
Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since November 2015.

The HTMLTemplateElement interface enables access to the contents of an HTML <template> element.

Note: An HTML parser can create either an HTMLTemplateElement or a ShadowRoot when it parses a <template> element, depending on the <template> attributes. If an HTMLTemplateElement is created the "shadow" attributes are reflected from the template. However these are not useful, because an HTMLTemplateElement is not a shadow root and cannot subsequently be changed to a shadow root.

EventTarget Node Element HTMLElement HTMLTemplateElement

Instance properties

This interface inherits the properties of HTMLElement.

content Read only

A read-only DocumentFragment which contains the DOM subtree representing the <template> element's template contents.


A string that reflects the value of the shadowrootmode attribute of the associated <template> element.


A boolean that reflects the value of the shadowrootdelegatesfocus attribute of the associated <template> element.


A boolean that reflects the value of the shadowrootclonable attribute of the associated <template> element.

shadowRootSerializable Experimental

A boolean that reflects the value of the shadowrootserializable attribute of the associated <template> element.

Instance methods

This interface inherits the methods of HTMLElement.


HTML Standard
# htmltemplateelement

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. Enable JavaScript to view data.