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Integrity and Authenticity

Integrity and Authenticity

Released April 17, 2024

Effective May 17, 2024

We want you to feel confident that you can access information that is reliable, discover content that is original, and engage with people who are authentic. This is foundational to building a community of trust and accountability both on and off-platform.


In a global community, it is natural for people to have different opinions, but we seek to operate on a shared set of facts and reality. We do not allow misinformation that may cause significant harm to individuals or society, regardless of intent. We rely on independent fact-checking partners, guidance from public health authorities, and our database of previously fact-checked claims to help assess the accuracy of content.

Content is ineligible for the FYF if it contains misinformation that may cause moderate harm, such as certain health content, conspiracy theories, repurposed media, or misrepresented authoritative sources. To be cautious, unverified information about emergencies and content temporarily under review by fact-checkers is also ineligible for the FYF.

To help you manage your TikTok experience, we may apply warning labels to content that has been assessed by our fact-checking partners and cannot be verified as accurate. We may also send prompts to reconsider sharing such content.

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Misinformation means false or misleading content.

Significant harm means severe forms of physical harm (including life-threatening injury or death), psychological harm (including trauma), large-scale property damage, and societal harm (including undermining fundamental social processes or institutions).

Moderate harm health misinformation means false or misleading content regarding the treatment or prevention of injuries, conditions, or illnesses that are not immediate or life-threatening.

Conspiracy theories means beliefs about unexplained events, or involve rejecting generally accepted explanations for events, including suggesting they were carried out by covert or powerful individuals or groups.

Repurposed media means unedited media content that is presented out of context and may mislead a person about a developing topic of public importance.

Misrepresented authoritative sources means content that promotes misleading correlations or conclusions related to authoritative information that is recognized and trusted, such as reports from research institutions.


  • Misinformation that poses a risk to public safety or may induce panic about a crisis event or emergency, including using historical footage of a previous attack as if it were current, or incorrectly claiming a basic necessity (such as food or water) is no longer available in a particular location
  • Health misinformation, such as misleading statements about vaccines, inaccurate medical advice that discourages people from getting appropriate medical care for a life-threatening disease, or other misinformation which may cause negative health effects on an individual's life
  • Climate change misinformation that undermines well-established scientific consensus, such as denying the existence of climate change or the factors that contribute to it
  • Conspiracy theories that name and attack individual people
  • Conspiracy theories that are violent or hateful, such as making a violent call to action, having links to previous violence, denying well-documented violent events, or causing prejudice towards a group with a protected attribute


  • Conspiracy theories that are unfounded and claim that certain events or situations are carried out by covert or powerful groups, such as "the government" or a "secret society"
  • Moderate harm health misinformation, such as an unproven recommendation for how to treat a minor illness
  • Repurposed media, such as showing a crowd at a music concert and suggesting it is a political protest
  • Misrepresenting authoritative sources, such as selectively referencing certain scientific data to support a conclusion that is counter to the findings of the study
  • Unverified claims related to an emergency or unfolding event
  • Potential high-harm misinformation while it is undergoing a fact-checking review


  • Statements of personal opinion (as long as it does not include harmful misinformation)
  • People sharing their own stories or experiences about medical treatment or procedures, or health care systems (as long as it does not contain harmful misinformation, or encourage people to ignore professional medical advice or public health authority guidance)
  • Discussions about climate change, such as the benefits or disadvantages of particular policies or technologies, or personal views related to specific weather events (as long as it does not undermine scientific consensus)

Civic and Election Integrity

Elections are important events and are often the subject of intense discussion and analysis. We try to balance enabling these discussions, while also being a place that brings people together and does not cause division. We do not allow paid political promotion, political advertising, or fundraising by politicians and political parties (for themselves or others). Our political advertising policy includes both traditional paid advertisements and creators receiving compensation to support or oppose a candidate for office.

We want to enable the informed exchange of civic ideas in a way that fosters productive dialogue. We do not allow misinformation or content about civic and electoral processes that may result in voter interference, disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, or lead to off-platform violence.

Content may be ineligible for the FYF if it contains misinformation that can hinder the ability of a voter to make an informed decision. To be cautious, unverified claims about an election and content temporarily under review by fact-checkers may also be ineligible for the FYF.

