View Transitions API

Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The View Transitions API provides a mechanism for easily creating animated transitions between different DOM states while also updating the DOM contents in a single step.

Concepts and usage

View transitions are a popular design choice for reducing users' cognitive load, helping them stay in context, and reducing perceived loading latency as they move between states or views of an application.

However, creating view transitions on the web has historically been difficult. Transitions between states in single-page apps (SPAs) tend to involve writing significant CSS and JavaScript to:

  • Handle the loading and positioning of the old and new content.
  • Animate the old and new states to create the transition.
  • Stop accidental user interactions with the old content from causing problems.
  • Remove the old content once the transition is complete.

Accessibility issues like loss of reading position, focus confusion, and strange live region announcement behavior can also result from having the new and old content both present in the DOM at once. In addition, cross-document view transitions (i.e. across different pages in regular, non-SPA websites) are impossible.

The View Transitions API provides a much easier way of handling the required DOM changes and transition animations.

Note: The View Transitions API doesn't currently enable cross-document view transitions, but this is planned for a future level of the spec and is actively being worked on.

Creating a basic view transition

As an example, an SPA may include functionality to fetch new content and update the DOM in response to an event of some kind, such as a navigation link being clicked or an update being pushed from the server. In our Basic View Transitions demo we've simplified this to a displayNewImage() function that shows a new full-size image based on the thumbnail that was clicked. We've encapsulated this inside an updateView() function that only calls the View Transition API if the browser supports it:

function updateView(event) {
  // Handle the difference in whether the event is fired on the <a> or the <img>
  const targetIdentifier = ||;

  const displayNewImage = () => {
    const mainSrc = `${targetIdentifier.src.split("_th.jpg")[0]}.jpg`;
    galleryImg.src = mainSrc;
    galleryCaption.textContent = targetIdentifier.alt;

  // Fallback for browsers that don't support View Transitions:
  if (!document.startViewTransition) {

  // With View Transitions:
  const transition = document.startViewTransition(() => displayNewImage());

This code is enough to handle the transition between displayed images. Supporting browsers will show the change from old to new images and captions as a smooth cross-fade (the default view transition). It will still work in non-supporting browsers but without the nice animation.

It is also worth mentioning that startViewTransition() returns a ViewTransition instance, which includes several promises, allowing you to run code in response to different parts of the view transition process being reached.

The view transition process

Let's walk through how this works:

  1. When document.startViewTransition() is called, the API takes a screenshot of the current page.
  2. Next, the callback passed to startViewTransition() is invoked, in this case displayNewImage, which causes the DOM to change. When the callback has run successfully, the ViewTransition.updateCallbackDone promise fulfills, allowing you to respond to the DOM updating.
  3. The API captures the new state of the page as a live representation.
  4. The API constructs a pseudo-element tree with the following structure:
    └─ ::view-transition-group(root)
       └─ ::view-transition-image-pair(root)
          ├─ ::view-transition-old(root)
          └─ ::view-transition-new(root)
    When the transition animation is about to run, the ViewTransition.ready promise fulfills, allowing you to respond by running a custom JavaScript animation instead of the default, for example.
  5. The old page view animates from opacity 1 to 0, while the new view animates from opacity 0 to 1, which is what creates the default cross-fade.
  6. When the transition animation has reached its end state, the ViewTransition.finished promise fulfills, allowing you to respond.

Note: If the document's page visibility state is hidden (for example if the document is obscured by a window, the browser is minimized, or another browser tab is active) during a document.startViewTransition() call, the view transition is skipped entirely.

Different transitions for different elements

At the moment, all of the different elements that change when the DOM updates are transitioned using the same animation. If you want different elements to animate differently from the default "root" animation, you can separate them out using the view-transition-name property. For example:

figcaption {
  view-transition-name: figure-caption;

We've given the <figcaption> element a view-transition-name of figure-caption to separate it from the rest of the page in terms of view transitions.

With this CSS applied, the pseudo-element tree will now look like this:

├─ ::view-transition-group(root)
│ └─ ::view-transition-image-pair(root)
│     ├─ ::view-transition-old(root)
│     └─ ::view-transition-new(root)
└─ ::view-transition-group(figure-caption)
  └─ ::view-transition-image-pair(figure-caption)
      ├─ ::view-transition-old(figure-caption)
      └─ ::view-transition-new(figure-caption)

The existence of the second set of pseudo-elements allows separate view transition styling to be applied just to the <figcaption>. The different old and new page view captures are handled completely separate from one another.

