From the course: Video Foundations: Cameras and Shooting

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Creating a four-point lighting setup for a scene

Creating a four-point lighting setup for a scene

From the course: Video Foundations: Cameras and Shooting

Creating a four-point lighting setup for a scene

Now in this movie we are just going to go over the basics of 4-point lighting. So I am going to explain to you what the four lights are in 4-point lighting, and we are going to talk a little about their positioning and some other things to keep in mind when we are setting up these lights. So first, a couple of ground rules before we jump into 4-point lighting, anytime you're doing this type of lighting set up, and that is first thing that I need to have set up is a camera, before I even open up my lighting kit or take out any lights at all, I set up my camera. Now why is a camera the first thing that I am going to set up for a lighting setup? Because my naked eyes are telling me nothing at all about what the camera is actually seeing. Remember, that there are settings such as the shutter speed, the exposure, white balance, all of these things are going to dramatically affect how my image is actually going to look. So the first thing I set up is a camera to make sure that I am looking…
