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Google Cloud Next '18 is less than a week away and this year, there are over 500 sessions, covering all aspects of cloud computing—IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. This is your chance to hear from experts in artificial intelligence, as well as learn first-hand how to build custom solutions in G Suite alongside developers other Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), systems integrators (SIs) or industry enterprises.

G Suite’s intelligent productivity apps are secure, smart and simple to use, so why not integrate your apps with them? If you’re planning to attend the event and are wondering which sessions you should check out to enhance your skill set, here are some sessions to consider:

  • Power Your Apps with Gmail, Google Drive, Calendar, Sheets, Slides, and More!" on Tuesday, July 24th. Join me as I lead this session that provides a high-level technical overview of the various ways you can build with G Suite. This is a great place to start before attending deeper technical sessions. 
  • “Power your apps with Gmail, Google Drive, Calendar, Sheets, Slides and more” on Monday, July 23rd and Friday, July 27th. If you're already up-to-speed and want to leave NEXT with actual, working code you can use at school or on the job, join us for one of our bootcamps! Both are identical and bookend the conference—one on Monday and another on Friday. While named the same as the technical overview talk above, these dive a bit deeper, show more API usage examples and feature hands-on codelabs. Register today to ensure you get a seat.
  • Automating G Suite: Apps Script & Sheets Macro Recorder” or “Enhancing the Google Apps Script Developer Experience” on Tuesday, July 24th. Interested in Google Apps Script, our customized serverless JavaScript runtime used to automate, integrate, and extend G Suite apps and data? The first session introduces developers and ITDMs to new features as well as real business use cases while the other session dives into recent features that make Apps Script more friendly for the professional developer. 
  • G Suite + GCP: Building Serverless Applications with All of Google Cloud” on Wednesday, July 25th. This session is your chance to attend one of the few hybrid talks that look at how to you can build applications on both GCP and G Suite platforms. Learn about GCP and G Suite serverless products— a topic that’s become more and more popular over the past year—and see how it works firsthand with demos. I’m also leading this session and eager to show how you can leverage both platforms in the same application. 
  • Build apps your business needs, with App Maker” or “How to Build Enterprise Workflows with App Maker” on Tuesday, July 24th and Thursday, July 26th respectively. Google App Maker is a new low-code, development environment that makes it easy to build custom apps for work. It’s great for business analysts, technical managers or data scientists who may not have software engineering resources. With a drag & drop UI, built-in templates, and point-and-click data modeling, App Maker lets you go from idea to app in minutes! Learn all about it with our pair of App Maker talks featuring our Developer Advocate, Chris Schalk. 
  • The Google Docs, Sheets & Slides Ecosystem: Stronger than ever, and growing” or “Building on the Docs Editors: APIs and Apps Script” on Wednesday, July 25th and Thursday, July 26th respectively. Check out these pair of talks to learn more about how to write apps that integrate with Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Forms. The first describes the G Suite productivity tools' growing interoperability in the enterprise with while the second focuses on the different options available to developers for integrating with the G Suite "editor" applications. 
  • Get Productive with Gmail Add-ons” on Tuesday, July 24th. We launched Gmail Add-ons less than a year ago (You can check out this video to learn more.) to help developers integrate their apps alongside Gmail. Come to this session to learn the latest from the Gmail Add-ons and API team.
I look forward to meeting you in person at Next '18. In the meantime, you can check out the entire session schedule to find out everything NEXT has to offer or this video where I talk about how I think technology will change the world. See you soon!

We recently introduced Google Slides Add-ons so developers can add functionality from their apps to ours. Here are examples of Slides Add-ons that some of our partners have already built—remember, you can also add functionality to other apps outside of Slides, like Docs, Sheets, Gmail and more.

When it comes to Slides, if your users are delivering a presentation or watching one, sometimes it's good to know how far along you are in the deck. Wouldn't it be great if Slides featured progress bars?
In the latest episode of the G Suite Dev Show, G Suite engineer Grant Timmerman and I show you how to do exactly that—implement simple progress bars using a Slides Add-on.

