"> About - Thomas Woodfin Denver App Developer
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I attended NYU graduate certificate programs and excelled with a 4.0 GPA in iOS Development, Web Development, and Digital Marketing in 2013.

I am currently working on the most recent iOS Xcode, Swift 5.7, SwiftUI (WidgetKit, Appclips – functionalities), and iOS16 (the most current OS).

I am experienced with iOS SDK, Objective C, and Swift. I can bridge ObjC to Swift or rewrite code in Swift. I have experience with Image Recognition, ARKit (augmented reality), CoreML (machine learning), Mapkit, CallKit, and social media SDKs to connect with social media apps like Facebook and Instagram, I have connected with community group functions. I built over 100 mobile apps in my decade-plus career. I have excellent written and verbal communication skills. I can work in team environments via Scrum and/or Agile. I am familiar with working in Jira, Slack, Gitflow with Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, and CodeCommit {AWS}. I have worked with domestic and international teams throughout my career.

I am experienced in AV Foundation Framework (Swift) to record audio from the device. Dropbox, CloudKit, and Drive API for sharing and backups. I implemented the Core Data framework to store user data locally and SQLite for offline functionality and architecture. I implemented NS Operation Queue and NSURL Session (Swift) to integrate with backend web services Restful APIs. I am familiar with using Storyboard, XIB, and SwiftUI. I have programmatically handled UI in Objective C and Swift. I am comfortable setting Storyboard constraints for multiple device layouts. Most of the apps I worked on use Pushkit for push notifications for alerts and reminders. Most apps require writing unit tests for testing specific functionality and logic.

I migrated codes using Swift and Swift 5.7. On a few apps, I used Bluetooth on Bluetooth low energy (BLE ) and QR codes. I used Xcode’s instruments tool to fine-tune the app's performance and memory management. I formatted the data as per business rules to display in UI. Followed a work data flow principle for design and development. I worked closely with a cross functional team of testers and developers. In a recent project PatientAccess, I implement a function to get the heart rate via the flash on the camera.

Environment: iOS 16, Mac OS, Swift, SwiftUI, Combine and RXSwift, Xcode, Cocoapods, Swift Package Manager, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa framework, Adobe Suite (Photoshop), MapKit, Core Location, and AVFoundation.

profile description

Mobile App Developer

Knowledgeable and solution-focused software development leader able to manage projects efficiently while achieving business objectives by employing effective communication and organizational skills. Produce quality work by skillfully applying technical capabilities while progressing through the software development life cycle. Continuously build upon knowledge base and skills set by proactively seeking education opportunities and staying informed of technology advancements.
Project Management | Application Design | Troubleshooting |Debugging | Analysis | Customer/Client Service | Attention to Detail | Multitasking | Verbal and Written Communication



SwiftUI 95%
Objective-C 90%
Swift 93%
Kotlin 97%
XML 95%


REST 95%
(JSON/XML) 97%
RESTful APIs, 97%
Paypal Auth 2.0 97%
Location-based implementations 93%
Broadcast Receivers 93%
GraphQL API Integration 94%
All Kinds of Google Map Related Services 94%

Architecture/Design Patterns

MVVM 98%
MVC 98%

Version Control & Client

SVN 99%
Git (Bitbucket, Gitlab, Github) 99%
Postman 99%
Sourcetree 99%


PSP 90%
TDD 98%


CocoaPods 98%
CocoaTouch (SwiftyDB,SwiftFlow,SwiftyJSON,etc.)98%
AFNetworking 98%
SDWebImage 96%
Alamofire 96%
MBProgressHUD 96%
SVProgressHUD 98%
MJRefresh 90%
CocoaLumberjack 90%
Realm 90%
Barcode scanning/OCR using AVFoundation 90%
ARKit 90%
CloudKit 90%
MapKit 90%
LocationKit Reachability 90%
Core ML 90%
AWS AppSync 90%
Native Animations 90%
Core Bluetooth 90%
SDK-FB and Instagram 90%
React Native 90%
JetPack Compose 90%
SwiftUI 90%


Newrelic 90%
Crashlytics 90%
Fabric 90%
Bugfender 90%
Sentry.io 90%
Mantis 90%
Bugzila 90%
Timber 90%


Firebase 90%
Back4App 90%
Parse 90%
AWS 90%
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