From the course: Power BI: Dashboards for Beginners (2022)

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Prepare the optimal layout for stakeholders

Prepare the optimal layout for stakeholders

From the course: Power BI: Dashboards for Beginners (2022)

Prepare the optimal layout for stakeholders

- [Instructor] Preparing a dashboard is kind of a creative process. We need to think about what information and of course how it's set out, will resonate with stakeholders and decision makers. Now, it's certainly possible to change a Power BI layout down the track but it can get rather messy. So let's try and nail this at the outset. I encourage you to have the exercise file open for this movie to follow along with me. What you're looking at is a Power BI model that already has a data connection to some sales data for an eCommerce business. We can easily check this by clicking on the data icon on the left hand side of the screen. And here it is, feel free to scroll through the data at your leisure. Okay, let's go back to the reporting canvas by clicking on the report icon here and head over to the insert menu and then select text box. We're going to give our report a title, such as say "Red 30 Sales Report". You can…