The value of view-transition-name can be anything you want except for none — the none value specifically means that the element will not participate in a view transition.

Note: view-transition-name must be unique. If two rendered elements have the same view-transition-name at the same time, ViewTransition.ready will reject and the transition will be skipped.

Customizing your animations

The View Transitions pseudo-elements have default CSS Animations applied (which are detailed in their reference pages).

Notably, transitions for height, width, position, and transform do not use the smooth cross-fade animation. Instead, height and width transitions apply a smooth scaling animation. Meanwhile, position and transform transitions apply smooth movement animations to the element.

You can modify the default animation in any way you want using regular CSS.

For example, to change the speed of it:

::view-transition-new(root) {
  animation-duration: 0.5s;

Let's look at something more interesting — a custom animation for the <figcaption>:

@keyframes grow-x {
  from {
    transform: scaleX(0);
  to {
    transform: scaleX(1);

@keyframes shrink-x {
  from {
    transform: scaleX(1);
  to {
    transform: scaleX(0);

::view-transition-new(figure-caption) {
  height: auto;
  right: 0;
  left: auto;
  transform-origin: right center;

::view-transition-old(figure-caption) {
  animation: 0.25s linear both shrink-x;

::view-transition-new(figure-caption) {
  animation: 0.25s 0.25s linear both grow-x;

Here we've created a custom CSS animation and applied it to the ::view-transition-old(figure-caption) and ::view-transition-new(figure-caption) pseudo-elements. We've also added a number of other styles to both to keep them in the same place and stop the default styling from interfering with our custom animations.

Note that we also discovered another transition option that is simpler and produced a nicer result than the above. Our final <figcaption> view transition ended up looking like this:

figcaption {
  view-transition-name: figure-caption;

::view-transition-new(figure-caption) {
  height: 100%;

This works because, by default, ::view-transition-group transitions width and height between the old and new views. We just needed to set a fixed height on both states to make it work.

Note: Smooth and simple transitions with the View Transitions API contains several other customization examples.

Controlling animations with JavaScript

The document.startViewTransition() method returns a ViewTransition object instance, which contains several promise members allowing you to run JavaScript in response to different states of the transition being reached. For example, ViewTransition.ready fulfills once the pseudo-element tree is created and the animation is about to start, whereas ViewTransition.finished fulfills once the animation is finished, and the new page view is visible and interactive to the user.

For example, the following JavaScript could be used to create a circular reveal view transition emanating from the position of the user's cursor on click, with animation provided by the Web Animations API.

// Store the last click event
let lastClick;
addEventListener("click", (event) => (lastClick = event));

function spaNavigate(data) {
  // Fallback for browsers that don’t support this API:
  if (!document.startViewTransition) {

  // Get the click position, or fallback to the middle of the screen
  const x = lastClick?.clientX ?? innerWidth / 2;
  const y = lastClick?.clientY ?? innerHeight / 2;
  // Get the distance to the furthest corner
  const endRadius = Math.hypot(
    Math.max(x, innerWidth - x),
    Math.max(y, innerHeight - y),

  // Create a transition:
  const transition = document.startViewTransition(() => {

  // Wait for the pseudo-elements to be created:
  transition.ready.then(() => {
    // Animate the root’s new view
        clipPath: [
          `circle(0 at ${x}px ${y}px)`,
          `circle(${endRadius}px at ${x}px ${y}px)`,
        duration: 500,
        easing: "ease-in",
        // Specify which pseudo-element to animate
        pseudoElement: "::view-transition-new(root)",

This animation also requires the following CSS, to turn off the default CSS animation and stop the old and new view states from blending in any way (the new state "wipes" right over the top of the old state, rather than transitioning in):

::view-transition-image-pair(root) {
  isolation: auto;

::view-transition-new(root) {
  animation: none;
  mix-blend-mode: normal;
  display: block;



Represents a view transition, and provides functionality to react to the transition reaching different states (e.g. ready to run the animation, or animation finished) or skip the transition altogether.

Extensions to other interfaces


Starts a new view transition and returns a ViewTransition object to represent it.

CSS additions



Provides the selected element with a separate identifying name and causes it to participate in a separate view transition from the root view transition — or no view transition if the none value is specified.



The root of the view transitions overlay, which contains all view transitions and sits over the top of all other page content.


The root of a single view transition.


The container for a view transition's old and new views — before and after the transition.


A static screenshot of the old view, before the transition.


A live representation of the new view, after the transition.



CSS View Transitions Module Level 1

Browser compatibility


BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. Enable JavaScript to view data.


BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. Enable JavaScript to view data.

See also