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Tournament Overview

Each team of 5 students will compete against the other teams in their division in a 45 minute team competition. At the end of this session, the team with the highest score wins their division.


Each problem will have a separate point value ranging between 100-500 points. In addition to correctly answering as many problems as possible, teams must consider how many hard/easy problems to take on.

Teams receive a set of math problems of varying difficulty. Teams earn points by answering the problems correctly. The highest score at the end of 45 minutes wins.


  • Problem must be answered completely (including units) with work shown to get credit.
  • Each team’s assigned judge will check their answers, one problem at a time.
  • If ananswer is correct,
    • the judge sticks one of the school’s labels in the designated area
    • the student runs the paper to the official scorers' table
  • If a solution is incorrect, the judge hands the problem back to the team and they may attempt again for the correct solution. There is no penalty for re-trying problems!
  • One problem at a time gets run up to the Score Keeping Table. At no time will a team have more than one student up or more than one problem being checked.
  • Highest score at the end of 45 minutes wins.
  • Teams may complete problems in any order.
  • Teams may work on more than one problem at a time, but remember that only one problem may be scored at a time.
  • No pushing, shoving, or interfering with other teams' progress.

Technology Policy

Pi5NY supports fair sportsmanship. As such, we are not allowing any cell phones or Apple Watches to be visible on the tournament floor during the 45 minute competition. Photos are welcome during the Opening Ceremony, Parade of Mathletes, and Awards Ceremony from anywhere in the Armory. Additionally, parents and spectators may photograph their students from the stands during the competition. We thank you for your support and cooperation with this new policy to ensure the integrity of the Pi5NY Math Tournament.

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