Using Google Apps Script, we craft this add-on which lets users turn on or hide progress bars in their presentations. The progress bars are represented as appropriately-sized rectangles at the bottom of slide pages. Here's a snippet of code for createBars(), which adds the rectangle for each slide.

var BAR_HEIGHT = 10; // px
var presentation = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation();

function createBars() {
  var slides = presentation.getSlides();
  for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; ++i) {
    var ratioComplete = (i / (slides.length - 1));
    var x = 0;
    var y = presentation.getPageHeight() - BAR_HEIGHT;
    var barWidth = presentation.getPageWidth() * ratioComplete;
    if (barWidth > 0) {
      var bar = slides[i].insertShape(SlidesApp.ShapeType.RECTANGLE,
     x, y, barWidth, BAR_HEIGHT);

To learn more about this sample and see all of the code, check out the Google Slides Add-on Quickstart. This is just one example of what you can build using Apps Script and add-ons; here’s another example where you can create a slide presentation from a collection of images using a Slides Add-on.

If you want to learn more about Apps Script, check out the video library or view more examples of programmatically accessing Google Slides here. To learn about using Apps Script to create other add-ons, check out this page in the docs.

Today, we announced a collection of exciting new features in Google Slides—among these is support for Google Apps Script. Now you can use Apps Script for Slides to programmatically create and modify Slides, plus customize menus, dialog boxes and sidebars in the user interface.

Programming presentations with Apps Script

Presentations have come a long way—from casting hand shadows over fires in caves to advances in lighting technology (magic lanterns) to, eventually, (in)famous 35mm slide shows of your Uncle Bob's endless summer vacation. More recently, we have presentation software—like Slides—and developers have been able to write applications to create or update them. This is made even easier with the new Apps Script support for Google Slides. In the latest G Suite Dev Show episode, we demo this new service, walking you through a short example that automatically creates a slideshow from a collection of images.
To keep things simple, the chosen images are already available online, accessible by URL. For each image, a new (blank) slide is added then the image is inserted. The key to this script are two lines of JavaScript (given an existing presentation and a link to each image):

var slide = presentation.appendSlide(SlidesApp.PredefinedLayout.BLANK);
var image = slide.insertImage(link);

The first line of code adds a new slide while the other inserts an image on the new slide. Both lines are repeated for each image in the collection. While this initial, rudimentary solution works, the slide presentation created doesn't exactly fit the bill. It turns out that adding a few more lines make the application much more useful. See the video for all the details.

Getting started 

To get started, check the documentation to learn more about Apps Scripts for Slides, or check out the Translate and Progress Bar sample Add-ons. If you want to dig deeper into the code sample from our video, take a look at the corresponding tutorial. And, if you love watching videos, check out our Apps Script video library or other G Suite Dev Show episodes. If you wish to build applications with Slides outside of the Apps Script environment and want to use your own development tools, you can do so with the Slides (REST) API—check out its documentation and video library.

With all these options, we look forward to seeing the applications you build with Google Slides!

We recently demonstrated how to use field masks to limit the amount of data that comes back via response payloads from read (GET) calls to Google APIs. Today, we’ll focus on a different use case for field masks: update requests.

In this scenario, field masks serve a different, but similar purpose—they still filter, but function more like bitmasks by controlling which API fields to update. The following video walks through several examples of update field mask usage with both the Google Sheets and Slides APIs. Check it out.
In the sample JSON payload below, note the request to set the cells' bold attribute to true (per the cell directive below), then notice that the field mask (fields) practically mirrors the request:
    "repeatCell": {
        "range": {
            "endRowIndex": 1
        "cell": {
            "userEnteredFormat": {
                "textFormat": {
                    "bold": true
        "fields": "userEnteredFormat/textFormat/bold",
Now, you might think, “is that redundant?” Above, we highlighted that it takes two parts: 1) the request provides the data for the desired changes, and 2) the field mask states what should be updated, such as the userEnteredFormat/textFormat/bold attribute for all the cells in the first row. To more clearly illustrate this, let’s add something else to the mask like italics. Here, the updated field mask now has both bold and italic fields:
"fields": "userEnteredFormat/textFormat(bold,italic)"

However, while both elements are in the field mask, we’ve only provided the update data for bold. There’s no data for italic setting specified in the request body. In this case, for all cells will be reset, meaning if the cells were originally italicized, those italics will be removed after this API request completes. And vice versa, if the cells were not italicized to begin with, they’ll stay that way. This feature gives developers the ability to undo or reset any prior settings on affected range of cells. Check out the video for more examples and tips for using field masks for update requests.

To learn more about using field masks for partial response in API payloads, check out this video and the first post in this two-part series. For one of the most comprehensive write-ups on both (read and update) use cases, see the guide in the Google Slides API documentation.  Happy field-masking!

