Knox Childcare & kindergarten

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Knox Childcare & kindergarten

Activities and ProgramsElsa program


wantirna early learning centre is a fun and easy digital language program for preschool children. The program is an Australian Government initiative aimed at encouraging more students to study language. The program has been successfully integrated into thousands of preschools across Australia. It has had overwhelmingly positive feedback from families and educators. ELLA aligns with the Australian Government’s screen time recommendations for young children, with a maximum of 40 minutes per week across multiple small sessions.

ELLA introduces children to learning a new language via interactive tablet apps, which have been developed in consultation with experts in languages, early childhood and technology. The Polyglots are a cast of characters who –through play-based learning – introduce the children to words, sentences and songs in another language. The apps draw on the interests and activities of young children, such as celebrations, cooking experiences, art activities, building and role-play.

Using wantirna early learning centre has shown multiple benefits for children. Children will expand their knowledge of how language works and apply these skills to other literacy tasks, such as listening carefully to sounds in words. These skills will be used when the children learn to read and write. ELLA will help develop foundation skills, such as learning colours, counting and greetings. Research has shown that exposing children to language learning at an early age encourages them to continue language studies during secondary school.

Playing with the ELLA apps helps children develop and use cognitive and social skills. They will share the tablets and their knowledge, interact with and help each other. Language learning improves memory, concentration and critical-thinking skills. Using the ELLA apps increases children’s digital skills, too. ELLA also creates opportunities to celebrate culture and diversity, to share home languages, and to strengthen links between families and preschool services.

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