From the course: How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools

Using AI to get interesting headline and article ideas

From the course: How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools

Using AI to get interesting headline and article ideas

(keyboard typing) - Now it's easy to get caught in a rut if you are producing content for the same subject matter again and again. You just end up coming up with the same kinds of ideas again and again. So you might want to use chatGPT as a way of trying to nudge your thinking in different directions maybe get you thinking about content that wouldn't naturally occur to you. So let's have a look at how we can use some prompts to do that. So the first prompt we're going to put in here is about generating clickable headlines. Now, this is very specifically about creating headlines for articles that people will want to click on. Some of them might be a bit click baity but other ones might just be about trying to show you value. That there are things that you would really want to click on. So let's have a look at this. You are an expert copywriter with more than 20 years of experience in writing high performing copy. That is the character that our chatGPT instance here is going to be taking on. I want you to write me headlines for and then we put in subject. Present your response as a list of bullet points. Use the following as inspiration right. So what we're going to do here is we're going to take some headlines that have already they're already out there in the web and they have been successful. We're going to take these successful headlines and we are going to put them here as examples. This is about giving inspiration to chatGPT so it knows what it's aiming to do. So first of all, let's get this subject here. What's the subject we're going to do? Let's see, headline for articles on the intersection of creativity and technology. That's one of the things that I do. Write examples here. So I'm going to paste in here some examples and you can just search for these on the web and just say examples of successful headlines and create a little list and then paste them in. Here you go. Use the following as inspiration. Let's see what it comes up with. Okay, it's come up with some stuff there that I'm actually seriously considering writing articles for now. You know here the future of creativity how AI and robotics are revolutionizing the arts. That's something I'm very interested in. Artificial Intelligence and Creativity: A Match Made In Heaven question mark? So it's using some formats for successful headlines and it's applying it to these headlines. And of course for any of these headlines we might then want to just say, give me an outline for the content that would be in an article titled.. And then let's take one of these. Here we go. Art meets tech. Let's try this one. See what it comes up with. Okay, I think it's done a pretty good job here. Anyway, let's go on to our next prompt because our next prompt that we're going to look at here is about ideas for articles. So these are headlines. We're actually going to now look at the articles and what it is that could be in those articles. Here we go. So this prompt here You're an expert copywriter with more than 20 years of experience in writing high performing copy. You mean that's really our ideal. We want to be working with the best and we are telling chatGPT, that they need to be the best. I want you to come up with five compelling and persuasive article ideas for, we put our subject in here. And then we put in a little bit more information in there just to help us out here. Present your response as headlines, followed by paragraphs describing the content of the article and why you think it would be interesting. So our subject here will say, for article ideas for creative thinking. Now we want to put in more information, and as I said we should be putting as much information as we think is relevant into chatGPT, so that it's got context to draw on. Because if we don't brief chatGPT properly it's not going to give us the results that we want. So let's put a little bit more information in here. Information here is, brainstorming is the most widely used way of getting ideas out of a workforce. There we go. However, brainstorms have been proven to not work effectively. There are better ways of getting fresh thinking from your teams, right? I'm not saying what those are because I want to see if chatGPT will come up with some things that I maybe haven't thought about. About ways of getting fresh ideas from teams. So here we go. Let's see what it comes up with. Too many requests in one hour. Try again later. So I'll be back shortly. Let's cut out the intervening period. Okay, it's the next day. Time flies. So let's see if chatGPT is ready to receive our prompt yet. Let's hit return on this and try again. Now these are some really solid ideas. I could easily take these and write articles about them. In fact, I have ready written some of these articles previously. So this is some really good stuff. Now, when you are selecting your ideas for articles the criteria you should use is does it add value to my audience? That's the most important thing because we're already seeing that There's a lot of people who are using technology like this just to create content for the sake of creating content. It's really important that you are trying to improve the lives of your readers in some way. If you're not doing that through an article the article isn't actually worth writing in my opinion. So make sure that you are choosing your subjects for the right reason and that you are focusing the value on the end reader. (keyboard typing)
