From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems

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Web of Things (WoT)

Web of Things (WoT)

- [Narrator] The internet of things has been growing rapidly and has billions of smart things connected to the internet, so compatibility is important. Incompatible protocols can become an issue, meaning the integration of data and services from various devices can be complex and challenging. This introduces the web of things, or WOT. The web of things describes the integration of different objects of the internet of things to the web to enable communication between heterogeneous devices and objects. The web of things emerged as an application platform of the internet of things. It was created to overcome the lack of interoperability of the internet of things across some platforms and develop a standard to have a common platform for IOT. The things within the web of things have smart embedded systems that enable communication with each other or with the web using the existing web standards. And by having a universal…
