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Safety and Civility

Safety and Civility

Released April 17, 2024

Effective May 17, 2024

Physical and psychological safety form the foundation of individual well-being, and civility is key to a thriving community. Being civil does not mean you must always agree, but rather it is about recognizing everyone's inherent dignity and being respectful in action, words, and tone when engaging others.

Violent and Criminal Behavior

We are committed to bringing people together in a way that does not lead to physical conflict. We recognize that online content related to violence can cause real-world harm. We do not allow any violent threats, promotion of violence, incitement to violence, or promotion of criminal activities that may harm people, animals, or property.

If there is a specific, credible, and imminent threat to human life or serious physical injury, we report it to relevant law enforcement authorities.

For details on how we approach content that contains images of violence but does not promote violence, see Shocking and Graphic Content.

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  • Threatening or expressing a desire to cause physical injury to a person or a group
  • Promoting or inciting violence, such as encouraging an attack or others to attack, praising a violent act, or recommending people bring weapons to a location to intimidate others
  • Promoting theft, or the destruction of property or the natural environment
  • Providing instructions on how to commit criminal activities that may harm people, animals, or property


  • Threats of violence in fictional settings

Hate Speech and Hateful Behavior

TikTok is enriched by the diversity of our community. Our differences should be embraced, rather than a cause for division. We do not allow any hate speech, hateful behavior, or promotion of hateful ideologies. This includes explicit or implicit content that attacks a protected group.

When there are discussions about social issues on TikTok, we want them to be respectful. Content may be ineligible for the FYF when it indirectly demeans protected groups.

Learn more about our work to counter hate, as well as tools that can help limit unwanted interactions, including restricting options for comments, duet, stitch, and messaging.

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Hateful ideologies are systems of beliefs that exclude, oppress, or otherwise discriminate against individuals based on their protected attributes.

Protected groups means individuals or communities that share protected attributes.

Protected attributes mean personal characteristics that you are either born with, are immutable, or it would cause severe psychological harm if you were forced to change them or were attacked because of them. This includes:

  • Caste
  • Ethnicity
  • National Origin
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Tribe
  • Immigration Status
  • Gender
  • Gender Identity
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Disability
  • Serious Disease

In addition, we also provide some protections related to age, and may consider other protected attributes when we have additional context, such as specific regional information provided to us by a local non-governmental organization (NGO). The attributes listed above are informed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international conventions.


  • Promoting violence, segregation, discrimination, and other harms on the basis of a protected attribute
  • Promoting any hateful ideology, including:
    • Claiming supremacy over a protected group, such as racial supremacy, misogyny, anti-LGBTQ+, antisemitism, or Islamophobia
    • Making conspiratorial statements that target a protected group, such as supporting the Great Replacement Theory or saying that Jewish people control the media
    • Using associated symbols and images
    • Facilitating the trade or marketing of any items that promote hate speech or hateful ideologies, such as books or clothing with hateful logos
  • Dehumanizing someone on the basis of their protected attributes by saying or implying they are physically, mentally, or morally inferior, or calling them degrading terms, such as saying they are criminals or animals, or comparing them to inanimate objects
  • Using a hateful slur associated with a protected attribute
  • Denying, or minimizing the scale of, well-documented historical events that harmed protected groups, such as denying the existence of the Holocaust or the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda
  • Accusing a protected group of being responsible for bad acts caused by one person with that protected attribute, such as using one example of harmful behavior caused by an immigrant to suggest all immigrants are dangerous
  • Content that dehumanizes or denies the existence of people because of their protected attributes, such as saying people have a mental illness if they identify as transgender
  • Deadnaming or misgendering someone by using their former name or gender rather than their chosen identity, or by promoting conversion therapy programs that attempt to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity


  • Some content that uses stereotypes, insinuation, or indirect statements that may implicitly demean protected groups


  • Slurs that are reclaimed by the targeted community in a way that is not degrading, such as using a slur in a song or to refer to yourself
  • Educational and documentary content that raises awareness about the harm of hate speech, including slurs when they are used to discuss a related harm
  • Counterspeech, condemnation of, or satire about hateful ideologies
  • Discussion of social issues that impact protected groups, including in policy debates (as long as it does not attack people on the basis of a protected attribute)

Violent and Hateful Organizations and Individuals

We want you to share what inspires you, but TikTok is not a place to spread beliefs or propaganda that encourage violence or hate. We do not allow the presence of violent and hateful organizations or individuals on our platform. These actors include violent extremists, violent criminal organizations, violent political organizations, hateful organizations, and individuals who cause serial or mass violence. If we become aware that any of these actors may be on our platform, we will conduct a thorough review - including off-platform behavior - which may result in an account ban.

