We know many organizations using Google Drive storage or Google Maps Coordinate have hundreds or even thousands of users to which licenses need to be assigned. That’s why we’re pleased to announce a more streamlined method for managing these licenses using the Enterprise License Manager API.

The API offers a simple and faster way to access the functionality of the License Manager user interface. It can be used to programmatically assign, unassign and re-assign Google Drive storage or Google Maps Coordinate licenses to users in your domain. Google Apps reseller administrators and their customers can also use the API for the same programmatic license assignment.

To begin using the Google Enterprise License Manager API today, follow the instructions in the API documentation. You will need to sign in to the Google APIs Console and activate the API. If you have any questions about this API, please ask them in the Domain Information and Management APIs forum.

Alex Jos

Alex is an engineer working on Google enterprise. His current interests include designing for performance and low latency, security, web services, statistics and ranking.

Keshav Darak

Keshav is an engineer working on Google enterprise with interests in parallel processing and distributed systems. In his spare time he plays ping pong.