Frank van Puffelen
Frank van Puffelen

We're just days away from the Firebase Dev Summit in Amsterdam! This means that all across the company, dozens of engineers and product managers are hopping on planes and saying to themselves, "Oh, whoops. I guess I better start working on that presentation."

Just kidding! As your conference organizer, I've had a chance to see a sneak preview of what's in store for you at the Firebase Dev Summit. And I feel confident telling you that this year's Dev Summit will be full of exciting product announcements, instructor-led codelabs, and way too many jokes about wooden shoes.

Now if you can't attend the Firebase Conference in person, never fear! We'll be livestreaming all of the talks from the main track in our YouTube channel, starting at 10:00 AM (Amsterdam time). And if this ends up being inconvenient for your time zone, that's okay. All of those talks, along with the in-depth sessions from our secondary track, will be recorded and posted within hours. So you can stay informed of the latest Firebase news while also getting a good night's sleep.

So while it's always hard to pick my favorite talks out of all of the great ones we've got lined up, here are a few that I'm pretty excited about:

Firebase overview and announcements: If you just tune in to one presentation, make it this one. This is where we'll be covering all of the major announcements around what's new in Firebase. Thought we were done with the announcement of Cloud Firestore? Nope! We've got even more on the way and you can find out about it here!

Actionable insights with Firebase: Speaking of new and exciting announcements, this suspiciously-vaguely-worded presentation might contain a few details about some exciting new developments with Firebase. Or it might not. You'll just have to tune in to find out!

Automating your app's release process using fastlane: fastlane has been one of the most popular open-source tools among mobile developers, helping to automate many of the tedious parts of releasing an app, so you can focus on the fun bits. If you're not familiar yet with fastlane, this is a great way to find out everything that it can do for you.

BigQuery for Analytics: There's a lot of amazing stuff you can perform with BigQuery and Google Analytics for Firebase, but it can also be incredibly overwhelming for mobile developers whose SQL skills might be a little rusty. Todd will be showing you some really useful tricks that you can do with BigQuery to make tackling those SQL queries a little more useful.

Write production quality Cloud Functions code Cloud Functions for Firebase is a powerful tool that you can use to help realize your goal of creating a truly serverless app. But they can sometimes be tricky to get right. And while Jennifer's videos are a great way to get started with Cloud Functions, Thomas and Lauren's presentation can help you move your Cloud Functions from "neat little parlor trick" to "production-level toolkit".

Of course, these are just my thoughts; you're the ones who want to know more about Firebase, so feel free to check out the talk that's of most interest to you! My only strong opinion is about where you can get the best stroopwafels. (Honestly, you should just get the cheap packs at the supermarket, because the fancy ones just aren't worth it.)