Often the ideas of these actors are amplified by others. We do not allow anyone to promote or provide material support to violent or hateful actors. Content that may appear neutral, such as featuring a quote from a hateful organization or individual, must make clear that there is no intent to promote it. We make limited exceptions for discussions about violent political organizations.

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Material support means giving financial contributions, goods, or services to promote violent organizations or individuals, or their cause. This includes recruitment, fundraising, selling merchandise, and promoting training materials.

Violent extremists are non-state groups, including those designated by the United Nations, that threaten or use violence against civilians for political, religious, ethnic, or ideological reasons.

Violent criminal organizations are transnational, national, or local groups that commit serious crimes, including violence, trafficking, and kidnapping.

Violent political organizations are non-state actors that commit violent acts primarily against state actors (such as a national military) rather than civilians, as part of ongoing political disputes (such as territorial claims).

Hateful organizations are groups who target people on the basis of protected attributes, including inciting hate, dehumanizing individuals or groups, and promoting hateful ideologies.


  • Accounts operated by organizations or individuals that promote violence or hateful ideologies on or off-platform
  • Providing material support to violent political organizations or promoting violence caused by them
  • Promoting (including any praise, celebration, or sharing of manifestos) or providing material support to:
    • Hateful organizations
    • Individuals who cause serial or mass violence, or promote hateful ideologies
    • Violent criminal organizations
    • Violent extremists


  • Discussing a violent political organization (as long as there is no promotion of violence)
  • Educational and documentary content that raises awareness about the harm of violent and hateful actors

Youth Sexual and Physical Abuse

We are deeply committed to TikTok being a safe and positive experience for young people. We do not allow showing, promoting, or engaging in youth sexual or physical abuse or exploitation. This includes child sexual abuse material (CSAM), grooming, sextortion, sexual solicitation, pedophilia, and physical or psychological harm of young people.

We report incidents of youth sexual abuse and exploitation and abuse to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). We also report to relevant law enforcement authorities when there is a specific, credible, and imminent threat to human life or serious physical injury. If you see suspected CSAM, report it immediately in-app or on our website. Do not download, capture, or share CSAM content in any way.

If you or someone you know has experienced youth sexual abuse or exploitation, support is available. Contact a helpline or service provider in your region. If you are in immediate danger, contact your local emergency services.

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Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) means any sexualized material of a young person that is shared or created by anyone, including self-generated CSAM, or highly realistic-appearing digital or AI-generated content. Sexualized material includes content that implies or shows sexual activities or sexual abuse, sexualization of a youth body, or fetishization of youth body parts.

Grooming is when someone becomes friendly or otherwise builds a trusting relationship with a young person for the purpose of sexual abuse or exploitation.

Sextortion is a threat to share nude, intimate, or sexually explicit content without consent, usually to get money, sexual acts, or more nude, intimate, or sexually explicit content.

Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual communication or behavior directed at a person. This includes sexualization through the platform (such as imitating a sexual act through a duet or a sticker), making statements about intimate body parts or sexual performance, or sharing or threatening to share information about a person's sexual life (such as sexual history or partners, or sexual orientation).

Intimate body parts means genitalia, buttocks, and breasts (including nipple and areola).


  • Showing, promoting, or engaging in youth sexual or physical abuse or exploitation, including:
    • Child sexual abuse material (CSAM), including any screenshot or any clip from the original material even if it does not show nudity or sexual activity
    • Romantic relationships between an adult and young person, including pedophilia, or self-identifying as an adult attracted to young people
    • Grooming behavior
    • Sextortion
    • Sexual harassment
    • Sexual solicitation, including inviting a young person to engage in a sexual act, go off-platform, or share sexually explicit images (even if invited by another young person)
  • Showing or promoting physical abuse, neglect, endangerment, or psychological abuse of young people
  • Revictimizing young people who have experienced abuse or exploitation, including through third party reshares


  • Educational and documentary content related to the harms of abuse or exploitation (as long as it does not show or graphically describe such content)

Adult Sexual and Physical Abuse

We are committed to providing a space that embraces gender equity, supports healthy relationships, and respects intimate privacy. Undermining these values can cause trauma and may lead to physical and psychological harm. We do not allow showing, promoting, or engaging in adult sexual or physical abuse or exploitation. This includes non-consensual sexual acts, image-based sexual abuse, sextortion, physical abuse, and sexual harassment.

If you or someone you know has experienced abuse or exploitation, support is available. Contact a helpline or service provider in your region. If you are in immediate danger, contact your local emergency services. If you believe you have experienced an intimate privacy violation on our platform, you can report it.

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Non-consensual sexual acts means any sexual contact that happens without the consent of everyone involved in the activity. This includes any non-consensual sexual contact, such as rape and molestation.

