
Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The EditContext interface represents the text edit context of an element that was made editable by using the EditContext API.

The EditContext API can be used to build rich text editors on the web that support advanced text input experiences, such as Input Method Editor (IME) composition, emoji picker, or any other platform-specific editing-related UI surfaces.


EditContext() Experimental

Returns a new EditContext instance.

Instance properties

EditContext.text Read only Experimental

The editable content of the element.

EditContext.selectionStart Read only Experimental

The offset, within the editable text content, of the start of the current selection.

EditContext.selectionEnd Read only Experimental

The offset, within the editable text content, of the end of the current selection.

EditContext.characterBoundsRangeStart Read only Experimental

The offset, within the editable text content, where the last IME composition started.

Instance methods

EditContext is based on the EventTarget interface, and includes its methods.

EditContext.attachedElements() Experimental

An Array containing one HTMLElement object which is the element that's associated with the EditContext object.

EditContext.characterBounds() Experimental

The list of bounding rectangles for the characters in the EditContext object.

EditContext.updateText() Experimental

Updates the internal text content of the EditContext object.

EditContext.updateSelection() Experimental

Updates the internal state of the selection within the editable text context.

EditContext.updateControlBounds() Experimental

Informs the operating system about the position and size of the editable text region.

EditContext.updateSelectionBounds() Experimental

Informs the operating system about the position and size of the selection within the editable text region.

EditContext.updateCharacterBounds() Experimental

Informs the operating system about the position and size of the characters in the EditContext object.


textupdate Experimental

Fired when the user has made changes to the text or selection.

textformatupdate Experimental

Fired when composition using an Input Method Editor (IME) window is happening and the IME decides that certain parts of the text being composed should be formatted differently to indicate the composition state.

characterboundsupdate Experimental

Fired when the operating system needs to know the size and position of certain characters within the editable text region of the EditContext object, in order to display an IME window.

compositionstart Experimental

Fired when composition using an IME window is starting.

compositionend Experimental

Fired when composition using an IME window is ending.


EditContext API
# dom-editcontext

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. Enable JavaScript to view data.