You may have read recently that the Google Cloud Platform team upgraded to Issue Tracker, the same system that Google uses internally. This allows for improved collaboration between all of us and all of you. Issues you file will have better exposure internally, and you get improved transparency in terms of seeing the issues we’re actively working on. Starting today, G Suite developers will also have a new issue tracker to which we’ve already migrated existing issues from previous systems. Whether it’s a bug that you’ve found, or if you wish to submit a favorite feature request, the new issue tracker is here for you. Heads up, you need to be logged in with your Google credentials to view or update issues in the tracker.
The new issue tracker for G Suite developers. 

Each G Suite API and developer tool has its own “component” number that you can search. For your convenience, below is the entire list. You may browse for issues relevant to the Google APIs that you’re using, or click on the convenience links to report an issue or request a new/missing feature:
To get started, take a look at the documentation pages, as well as the FAQ. For more details, be sure to check out the Google Cloud Platform announcement, too. We look forward to working more closely with all of you soon!

Posted by Wesley Chun (@wescpy), Developer Advocate, G Suite
When the Google Slides team launched their very first API last November, it immediately opened up a whole new class of applications. These applications have the ability to interact with the Slides service, so you can perform operations on presentations programmatically. Since its launch, we've published several videos to help you realize some of those possibilities, showing you how to:
Today, we're releasing the latest Slides API tutorial in our video series. This one goes back to basics a bit: adding text to presentations. But we also discuss shapes—not only adding shapes to slides, but also adding text within shapes. Most importantly, we cover one best practice when using the API: create your own object IDs. By doing this, developers can execute more requests while minimizing API calls.

Developers use insertText requests to tell the API to add text to slides. This is true whether you're adding text to a textbox, a shape or table cell. Similar to the Google Sheets API, all requests are made as JSON payloads sent to the API's batchUpdate() method. Here's the JavaScript for inserting text in some object (objectID) on a slide:
    "insertText": {
        "objectId": objectID,
        "text": "Hello World!\n"
Adding shapes is a bit more challenging, as you can see from its sample JSON structure:

"createShape": {
        "shapeType": "SMILEY_FACE",
        "elementProperties": {
            "pageObjectId": slideID,
            "size": {
                "height": {
                    "magnitude": 3000000,
                    "unit": "EMU"
                "width": {
                    "magnitude": 3000000,
                    "unit": "EMU"
            "transform": {
                "unit": "EMU",
                "scaleX": 1.3449,
                "scaleY": 1.3031,
                "translateX": 4671925,
                "translateY": 450150
Placing or manipulating shapes or images on slides requires more information so the cloud service can properly render these objects. Be aware that it does involve some math, as you can see from the Page Elements page in the docs as well as the Transforms concept guide. In the video, I drop a few hints and good practices so you don't have to start from scratch.

Regardless of how complex your requests are, if you have at least one, say in an array named requests, you'd make an API call with the aforementioned batchUpdate() method, which in Python looks like this (assuming SLIDES is the service endpoint and a presentation ID of deckID):

For a detailed look at the complete code sample featured in the DevByte, check out the deep dive post. As you can see, adding text is fairly straightforward. If you want to learn how to format and style that text, check out the Formatting Text post and video as well as the text concepts guide.
To learn how to perform text search-and-replace, say to replace placeholders in a template deck, check out the Replacing Text & Images post and video as well as the merging data into slides guide. We hope these developer resources help you create that next great app that automates the task of producing presentations for your users!

Posted by Wesley Chun (@wescpy), Developer Advocate, G Suite

There are over 200 sessions happening next month at Google Cloud's Next 2017 conference in San Francisco... so many choices! Along with content geared towards Google Cloud Platform, this year features the addition of G Suite so all 3 pillars of cloud computing (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) are represented!

There are already thousands of developers including Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) creating solutions to help schools and enterprises running the G Suite collaboration and productivity suite (formerly Google Apps). If you're thinking about becoming one, consider building applications that extend, enhance, and integrate G Suite apps and data with other mission critical systems to help businesses and educational institutions succeed.

Looking for inspiration? Here's a preview of some of the sessions that current and potential G Suite developers should consider:

The first is "Automating internal processes using Apps Script and APIs for Docs editors." Not only will you hear directly from senior engineers on the Google Sheets & Google Slides REST API teams, but you'll also find out how existing customers are already doing so! Can't wait to get started with these APIs? Here are the intro blog post & video for the latest Google Sheets API as well as the intro blog post & video for the Google Slides API. Part of the talk also covers Google Apps Script, the Javascript-in-the-cloud solution that gives developers programmatic access to authorized G Suite data along with the ability to connect to other Google and external services.