To help you manage your TikTok experience, we may apply warning labels to content that has been assessed by our fact-checking partners and cannot be verified as accurate. Learn more about our election integrity work, and Government, Politician and Political Party accounts.

More information

Misinformation means false or misleading content.


  • Election misinformation, including:
    • How, when, and where to vote or register to vote
    • Eligibility requirements of voters to participate in an election, and the qualifications for candidates to run for office
    • Laws, processes, and procedures that govern the organization and implementation of elections and other civic processes, such as referendums, ballot propositions, or censuses
    • Final results or outcome of an election
  • Promoting or providing instruction on illegal participation and electoral interference, including intimidation of voters, election workers, and electoral observers
  • Calling for the disruption of a legitimate outcome of an election outside of the legal system, such as through a coup


  • Unverified claims about an election, such as a premature claim that all ballots have been counted or tallied
  • Statements that significantly misrepresent authoritative civic information, such as a false claim about the text of a parliamentary bill

Edited Media and AI-Generated Content (AIGC)

We welcome the creativity that new artificial intelligence (AI) and other digital technologies may unlock. However, AI and other digital editing technologies can make it difficult to tell the difference between fact and fiction, which may mislead individuals or harm society. We require you to label AIGC or edited media that shows realistic-appearing scenes or people. This can be done using the AIGC label, or by adding a clear caption, watermark, or sticker of your own.

Even when appropriately labeled, AIGC or edited media may still be harmful. We do not allow content that shares or shows fake authoritative sources or crisis events, or falsely shows public figures in certain contexts. This includes being bullied, making an endorsement, or being endorsed.

We are committed to protecting people's privacy. We do not allow content that contains the likeness of young people, or the likeness of adult private figures used without their permission.

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AI-generated content (AIGC) is content, including images, video, or audio, that is created or modified by artificial intelligence (AI) technology or machine-learning processes. This content may include images of real people, and may show highly realistic-appearing scenes or use a particular artistic style, such as a painting, cartoons, or anime.

Significantly edited content is content that shows people doing something they did not do, saying something they did not say, or altering their appearance in a way that makes them difficult to recognize or identify. This includes applying certain face filters, or an animation of an individual.

Misleading AIGC or edited media is audio or visual content that has been edited, including by combining different clips together, to change the composition, sequencing, or timing in a way that alters the meaning of the content and could mislead viewers about the truth of real world events.

Realistic-appearing scenes or people is content that uses are scenes, using images, video, or audio, that would lead someone to believe that the person shown is real or the event took place in the real world, such as a scene that is shown in the style or quality of a photograph or video.

Likeness is a clear representation of an individual. It includes audio and visual representation, and may show their face, body, or their distinctive appearance, gestures, or mannerisms.

Public figures are adults (18 years and older) with a significant public role, such as a government official, politician, business leader, or celebrity. We do not identify people under the age of 18 as public figures.

Private figures are all people under the age of 18, and adults (18 years and older) who are not public figures.

REQUIRED DISCLOSURE (using the AIGC label or a clear caption, watermark, or sticker)

  • Content that is either completely generated or significantly edited by AI and contains realistic-appearing scenes or people
  • A disclosure is not required if it involves edits that do not change the core meaning of the content, such as minor retouching, changing background objects, or using TikTok Effects or filters


  • Realistic-appearing people under the age of 18
  • The likeness of adult private figures, if we become aware it was used without their permission
  • Misleading AIGC or edited media that falsely shows:
    • Content made to seem as if it comes from an authoritative source, such as a reputable news organization
    • A crisis event, such as a conflict or natural disaster
    • A public figure who is:
      • being degraded or harassed, or engaging in criminal or anti-social behavior
      • taking a position on a political issue, commercial product, or a matter of public importance (such as an elections)
      • being politically endorsed or condemned by an individual or group


  • The likeness of a deceased individual in certain educational settings, such as a World War I veteran in a museum exhibit
  • The likeness of a public figure in certain artistic or humorous settings, such as a celebrity doing a popular TikTok dance or a spoof about a politician

Fake Engagement

Authentic engagement is central to the integrity of our platform and informs how we recommend content that you may find interesting. We do not allow the trade or marketing of services that attempt to artificially increase engagement or deceive TikTok's recommendation system. If we become aware of accounts or content with inauthentically inflated metrics, we will remove the associated fake followers or likes.

