Posted by Hodie Meyers, Product Manager, Google Drive and Steve Bazyl, Developer Programs Engineer, Google Apps

Last year, we announced the deprecation of Google Drive web hosting for users and developers, and that the service will be shut down on August 31, 2016. We’d like to remind remaining users that websites hosted via[id] will become unavailable from that date.

For those who haven’t switched yet, please consider the following alternatives.

  • Google Drive API: If you’re using the web hosting feature to provide logged-in users access to public Drive items, you can use the API instead.
  • Firebase Hosting: If you’re using the web hosting feature to provide users access to static web pages whose content lives on Drive, you can migrate to Firebase by uploading the content to Firebase and serving pages via Firebase-specific URLs. Please see this video to learn more!
  • Google Cloud Platform: If you’re already a Google Cloud Platform customer, we recommend migrating to Google Cloud Platform static-website hosting.