From the course: LLaMa for Developers

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Differences between LLaMA 1 and 2

Differences between LLaMA 1 and 2 - Llama Tutorial

From the course: LLaMa for Developers

Differences between LLaMA 1 and 2

- [Instructor] LLaMa 1 was released in February 2023 and made immense progress in the world of large language models. A few months later, LLaMa 2 was released and became the standard for open source models. So what changed? In this video, we're going to cover the key differences between LLaMa 1 and 2. The main differences are the licensing of the models, the training data composition, and the fine-tuning techniques used. Let's talk about the licensing. And when LLaMa 1 came out, it was distributed under a non-commercial research license. Meta's goal was to help maintain integrity and prevent misuse. Now, six months later, this narrative changed completely. LLaMa 2 was released under both a research and commercial license. The commercial license is fairly light, something that we read through earlier. So the shift between a restrictive license and an open license for the model weights are quite different. So what were the impacts of these different licenses? Well, after LLaMa 1 came…