If that's not enough Apps Script for you, or you're new to that technology, swing by to hear its Product Manager give you an introduction in his talk, "Using Google Apps Script to automate G Suite." If you haven't heard of Apps Script before, you'll be wondering why you haven't until now! If you want a headstart, here's a quick intro video to give you an idea of what you can do with it!

Did you know that Apps Script also powers "add-ons" which extend the functionality of Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms? Then come to "Building G Suite add-ons with Google Apps Script". Learn how you can leverage the power of Apps Script to build custom add-ons for your business, or monetize by making them available in the G Suite Marketplace where administrators or employees can install your add-ons for their organizations.

In addition to Apps Script apps, all your Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides documents live in Google Drive. But did you know that Drive is not just for individual file storage? Hear directly from a Drive Product Manager on how you can, "Building enterprise-ready apps with Team Drives API." With the Drive API and Team Drives, you can extend what Drive can do for your organization. One example from the most recent Google I/O tells the story of how WhatsApp used the Drive API to back up all your conversations! To get started with your own Drive API integration, check out this blog post and short video. Confused by when you should use Google Drive or Google Cloud Storage? I've got an app, err video, for that too! :-)

Not a software engineer but still code as part of your profession? Want to build a custom app for your department or line of business without having to worry about IT overhead? You may have heard about Google App Maker, our low-code development tool that does exactly that. Curious to learn more about it? Hear directly from its Product Manager lead in his talk entitled, "Building powerful custom apps fast with App Maker on G Suite."

All of these talks are just waiting for you at Next, the best place to get your feet wet developing for G Suite, and of course, the Google Cloud Platform. Start by checking out the session schedule. Next will also offer many opportunities to meet and interact with industry peers along with representatives from all over Google who love the cloud. Register today and see you in San Francisco!

Posted by Wesley Chun (@wescpy), Developer Advocate, G Suite

It's common knowledge that presentations utilize a set of images to impart ideas to the audience. As a result, one of the best practices for creating great slide decks is to minimize the overall amount of text. It means that if you do have text in a presentation, the (few) words you use must have higher impact and be visually appealing. This is even more true when the slides are generated by a software application, say using the Google Slides API, rather than being crafted by hand.

The G Suite team recently launched the first Slides API, opening up a whole new category of applications. Since then, we've published several videos to help you realize some of those possibilities, showing you how to replace text and images in slides as well as how to generate slides from spreadsheet data. To round out this trifecta of key API use cases, we're adding text formatting to the conversation.

Developers manipulate text in Google Slides by sending API requests. Similar to the Google Sheets API, these requests come in the form of JSON payloads sent to the API's batchUpdate() method. Here's the JavaScript for inserting text in some shape (shapeID) on a slide:

    "insertText": {
        "objectId": shapeID,
        "text": "Hello World!\n"

In the video, developers learn that writing text, such as the request above, is less complex than reading or formatting because both the latter require developers to know how text on a slide is structured. Notice for writing that just the copy, and optionally an index, are all that's required. (That index defaults to zero if not provided.)

Assuming "Hello World!" has been successfully inserted in a shape on a slide, a request to bold just the "Hello" looks like this:

    "updateTextStyle": {
        "objectId": shapeID,
        "style": {
            "bold": true
        "textRange": {
            "type": "FIXED_RANGE",
            "startIndex": 0,
            "endIndex": 5
        "fields": "bold"
If you've got at least one request, like the ones above, in an array named requests, you'd ask the API to execute them with just one call to the API, which in Python looks like this (assuming SLIDES is your service endpoint and the slide deck ID is deckID):

To better understand text structure & styling in Google Slides, check out the text concepts guide in the documentation. For a detailed look at the complete code sample featured in the DevByte, check out the deep dive post. To see more samples for common API operations, take a look at this page. We hope the videos and all these developer resources help you create that next great app that automates producing highly impactful presentations for your users!

