From the course: Video Foundations: Cameras and Shooting

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Using tools to achieve better focus

Using tools to achieve better focus

So we've gone over the basics of how to manually focus and why it's important to get it right, but in reality it ain't always easy to get right, especially in the high resolution world of HD. So I want to explain the common focus issues with HD, then run down a list of tools and camera features to help you get your focus right all the time, every time. So here is the big problem, today's crop of Prosumer HD cameras give us unprecedented image quality compared to cameras that cost two to three times as much just a few years ago. We can now shoot crisp, clean HD footage with 720 or even 1080 lines of horizontal resolution, which is more or less double the resolution of Standard Definition Video. So the resolutions of many Consumer and Prosumer cameras now rival the image quality of much more expensive cameras. And that's a lovely thing. However, there is one huge problem that comes with this brave new world of inexpensive High Resolution HD, and that problem is that even though the…
