name) AS `Classified Name`,
    FLOAT64(ml_understand_text_result.categories[0].confidence) AS `Confidence`,
    ml_understand_text_status AS `Status`
    ML.UNDERSTAND_TEXT( MODEL `mydataset.mynlpmodel`,
      TABLE `mydataset.mybqtable`,
      STRUCT('classify_text' AS nlu_option))

  confidence > 0.5;

The output is similar to the following:

Original Input Classified Name Confidence Status
That actor on TV makes movies in Hollywood and also stars in a variety of popular new TV shows. /Arts & Entertainment/TV & Video/TV Shows & Programs 0.51999998

If you get an error like query limit exceeded, you might have exceeded the quota for this function, which can leave you with unprocessed rows. Use the following query to complete processing the unprocessed rows:

  `mydataset.classfied_result_next` AS (
    text_content AS `Original Input`,
    STRING(ml_understand_text_result.categories[0].name) AS `Classified Name`,
    FLOAT64(ml_understand_text_result.categories[0].confidence) AS `Confidence`,
    ml_understand_text_status AS `Status`
    ML.UNDERSTAND_TEXT( MODEL `mydataset.mynlpmodel`,
      (SELECT `Original Input` as text_content FROM `mydataset.classfied_result`
       WHERE Status != ''),
      STRUCT('classify_text' AS nlu_option))

SELECT * FROM `mydataset.classfied_result_next`;

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