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The Urban Assembly School for Applied Math and Science

Applied Math and Science (AMS) strives to prepare all of their students to become compassionate, critical thinkers capable of successful pursuits after high school. The school expects that its graduates will be well-prepared for college study and that they will be equipped with the skills to make solid career choices. From individual and group explorations into math and science-based projects to dynamic internships, AMS is a simultaneously compelling, rigorous, supportive, and fun college-preparatory school.

The Fund for Public Schools

The Fund for Public Schools works to attract private investment in school reform and to encourage greater involvement of all New Yorkers in the education of our children. This includes working to secure critical funding for system-wide education reform initiatives; facilitating strategic public-private partnerships; managing a targeted set of programs to support city schools; and building citywide public awareness.

In 2002 Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Chancellor Joel I. Klein established public-private partnerships as a critical means of supporting public education reform, and The Fund is the primary vehicle for advancing this effort. The Fund has secured unprecedented investment from private business, individuals, and foundations, raising more than $230 million for system-wide reforms and initiatives that support individual schools.

The Fund is a registered 501(c)3 organization. All donations to The Fund are tax-deductible. For more information please email us at info@fundforpublicschools.org.