From the course: How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools

Using AI to get advice from the best experts

From the course: How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools

Using AI to get advice from the best experts

(keyboard clacking) - Imagine if you could just get a few minutes with the smartest people in the world. These could be fantastic business thinkers. They could be scientific thinkers. They could be celebrities. They could be even people from the past who aren't with us anymore. Imagine what they could do to prompt your thinking in different directions. Well, now you can actually get time with virtual versions of these people using ChatGPT. So let's have a look here. I've got a prompt here to kick us off, and that is here. Imagine you are a subject expert with 30 years of experience and lots of awards for excellence. So that's our character. That's who we're dealing with. Please give your best advice on, and then we put in our topic, drawing on research and best practice. Write your advice as an article using plain English and subheads to make it more readable. So we're going to put our subject in here. Imagine you are a subject expert. So let's see, business consultancy expert. I'll need to spell consultancy right. Okay, with 30 years of experience and lots of awards. Give your best advice on, let's say here, entering a new market. So imagine that we have a business and we want to enter a new market that's been untapped. Let's see what this virtual consultant comes up with. So this has given me a really, really good overview where it takes us through the different steps explaining why they're important, all the way through from conducting market research, developing a unique value proposition, building a strong local network. You know, giving us a conclusion at the end. But with any of these, if we want more advice on this, a little bit more explanation, let's see here. How about develop a unique value proposition? Can you tell me how I would go about developing a unique value proposition? And now we can get more specific information. There, it's expanded on that and if we want to go even deeper, we could take any of these steps there. We could ask for why would I do this? You could ask, how do I go about doing this? What are the steps that I would take to do this? Who do I need to get involved? Whatever, you can ask all of those questions and have a conversation. ChatGPT has got chat at the beginning of it for a reason. So please have those conversations to get the information that you need. Right, let's find another kind of expert here. Let's find somebody from history. We've got here, imagine you are, and then we put in our expert's name. Please give me your best advice on whatever the topic is, drawing from your writings, interviews and biographical information. So we are saying that we want to draw on the information that is in the database about this famous person. Write your advice as an article from your own point of view using plain English and subheads to make it more readable. So one of my ultimate heroes, let's go for Leonardo Da Vinci. Give your best advice on, what's one of the things that he would've been good at? Bridge building. Let's go for that. Bridge building. Okay, so he has given us some pretty high level information there. It's not very specific about bridge building but he's giving us high level principles. We could ask for more specific information if we wanted to. And this is the whole thing that I think when we're getting this kind of information, it's worth us asking to explore in different ways. So let's imagine here we want to say, let's explore the topic further with analogies. Let's see what happens here. Okay, so while it wraps up, you can see that we've got a few analogies to work with there. You know, it's like building a house. It's like gardening, it's like music, it's like cooking. You know, he's looking at it from different analogical points of view. That's quite useful. Let's go for one here. Let's explore with this further with examples. So let's go for this and see what it comes up with. So this is great. It's given us examples of different bridges here. So it's done exactly what I asked for. Now you can add all sorts of prompts. Let's look at this in a wider context. Let's look at this from the opposite perspective. Let's look at this from an economic viewpoint. Let's look at this from its impact on the environment. Now that allows us to get all sorts of amazing information and perspectives. And just remember that your job is to think from as many viewpoints as possible because the more you can do that, the more chances you have of coming up with incredible ideas at the end. (keyboard clacking)
