HTML Sanitizer API

Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time.

Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The HTML Sanitizer API allow developers to take untrusted strings of HTML and Document or DocumentFragment objects, and sanitize them for safe insertion into a document's DOM.

Concepts and usage

Web applications often need to work with untrusted HTML on the client side, for example, as part of a client-side templating solution or for rendering user generated content, or when including data in a frame from another site. The Sanitizer API allows for rendering of this potentially untrusted HTML in a safe manner.

To access the API you would use the Sanitizer() constructor to create and configure a Sanitizer instance. The configuration options parameter allows you to specify the allowed and dis-allowed elements and attributes, and to enable custom elements and comments.

The most common use-case - preventing XSS - is handled by the default configuration. Creating a Sanitizer() with a custom configuration is necessary only to handle additional, application-specific use cases.

The API has two main methods for sanitizing data:

  1. Element.setHTML() parses and sanitizes a string of HTML and immediately inserts it into the DOM as a child of the current element. This is essentially a "safe" version of Element.innerHTML, and should be used instead of innerHTML when inserting untrusted data.
  2. Sanitizer.sanitize() sanitizes data that is in a Document or DocumentFragment. It might be used, for example, to sanitize a Document instance in a frame.

Parsing and sanitizing strings

The result of parsing a string of HTML depends on the context/the element into which it is inserted.

For example, an HTML string containing <td> elements is valid if inserted under a <table> elements, but will be dropped if inserted in a <div> element. Similarly, an <em> element is a valid node in a <div> but the tag will be escaped if used in a <textarea>:

<!-- "<em>bla</em>" inserted into <div> -->

<!-- "<em>bla</em>" inserted into <textarea> -->

The target element must therefore be known when the parser is run and the resulting subtree must be inserted into that same type of element in the DOM, or the result will be incorrect. This consideration does not matter for Element.setHTML() as it is called on a particular element and the context is therefore implicit.

The parser may also perform normalization operations on the input string. As a result, even if the HTML is valid and the sanitizer method does nothing, the sanitized output may not precisely match the unsanitized input. This applies to both methods.


Sanitizer Deprecated

Provides the functionality to define a sanitizer configuration, to sanitize untrusted strings of HTML for later insertion into the DOM, and to sanitize Document and DocumentFragment objects.


Parses a string of HTML into a subtree of nodes, sanitizes it using a Sanitizer object, then sets it as a child of the current element.


The following examples show how to use the sanitizer API using the default sanitizer (at time of writing configuration operations are not yet supported).

Sanitize a string immediately

The code below demonstrates how Element.setHTML() is used to sanitize a string of HTML and insert it into the Element with an id of target.

The script element is disallowed by the default sanitizer so the alert is removed.

const unsanitized_string = "abc <script>alert(1)<" + "/script> def"; // Unsanitized string of HTML

const sanitizer = new Sanitizer(); // Default sanitizer;

// Get the Element with id "target" and set it with the sanitized string.
const target = document.getElementById("target");
target.setHTML(unsanitized_string, { sanitizer });

// "abc  def"

Sanitize a frame

To sanitize data from an <iframe> with id userFrame:

const sanitizer = new Sanitizer(); // Default sanitizer;

// Get the frame and its Document object
const frame_element = document.getElementById("userFrame");
const unsanitized_frame_tree = frame_element.contentWindow.document;

// Sanitize the document tree and update the frame.
const sanitized_frame_tree = sanitizer.sanitize(unsanitized_frame_tree);


HTML Sanitizer API
# sanitizer-api

Browser compatibility

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