From the course: Customer Service: Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting

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Being strong at problem-solving and troubleshooting

Being strong at problem-solving and troubleshooting

From the course: Customer Service: Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting

Being strong at problem-solving and troubleshooting

- How are you feeling? Do you feel better suited and prepared to handle customer situations? Troubleshooting customer service doesn't need to be difficult. Remember the simple task of asking yourself the very basic question of is this customer's concern valid or invalid? You need to be able to answer that so that you can provide the best possible solution. We've talked about different ways to handle each, and as you've seen, you handle them in quite similar ways. Again, this is a really simple way to look at all customer service issues and troubleshoot them without much grief and make a dramatic impact on your customer's experience. If you like this course, I want to make a few suggestions which I think will help you in your customer service efforts. First, I have three books on topics ranging from customer retention to customer service and increasing revenue through customer relationships. Look for my books…
