
The ConvolverNode interface is an AudioNode that performs a Linear Convolution on a given AudioBuffer, often used to achieve a reverb effect. A ConvolverNode always has exactly one input and one output.

Note: For more information on the theory behind Linear Convolution, see the Convolution article on Wikipedia.

EventTarget AudioNode ConvolverNode
Number of inputs 1
Number of outputs 1
Channel count mode "clamped-max"
Channel count 1, 2, or 4
Channel interpretation "speakers"



Creates a new ConvolverNode object instance.

Instance properties

Inherits properties from its parent, AudioNode.


A mono, stereo, or 4-channel AudioBuffer containing the (possibly multichannel) impulse response used by the ConvolverNode to create the reverb effect.


A boolean that controls whether the impulse response from the buffer will be scaled by an equal-power normalization when the buffer attribute is set, or not.

Instance methods

No specific method; inherits methods from its parent, AudioNode.

ConvolverNode Example

The following example shows basic usage of an AudioContext to create a convolver node.

Note: You will need to find an impulse response to complete the example below. See this Codepen for an applied example.

let audioCtx = new window.AudioContext();

async function createReverb() {
  let convolver = audioCtx.createConvolver();

  // load impulse response from file
  let response = await fetch("path/to/impulse-response.wav");
  let arraybuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
  convolver.buffer = await audioCtx.decodeAudioData(arraybuffer);

  return convolver;

// …

let reverb = await createReverb();

// someOtherAudioNode -> reverb -> destination


Web Audio API
# ConvolverNode

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. Enable JavaScript to view data.

See also