Posted by Wesley Chun, Developer Advocate, G Suite
At Google I/O 2016, we gave developers a preview of the Google Slides API. Since then, the gears have been cranking at full speed, and we've been working with various early-access partners and developers to showcase what you can do with it. Today, we're happy to announce that the Slides API v1 is now generally available and represents the first time that developers have ever been able to programmatically access Slides!
The Slides API breaks new ground, changing the way that presentations are created. No longer do they require manual creation by users on their desktops or mobile devices. Business data on inventory items like retail merchandise, homes/property, hotels/lodging, restaurants/menus, venues/events, and other "cataloged" assets can be instantly turned into presentations based on pre-existing slide templates. Traditionally, the sheer amount of data (and of course time[!]) that went into creating these slide decks made it unwieldy if done by hand. Applications leveraging the API can easily generate presentations like these, customized as desired, and in short order.
Developers use the API by crafting a JSON payload for each request. (We recommend you batch multiple commands together to send to the API.) You can think of these as actions one can perform from the Slides user interface but available programmatically. To give you an idea of how the new API works, here are what some requests look like for several common operations:
// create new slide (title & body layout)
    "createSlide": {
        "slideLayoutReference": {
            "predefinedLayout": "TITLE_AND_BODY"
// insert text into textbox
    "insertText": {
        "objectId": titleID,
        "text": "Hello World!"
// add bullets to text paragraphs
    "createParagraphBullets": {
        "objectId": shapeID,
        "textRange": {
            "type": "ALL"
// replace text "variables" with image
    "replaceAllShapesWithImage": {
        "imageUrl": imageURL,
        "replaceMethod": "CENTER_INSIDE",
        "containsText": {
            "text": "{{COMPANY_LOGO}}"
If you're interested in seeing what developers have already built using the API, take a look at our initial set of partner integrations by Conga, Trello, Lucidchart, Zapier and more, as described in detail in our G Suite blog post.

To help you get started, check out the DevByte above from our new series dedicated to G Suite developers. In the video, we demonstrate how to take "variables" or placeholders in a template deck and use the API to generate new decks replacing those proxies with the desired text or image. Want to dive deeper into its code sample? Check out this blogpost. If you're not a Python developer, it'll be your pseudocode as you can use any language supported by the Google APIs Client Libraries. Regardless of your development environment, you can use similar "scaffolding" to generate many presentations with varying content for your users. Stay tuned for more videos that highlight other Slides API features.
The Slides API is available to projects in your Google Developers console today. Developers can find out more in the official documentation which features an API overview plus Quickstarts, sample code in multiple languages and environments, to bootstrap your next project. We look forward to seeing all the amazing slide deck generating applications you build with our first ever API!

Posted by Tom Holman, Product Manager, Google Sheets

There was a time when office work used to be all about pushing physical paper. Computing and productivity tools have made things better, but workers still find themselves doing the same tasks over and over across the different apps they use: copying and pasting from a CRM app to a slide presentation, or manually exporting data from a project management app just to turn around and import it back into a spreadsheet. It’s the digital equivalent of pushing paper.

To make it easier to get the job done across multiple apps, without all the copy and paste, we’re announcing three new APIs and a new feature to help workers get to the data they need, when and where they need it.

Build seamless integrations with the new Sheets and Slides APIs

Our new APIs let developers connect their apps—and the data within them—more deeply with Google Sheets and Google Slides.

The new Sheets API gives developers programmatic access to powerful features in the Sheets web and mobile interfaces, including charts and pivot tables. For example, developers can use Sheets as part of a rich workflow that pushes data from their app into Sheets and allows users to collaborate on that data before the updated data is pulled back into the original app, removing altogether the need to copy and paste.

Teams at Anaplan, Asana, Sage, Salesforce, and SAP Anywhere are already building interesting integrations with the new Sheets API. Check out the video below to see an overview of what’s possible as well as several example integrations.

Partner integrations with the new Google Sheets API

The new Sheets API is available today. Find the developer documentation as well as a codelab to help you get started at developers.google.com/sheets.

Similar to the Sheets API, the new Slides API gives developers programmatic access to create and update presentations. For example, developers can use this API to push data and charts into Slides to create a polished report from source data in other application, ready to present.

Conga, ProsperWorks, SalesforceIQ and Trello are all building integrations with Slides using the new API. Several examples of what’s possible are in the video below.

Partner integrations with the new Google Slides API

The Slides API will be launching in the coming months, and these partner integrations will be available soon after. You can sign up for early access to the Slides API at developers.google.com/slides.

Keep your data in sync with the new Classroom API

For developers building tools and workflows for schools, the Classroom API has launched new coursework endpoints to help you build stronger integrations that keep your data in sync. Read the full announcement on the Google for Education blog, here.

Sync assignments & grades programmatically with the Google Classroom API

Say goodbye to stale data with linked charts

Finally, to make sure we can help keep all this data flowing seamlessly from app to app, users can now also embed linked charts from Sheets into Docs or Slides. The result? Once the underlying data in a spreadsheet changes, whether that change comes from an action taken in another app via the API or a collaborator, an updated chart in the corresponding presentation or document is just one click away.

Linked charts allow for easy updates in Docs & Slides

For more information, see how to add a chart to a document or to a presentation.

We can't wait to see what you build.