Content is ineligible for the FYF if it seeks to trick or manipulate others to increase gifts, followers, likes, views, or other engagement metrics.

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  • Facilitating the trade or marketing of services that artificially increase engagement, such as selling followers or likes
  • Providing instructions on how to artificially increase engagement on TikTok


  • Content that tricks or manipulates others as a way to increase gifts, or engagement metrics, such as "like-for-like" promises or other false incentives for engaging with content

Unoriginal Content

The creativity on TikTok is what makes it great, so you should only post your own work. We do not allow content that violates someone else's intellectual property rights. If we become aware of content that is a violation, we will remove it. Learn more about our intellectual property (IP) policies.

Content is ineligible for the FYF if it involves unoriginal or reproduced content that does not have any new or creative changes.

If you believe you have experienced an IP violation, you can file a copyright report or a trademark report.

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Intellectual property refers to the ownership of something that you created, which includes copyright and trademarks.

Copyrights are legal rights related to original works of authorship, including music and videos. Copyrights protect the original expression of an idea (such as the specific way a video or music is expressed or created) but do not protect underlying ideas and facts.

Trademarks are words, symbols, slogans, designs, or a combination of these that identifies the source of a product or service and distinguishes it from other products or services.


  • Content that violates someone else's copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights


  • Reproduced or unoriginal content that is imported or uploaded without any new or creative edits, such as content with someone else's visible watermark or superimposed logo
  • Low quality content, such as extremely short clips or exclusively-GIF based videos

Spam and Deceptive Behavior

To build a trusted community online, it is important that the behaviors and identities on your accounts are authentic and truthful. We do not allow account behavior that may spam or mislead our community. This includes conducting covert influence operations, manipulating engagement signals to amplify the reach of certain content, and operating spam or impersonation accounts. Parody or fan-based accounts are allowed, as long as they are clearly disclosed in the account name (note that this is different than the @username).

You can set up multiple accounts to create different channels for authentic creative expression, but not for deceptive purposes. We do not allow the use of accounts to engage in platform manipulation. This includes the use of automation to register or operate accounts in bulk, distribute high-volume commercial content, artificially increase engagement signals, and circumvent enforcement of our guidelines.

If any of your accounts have been banned, or restricted from using a feature, you must not set up a new account or use a different existing account to get around the ban or restriction.

If we determine you have engaged in any of these deceptive account behaviors, we will ban the account, and may ban any alternative accounts being used or new accounts that are created.

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Covert influence operations (CIO) are coordinated, inauthentic behaviors where networks of accounts work together to mislead people or our systems and try to strategically influence public discussion. This may include attempting to undermine the results of an election, influencing parts of an armed conflict, or shaping public discussion of social issues. Learn more about covert influence operations.

REQUIRED DISCLOSURE (in the account name)

  • Parody or fan-based accounts must be clearly disclosed in the account name (note that this is different than the @username)


  • Spam, including
    • Operating large networks of accounts controlled by a single entity, or through automation
    • Bulk distribution of a high-volume of spam
    • Manipulation of engagement signals to amplify the reach of certain content, or buying and selling followers, particularly for financial purposes
  • Impersonation, including:
    • Accounts that pose as another real person or entity without disclosing that they are a fan or parody account in the account name, such as using someone's name, biographical details, content, or image without disclosing it
    • Presenting as a person or entity that does not exist (a fake persona) with a demonstrated intent to mislead others on the platform
  • Covert influence operations, including:
    • Registering and operating networks of inauthentic accounts
    • Coordinating content or engagement activity to artificially promote certain narratives or trends
    • Trying to manipulate our recommendation system by using methods that make it hard to determine the actual location of accounts
  • Circumvention, including:
    • Attempting to avoid an account ban, such as spreading content violations across multiple accounts
    • Using an alternative account (either a new or existing one) to:
      • Continue behavior that previously resulted in a ban or restriction on a different account
      • Maintain access to TikTok after an account has been banned for a severe violation
      • Bypass restrictions placed on an account, including using the alternative account to access features that have been restricted on another account, such as a temporary LIVE suspension
  • Hacked materials distribution, when:
    • The risk of harm is significant, and
    • Materials have been determined to be confidential, and
    • Acquisition of the materials was unauthorized, and
    • Distribution did not adhere to appropriate legal channels or responsible journalistic practices