From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems

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Overview of IoT ecosystem in industrial automation

Overview of IoT ecosystem in industrial automation

From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems

Overview of IoT ecosystem in industrial automation

- [Instructor] To better understand an IoT ecosystem, I will cover two examples. First, we will take a look at an IoT in industrial automation ecosystem, a specific area. And next, how IoT systems work in community in smart cities. Industrial automation refers to the environment of industrial systems, manufacturing, chemical processes, power generation facilities, oil and gas, or any factory settings related to industrial applications. This includes but is not limited to, computers, robots, machines, sensors, actuators, network and monitoring devices. There are three main levels within industrial automation systems, field level, control level and management level. The field level includes all the devices used within the field. The control level includes the different types of controllers, such as PLC that is used to control the design process. The management and information level contains the logic,…