Image-based sexual abuse is possessing, distributing, or providing instructions on how to create or access intimate images (real or altered) of an individual that were created or distributed for a sexual purpose without their consent. Content may be distributed without consent even if it appears to have been taken with consent.

Sextortion is a threat to share nude, intimate, or sexually explicit content without consent, usually to get money, sexual acts, or more nude, intimate, or sexually explicit content.

Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual communication or behavior directed at a person. This includes sexualization through the platform (such as imitating a sexual act through a duet or a sticker), making statements about intimate body parts or sexual performance, or sharing or threatening to share information about a person's sexual life (such as sexual history or partners, or sexual orientation).

Intimate body parts means genitalia, buttocks, and breasts (including nipple and areola).


  • Showing, promoting, or engaging in:
    • Non-consensual sexual acts, image-based sexual abuse, or physical abuse (domestic violence)
    • Sexual harassment
    • Sextortion


  • Survivors of abuse or exploitation sharing their own experiences (as long as it does not show or graphically describe such content)
  • Educational and documentary content that raises awareness about the harm of sexual exploitation and gender-based violence (as long as it does not show or graphically describe such content)

Human Trafficking and Smuggling

We are committed to upholding individual human dignity and ensuring TikTok is not used to take advantage of vulnerable people. We do not allow human trafficking and smuggling. We understand how important it is for survivors of human trafficking and smuggling to share their stories, and for migrants to be able to document their journeys, so we provide a space to do so.

We report incidents of youth sex trafficking to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). We also report to relevant law enforcement authorities when there is a specific, credible, and imminent threat to human life or serious physical injury.

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Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery that can occur domestically or internationally and involves the recruitment of victims, coordination of their transport, and their exploitation using force, fraud, coercion, or deception. It can include sex, labor, child, or organ trafficking, forced marriage, forced criminality (such as exploitative begging), domestic servitude, and child soldiers.

Human smuggling involves earning a profit by helping a person to illegally enter another country. It can include providing transportation, consultation, identity, and travel document fraud.


  • Facilitating or coordinating human smuggling acts and services
  • Recruiting or coordinating human trafficking acts


  • Expressing a desire to migrate to another country, or showing a migrant's journey (as long as it does not explicitly show the involvement of smugglers in their journey)
  • Asking for help or sharing information about how to leave a country as a result of human rights related abuses or a humanitarian crisis
  • Survivors sharing their own experiences of human trafficking and smuggling
  • Educational and documentary content that raises awareness about the harm of human trafficking and smuggling

Harassment and Bullying

We welcome the respectful expression of different viewpoints, and want to ensure that anyone can share their voice without the fear of being degraded or bullied. We do not allow harassing, degrading, or bullying statements or behavior. This includes responding to such acts with retaliatory harassment.

We recognize that public figures are in a position of public attention, have ways to counter negative speech, and that some content related to them may be in the public interest to view. We do allow some negative or critical comments or images about public figures. However, we still remove content that violates other policies (such as violent threats, hate speech, or sexual exploitation), as well as serious forms of harassment (such as doxxing or expressing a desire that someone experience serious physical harm).

If you or someone you know is being bullied, help is available. We offer support resources, as well as tools that can help limit harmful interactions, including restricting options for comments, duet, stitch, and messaging.

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Doxxing involves publishing personal information about someone online with a malicious intent. We recognize intent can be subjective, so we use objective indicators to help us understand it, such as captions and hashtags.

Public figures are adults (18 years and older) with a significant public role, such as a government official, politician, business leader, or celebrity. We do not identify people under the age of 18 as public figures.

Private figures are all people under the age of 18, and adults (18 years and older) who are not public figures.


  • Degrading an individual who has experienced physical distress, or on the basis of their personal appearance, intelligence, or personal circumstances (such as hygiene, or health or medical history)
  • Showing someone being physically bullied by another person or group
  • Degrading or revictimizing people who have experienced a tragedy, such as claiming that they deserved it or belittling or denying their experience
  • Undermining an individual's physical safety, by threatening them, or expressing a desire for them to die, get a serious disease, or experience some other severe physical harm
  • Threatening or inciting others to doxx or blackmail someone, or to share or hack account information
  • Inciting others to harass a person, or promoting coordinated harassment, such as advocating for people to post comments with abusive language, or to maliciously report an account


  • Criticizing an individual's content or actions (as long as it does not critique their personal characteristics)
  • Counterspeech, or condemnation of harassment or bullying (as long as it does not involve retaliatory harassment)
  • Some negative or critical comments or images about public figures (as long as they do not constitute serious forms of harassment or violate other policies)
  • Educational and documentary content that raises awareness about the harms of harassment and bullying