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You might be using the Google Calendar API, or alternatively email markup, to insert events into your users’ calendars. Thankfully, these tools allow your apps to do this seamlessly and automatically, which saves your users a lot of time. But what happens if plans change? You need your apps to also be able to modify an event.

While email markup does support this update, it’s limited in what it can do, so in today’s video, we’ll show you how to modify events with the Calendar API. We’ll also show you how to create repeating events. Check it out:

Imagine a potential customer being interested in your product, so you set up one or two meetings with them. As their interest grows, they request regularly-scheduled syncs as your product makes their short list—your CRM should be able to make these adjustments in your calendar without much work on your part. Similarly, a “dinner with friends” event can go from a “rain check” to a bi-monthly dining experience with friends you’ve grown closer to. Both of these events can be updated with a JSON request payload like what you see below to adjust the date and make it repeating:
var TIMEZONE = "America/Los_Angeles";
var EVENT = {
    "start": {"dateTime": "2017-07-01T19:00:00", "timeZone": TIMEZONE},
    "end":   {"dateTime": "2017-07-01T22:00:00", "timeZone": TIMEZONE},
    "recurrence": ["RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=2;UNTIL=20171231"]

This event can then be updated with a single call to the Calendar API’s events().patch() method, which in Python would look like the following given the request data above, GCAL as the API service endpoint, and a valid EVENT_ID to update:
GCAL.events().patch(calendarId='primary', eventId=EVENT_ID,
    sendNotifications=True, body=EVENT).execute()

If you missed it, check out this video that shows how you can insert events into Google Calendar as well as the official API documentation. Also, if you have a Google Apps Script app, you can programmatically access Google Calendar with its Calendar service.

We hope you can use this information to enhance your apps to give your users an even better and timely experience.

Enterprises are always looking for ways to operate more efficiently, and equipping developers with the right tools can make a difference. We launched Team Drives this year to bring the best of what users love about Drive to enterprise teams. We also updated the Google Drive API, so that developers can leverage Team Drives in the apps they build.

In this latest G Suite Dev Show video, we cover how you can leverage the functionality of Team Drives in your apps. The good news is you don’t have to learn a completely new API—Team Drives features are built into the Drive API so you can build on what you already know. Check it out:

By the end of this video, you‘ll be familiar with four basic operations to help you build Team Drives functionality right in your apps:
  1. How to create Team Drives 
  2. How to add members/users to your Team Drives 
  3. How to create folders in Team Drives (just like creating a regular Drive folder) 
  4. How to upload/import files to Team Drives folders (just like uploading files to regular folders) 
The Drive API can help a variety of developers create solutions that work with both Google Drive and Team Drives. Whether you’re an Independent Software Vendor (ISV), System Integrator (SI) or work in IT, there are many ways to use the Drive API to enhance productivity, help your company migrate to G Suite, or build tools to automate workflows.

Team Drives features are available in both Drive API v2 and v3, and more details can be found in the Drive API documentation. We look forward to seeing what you build with Team Drives!

Every company has workflows and processes that are unique to its business, customers and employees. Often, these are captured manually within large spreadsheets or ad-hoc databases with macros and scripts. But what if they could be turned into custom business apps instead? Apps that provide useful UIs and distinct user roles, while helping to minimize data entry errors and increase productivity?

This year at Google I/O, I shared reasons why businesses should use App Maker—our low-code, application development tool that lets companies quickly build custom apps in G Suite. Check it out here:

And for those who’d like more detail, here is a recap of my presentation.

Closing enterprise “app gaps” with App Maker 

“App gaps” are a reality for most companies, even those that embrace major SaaS products. Think about the edge cases that aren’t addressed with a standard CRM offering like conducting territory planning or tracking asset performance.

We experienced similar gaps at Google. A few years ago, our HR recruiters were overwhelmed with the thousands of monthly interviews that each generated lengthy feedback reports from multiple interviewers. This volume made it difficult for hiring committees to calibrate candidates and make timely decisions, and resulted in delayed responses. To fix this, our IT team decided to build an app by cobbling elements from our own infrastructure.

Over time, more app requests came in from other parts of Google, so we created App Maker. What started as a handful of apps within Google, evolved into nearly 400 internal apps used by thousands. Plus, the majority of these apps were built by non-engineers outside of IT.

Today, App Maker gives software engineers and citizen developers—like business analysts or coding enthusiasts—the ability to quickly build and deploy apps to get around their workflow challenges.

How does it work? 

App Maker makes it easy to build apps in days, not months, because of its easy data-binding and drag-and-drop UI design. You can also integrate your apps with various data sources, Google services or APIs to cover broad legacy assets. Any app you create is also a part of Drive in G Suite so your data never leaves your domain.

Here’s how to build an App Maker app in three steps:
  1. Define your data models, by importing existing Google Sheets to App Maker, connecting to Google Cloud SQL instances, or manually defining custom objects field by field.
  2. Build your UI by adding pre-built components like data entry forms, report templates and easily create event triggers and application flows. 
  3. Optionally, add open source HTML, CSS and JavaScript to run on the client UI and on the app server, implementing custom functionality that’s not provided out-of-the-box.
App Maker is currently in Early Adopter Program (EAP) for every G Suite Business customer. To get started, apply here.

Ideas to get started 

By now you’re probably wondering what you can build. Well, based on our customers’ experience, here are some good starting points:
  • If you have a large Sheet with more than a handful of users updating it regularly: Sheets usually have an underlying workflow. An App Maker app will provide a better UI for it—showing the workflow visually, prompting for actions and eliminating data entry errors. 
  • If you perform recurring bulk operations in Calendar or Gmail: Say an employee joins or leaves a department, you can build an App Maker app to generate the appropriate bulk-operations in a few clicks. 
  • If your company is already using Apps Script and BigQuery: This means you’ve already invested in customizing workflows. App Maker can increase the velocity of developing custom apps.
Go build your apps with App Maker in G Suite—sign up for the EAP today.