From the course: LLaMa for Developers

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Explaining LoRA and SLoRA

Explaining LoRA and SLoRA - Llama Tutorial

From the course: LLaMa for Developers

Explaining LoRA and SLoRA

- [Instructor] In our chapter about training LoRa models, it's pretty interesting to see that we could create multiple adapters. In this video, we're going to talk about how we can serve many LoRa models using the Hugging Face framework, as well as another technique called S-LoRA. I'm here on the Hugging Face documentation, and we can see here we can add a LoRa adapter to a model. Scrolling down, we can also see that we can add another model. That's pretty interesting. And we can actually cycle between these two adapters to get different responses. Scrolling further, we can see that we can actively enable and disable these types of adapters, so in theory, we can serve many models at once using our base model and then adding adapters on top, and that's pretty cool. Now let's head over to this framework called S-LoRA. I'm on their GitHub page. Now, the interesting idea behind S-LoRA is that you can serve many more LoRa adapters at once. This is pretty powerful. In this diagram, we can…
