From the course: Power BI: Dashboards for Beginners (2022)

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Create safeguards by assuring data quality

Create safeguards by assuring data quality

From the course: Power BI: Dashboards for Beginners (2022)

Create safeguards by assuring data quality

- [Instructor] When it comes to creating dashboards, there's nothing worse than getting to the end of your project only to realize that the data or results just don't look right. So if data quality is an issue, isn't it better that we apply some basic checks early on in the piece? What you're looking at here is a Power BI model that already has a data connection. We can check this by clicking on the data icon to the left hand side of the screen. Now, when it comes to data integrity, it isn't possible to check for everything at this stage but it can certainly help with identifying some obvious things. Firstly, structure. Reliable data is neatly organized into rows and columns such as this one here. If data doesn't look organized, avoid using it. Next, data gaps. If you scan through the data and see a bunch of blank cells, for example, then that would be a red flag that something perhaps isn't right. Fortunately, in…
